The Digital Sisterhood officially CANCELLED #filthysisterhood

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"Salafi types" - as in these people have salafi (i.e orthodox) view however are hindered by specific, personal biass
How did you not get this?

Because I notice people love to scapegoat Salafis. You're point doesn't really stand because afaik Muhammad Hijab and Ali Da'wah are not even Salafi. Hijab is actually quite critical of Salafis from what I've seen.
Because I notice people love to scapegoat Salafis. You're point doesn't really stand because afaik Muhammad Hijab and Ali Da'wah are not even Salafi. Hijab is actually quite critical of Salafis from what I've seen.
Yeah I got no problem with salafism. The way these people criticize it because of "culture" of some other irrelevant reason besides the deen is retarded
These incels really reduced the “her name is hana” episode down to promotion of suicide.

This story was so sad and was about depression/suicide awareness. A story of a somali hoyo who was depressed and attempted suicide. By allah swt she survived and died of stomach infection instead

how evil do you have to be to do someone like that?

these incels were slandering the hoyo.

@hamar_oo_iidil @Siren95 @truenature
What the woman in the podcast voice died?


East Africa UNUKA LEH
What the woman in the podcast voice died?
No, they shitted on the whole podcast. But this one is a different one. The narrator of that podcast episode’s mom attempted suicide, but allah swt saved her then she died from stomach illness so she doesn’t get sin from suicide.
Ive seen many reviews and sisters opinions the defense to the podcast are

  • Its only one episode (cap multiple episodes speak about zina without forbidding it)
  • What about male podcasts? ( why divert the problem can you not be criticized individually Imagine a brother after he gets advised he says what about the females this is clear nacaasnimo)
  • The podcasts has brought me close to islam ( Does that mean we should excuse the host when she selectively chooses to point at haram and invites guests who have no accountability and uploads them. In episode 13 the girl had no issue committing zina until she realized her name will be destroyed where is the fear of allah)
Having male friends and dating without a brother or father in attendance this is a common theme and it hasn't been once said it is haram and be seen as the main cause of the problem. Their intentions might be pure but wallahi its a howler shut down the podcast it gives a excuses for zina (maybe unknowingly) due to feelings and experimenting.

If your defending the podcast its cause it is relatable to diaspora somalis and you want support and defend sisters no matter what . Instead calling it for what it is

In episode 23 the host went among the lines we find self love by experimenting and having crushes and talking to them and guest goes into detail of things which are prohibited in islam like flirting and having relationships with gaal males not once was this warned by the host

Shut down this filthy podcast wallahi this is something I expect from gaal therapist go out and search for love cause your confused and don't know how to feel loved to a degree they laugh and excuse when a person comes close to zina nacala ku yaal. These are confused sisters who try to accept the haram that occur in the west and normalize haram relationship and dating. Any true muslim would understand zina is not something u experiment with cause you are insecure or lack self love. These are grown women making excuses.

Wrap this saqajaan podcast up I spoke and gave my number to a gaal cause i didnt know to feel loved abaha waas. 0 shame

The host wears a niqab but gets excited by haram love stories.
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No one is legitimately arguing in good faith. Farahs using the "deen" to humiliate xalimos and they're clapping back as to not be disrespected. Fucking retarded gender war shit why is this the only thing that attract people's attention?
Moths to a fucking light I swear
She never mentioned it, but apparently he's a little big older but still in high school, both are minors he isn't a legal adult

Both are minors, it's a mess. I can imagine them both agreeing to the act and just before it goes down she backs out and the guy being horny forces her to continue, very plausible.
But I can also imagine they both agrees to it and after the fact she regrets or it doesn't work out so she claims to be victim of rape.
Both scenarios are very possible and we have only her side of the story. Even her POV is very vague and elusive from the few clips I've seen.
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Why can’t she talk about her experiences when it’s an episode to prevent this things from happening? It’s her life and her lived experience. She should be quiet and never speak on it? So another person can end up in the same situation? These episodes are an hour plus long, people taking out 30 seconds of it, are just pushing a narrative. She didn’t even go into any details.

That's the problem isn't? She did not go on details, she did not tell her parrent, school or police and a decade later claims being raped without shred of evidence or much less a full detailed account of what happened? She could be indeed a victim but the way she went bout it is wrong. Did a half assed job in airing her own laundry and gave jobless trolls enough rope to speculate and it goes viral.
If her intentions was to protect other girls she should come out in public, name the guy and listen to his POV. Only then can we come to a fair judgment and make it an example for other teens.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.

The above rendition of the story is simply outrageous to say the least. Not only does he intentionally omit very important details but he distorts large parts of the story.

Take for instance the kissing where he claims that she said yes to, this is an outright lie as she explicitly states that the guy kissed her without her consent & she was freaked out by it. What she admitted to by saying yes was commencing a relationship with him not any of the other actions which she was coerced into doing.

She clearly makes a distinction between the actions that she willingly consented to without coercion and those that she was forced, groomed & manipulated into doing. Not once did the host or her ever claim to or even advocate that it was okay to engage in zina.

