The first time a somali character will be a lead for a major hollwood film.

well well well...... wht the f*ck is this shit. lacanutallah. i will be review bombing this shit.

usually its women and POC people crying about "representation". the third wave of somalis in hollywood is upon us. black hawk down was critically acclaimed and so was captain Phillips. where does this put this jereer women taking over somali stories? somalis are at the peak of their social integration we will boycott this slander that hollywood is trying to Madowify somalis. inshallah we must organize protests at this blasphemy we must make change.
She’s a benadiri who married her cadaan coach when she was 16.

Also avoided Somalis like the plague, not surprised seeing as most Benadiri/Reer Xamar did back in the day.

The crazy part about all this is that nobody even knows or cares for Fiiri, neither Ajanabi or Somali, yet a major A-list actor is going to play her biopic, something no one even asked for? Yeah, okay.

Also can't wait for them to push that 'Cadaan male saving lowly WOC from her misogynistic culture (when misogyny is universal) so she can blossom into true 'womanhood', whatever the hell that means in Hollywood nowadays.
She’s a benadiri who married her cadaan coach when she was 16.

got groomed subhnallah. and her opinion invalid. she doesnt speak for us. shes in a haram marriage. may allah guide her
Also avoided Somalis like the plague, not surprised seeing as most Benadiri/Reer Xamar did back in the day.

The crazy part about all this is that nobody even knows or cares for Fiiri, neither Ajanabi or Somali, yet a major A-list actor is going to play her biopic, something no one even asked for? Yeah, okay.

Also can't wait for them to push that 'Cadaan male saving lowly WOC from her misogynistic culture (when misogyny is universal) so she can blossom into true 'womanhood', whatever the hell that means in Hollywood nowadays.
it'd be funny if they cast her cadaan husband accurately but disregard the somalinimo of the main character. ofc her non-somali ass wouldnt care for the slandering of the somali depiction. khasaaro woman wallahi
Also avoided Somalis like the plague, not surprised seeing as most Benadiri/Reer Xamar did back in the day.

The crazy part about all this is that nobody even knows or cares for Fiiri, neither Ajanabi or Somali, yet a major A-list actor is going to play her biopic, something no one even asked for? Yeah, okay.

Also can't wait for them to push that 'Cadaan male saving lowly WOC from her misogynistic culture (when misogyny is universal) so she can blossom into true 'womanhood', whatever the hell that means in Hollywood nowadays.
Wait does that mean we are gonna get the asian women x cadaan man trope shoved on us :what:

We don't need no representation if this is the kind of stuff along with what they have already put out about us is gonna be how we are represented.

So technically this movie is gonna be some #halimoexit propaganda I guess it's a good thing a somali isn't acting out this role at least

And if what @Burqad said is true then are they gonna show her getting groomed and married at 16 or is that against the narrative there trying to push because that kind of dynamic is illegal in the uk a person in a position of power like a coach can't have a relationship with an underaged kid so something isn’t adding up :deadpeter:
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@vbdvllahj @Javelin We'll see, hope for the best but expect the usual, then again this is Hollywood we're talking about here, it's obvious they have a clear agenda against Somalis, more specifically the men than the women, but that's another topic for another day.
I hope the directors capitalise on her 'oppressed' people's history and identify her as a Benadiri in the movie and make sure her origins are told. That's the typical liberal tear dropper. Also, ethnic minorities shouldn't be allowed to ruin our reputation, only we are.
Wait does that mean we are gonna get the asian women x cadaan man trope shoved on us :what:

We don't need no representation if this is the kind of stuff along with what they have already put out about us is gonna be how we are represented.

So technically this movie is gonna be some #halimoexit propaganda I guess it's a good thing a somali isn't acting out this role at least

And are they gonna show her getting groomed and getting married at 16 or is that against the narrative there trying to push :deadpeter:
lmfao "#halimoexit" should've been the slogan of this shit.
but inshallah this never becomes a reality, we chilling in our utopia


The Conqueror, King of all Westeros
This propaganda worthy of Goebbels.

But it's funny, it's always the same scenario: trying to show the Somali man as someone violent, misogynistic, authoritarian (Barkahd Abdi) and somali women that try to escape this culture with the help of the white savior.