His entire agenda is to vilify the sister as someone whose only regret was about being found out, which is not the case here. As she was mentally and physically traumatised by what she was forced to do to the point that she tried to commit suicide, believing she’s undeserving of Allah’s Mercy etc

She went through a very traumatic experience that shattered her innocence & dignity to pieces yet all these people seem to care about is enforcing their selective understanding of what they deem to be an attack on Islam.

Yes the sister made a mistake in having friends of the opposite gender, pursuing a haram relationship laakin none of this has implies that we should exaggerate & slander her. Nor does this mean she’s not entitled to our sympathy, support and duas.

It’s as if some of them seek pleasure in her misery , Do they get a kick out of it mise ? Waa arin yaab leh ruunti

May Allah forgive us for all our shortcomings

Ameen thumma Ameen
The above rendition of the story is simply outrageous to say the least. Not only does he intentionally omit very important details but he distorts large parts of the story.

Take for instance the kissing where he claims that she said yes to, this is an outright lie as she explicitly states that the guy kissed her without her consent & she was freaked out by it. What she admitted to by saying yes was commencing a relationship with him not any of the other actions which she was coerced into doing.

She clearly makes a distinction between the actions that she willingly consented to without coercion and those that she was forced, groomed & manipulated into doing. Not once did the host or her ever claim to or even advocate that it was okay to engage in zina.

His entire agenda is to vilify the sister as someone whose only regret was about being found out, which is not the case here. As she was mentally and physically traumatised by what she was forced to do to the point that she tried to commit suicide, believing she’s undeserving of Allah’s Mercy etc

She went through a very traumatic experience that shattered her innocence & dignity to pieces yet all these people seem to care about is enforcing their selective understanding of what they deem to be an attack on Islam.

Yes the sister made a mistake in having friends of the opposite gender, pursuing a haram relationship laakin none of this has implies that we should exaggerate & slander her. Nor does this mean she’s not entitled to our sympathy, support and duas.

It’s as if some of them seek pleasure in her misery , Do they get a kick out of it mise ? Waa arin yaab leh ruunti

May Allah forgive us for all our shortcomings

Ameen thumma Ameen

You got a point walaal but her not accepting her mistakes and shifting the blame to other reasons is what has allowed the exaggerated statements and slander to occur.

If she said i should've not come close to the boy and stayed away from zina there wouldn't be as much outrage apart from her exposing her sins.

Also my issue why make this story public on a platform which has large influence she isnt aware where she went wrong and even after the traumatic experience she still maintained male friends.

This is not a beneficial podcast and removes accountability if this is to create awareness it was done horribly. This story is more emphasized on the impacts of community slander rather than what leads to zina

The sister made a mistake and still is unable to call it out why even record a podcast to warn others lol.

Its like I tell a story on how my business failed and I don't tell the listeners where I went wrong (and they want to not copy my mistakes ) and I do not acknowledge the mistakes that I made. What is the viewer learning apart from my emotions after a failed project and how i became broke and depressed.

Also i dont believe theres much distorting too what she endured is sad she accepted a relationship then kept going cause of fear .Consent is bs when you seeked a haram relationship is the relation meant to be blessed and good lol she made a mistake that's all and is unable to acknowledge it and the male took advantage of her.
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And you don’t need to, because it ain’t a woman’s area of responsibility.

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What a world we live in. Here is a Muslim man bragging about his experiences of Zina, yet you’re bashing a podcast you haven’t listened to that has been twisted out of context. This is a perfect example of the moral decay that we are finding with a few of the Muslim male youth.
This is not a beneficial podcast and removes accountability if this is to create awareness it was done horribly. This is more story emphasized on the impacts of community slander rather than what leads to zina

The sister made a mistake and still is unable to call it out why even record a podcast to warn others lol.

Its like I tell a story on how my business failed and I don't tell the listeners where I went wrong (and they want to not copy my mistakes ) and I do not acknowledge the mistakes that I made. What is the viewer learning apart from my emotions after a failed project and how i became broke and depressed.
Thanks @AdoonkaAlle for your thoughtful analysis.

There is no way of you getting out of this as it shows you haven’t listened to the podcast. You keep on posting the views of TL trolls who have clearly twisted the content of the podcast. If you actually listened to it, you too would have been making the same comments as Adoonka as the thread you posted is littered with blantant lies. There is nothing wrong with thoughtful criticism, but the biggest issue is that at least 90% of what is being said by these twitter misogynists are lies. Digital nomad have been accused of being undercover kufs, promoting zina, promoting haram and the like when anyone that has listened to their podcast would be able to see that wasn’t the intention in the slightest. Where there mistakes? Yes. But the hot takes you keep on posting are nothing but slander and that is what I find dangerous.

it’s dangerous that men who have not even bothered to actually listen to what these women have fully said apart from snippets and hot takes by certified trolls are quick to say the vilest of things about their sisters of Islam. What I find shocking is that these are the same guys who go out of their way to defend the gaal Andrew Tate with absolute passion. I say this, because I’ve seen most of those so called ‘brothers’ argue with sisters about Tate and defended him ferociously. Yet when it comes to Muslim women, we’re thrown under the bus and treated worse than gaals whose words are put under microscopes, cross examined and lied about.

If you don’t see that there is a real moral decay amongst some of the Muslim male youth especially on social media then I don’t know what to say. A few months ago, these men were bashing and fighting the sisters because of their negative few of Tate. The way they defended the honor of that cadaan gaal was a sight to behold and today they accuse sisters of being filthy, fasiqs and make Takfir on them. Muslim twitter is cancer.[/spoiler]
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The above rendition of the story is simply outrageous to say the least. Not only does he intentionally omit very important details but he distorts large parts of the story.

Take for instance the kissing where he claims that she said yes to, this is an outright lie as she explicitly states that the guy kissed her without her consent & she was freaked out by it. What she admitted to by saying yes was commencing a relationship with him not any of the other actions which she was coerced into doing.

She clearly makes a distinction between the actions that she willingly consented to without coercion and those that she was forced, groomed & manipulated into doing. Not once did the host or her ever claim to or even advocate that it was okay to engage in zina.

His entire agenda is to vilify the sister as someone whose only regret was about being found out, which is not the case here. As she was mentally and physically traumatised by what she was forced to do to the point that she tried to commit suicide, believing she’s undeserving of Allah’s Mercy etc

She went through a very traumatic experience that shattered her innocence & dignity to pieces yet all these people seem to care about is enforcing their selective understanding of what they deem to be an attack on Islam.

Yes the sister made a mistake in having friends of the opposite gender, pursuing a haram relationship laakin none of this has implies that we should exaggerate & slander her. Nor does this mean she’s not entitled to our sympathy, support and duas.

It’s as if some of them seek pleasure in her misery , Do they get a kick out of it mise ? Waa arin yaab leh ruunti

May Allah forgive us for all our shortcomings

Ameen thumma Ameen

My intention in sharing this and participating in this thread at all is not about the sister in particular.

It is about the harms of these types of podcasts.

Would anyone here allow their young sister or daughter to listen to this type of *islamic* podcast? That is who it is geared towards. It is important to bring attention to issues like these so people are made aware.
What a world we live in. Here is a Muslim man bragging about his experiences yet you’re bashing a podcast you haven’t listened to that has been twisted out of

Some things are, especially since women’s p
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Wallahi the thing you want is for me to have is emotional attachment to her story and not look at the pros and cons of the podcast objectively. I listened to her story and sympathized with her. Then i thought to myself what is the point of this podcast and what have they taught and spread awareness to.

The links i may have posted may have been exaggerated but they have elements of truths.

I see theres a clear agenda from the males by cussing the host and the guest and i clearly dont agree with what these men are saying on twitter ive said this before.

Wallahi i listened to majority of 2 episodes about the topic of dating and talking to the other gender and i gave criticism just because i didn't acknowledge some idiocy and childish behavior by men on twitter it doesn't make me wrong or less credible

If you want me to defend and give the benefit of the doubt for the digital sisterhood podcast.
there must be an attempt to forbide haram sister. Wallahi the host at the start of episode 23 got excited and expressed her excitement to hearing a story about a sister who spoke to non mahram casually and dated a gaaal. Tell me how i can defend that i wouldnt even let my own friends speak fondly of haram like that without warning the brother.
Wallahi the thing you want is for me to have is emotional attachment to her story and not look at the pros and cons of the podcast objectively. I listened to her story and sympathized with her. Then i thought to myself what is the point of this podcast and what have they taught and spread awareness to.
My issue is that you posted a twitter thread filled with blantant lies and distortion as Adoonka pointed out. If you actually properly listened to it, you wouldn’t have posted it or agreed with the twitter post.
The links i may have posted may have been exaggerated but they have elements of truths.
No, it has been grossly exaggerated. Anyone with principles wouldn’t have posted such blantant twisting if they actually listened to it.
I see theres a clear agenda from the males by cussing the host and the guest and i clearly dont agree with what these men are saying on twitter ive said this before.
Clear agenda it is indeed. I have no issues with your latest criticism by the way. There is nothing wrong with giving feedback on parts you might have found lacking if it isn’t based on distorting and lies.
Wallahi i listened to majority of 2 episodes about the topic of dating and talking to the other gender and i gave criticism just because i didn't acknowledge some idiocy and childish behavior by men on twitter it doesn't make me wrong or less credible
It is the fact that you posted a twitter thread filed with lies and you even argued that you agree with it. That is dangerous. Surely if you listened to it, you would have dismissed that thread the way Adoonka did
If you want me to defend and give the benefit of the doubt for the digital sisterhood podcast.
there must be an attempt to forbide haram sister. Wallahi the host at the start of episode 23 got excited and expressed her excitement to hearing a story about a sister who spoke to non mahram casually and dated a gaaal. Tell me how i can defend that i wouldnt even let my own friends speak fondly of haram like that without warning the brother.
Excitement? The whole podcast was about a situation in which the sister felt taken advantage of. It was about sexual abuse. Many are arguing that it isn’t, but either way the host and the girl telling the story we’re not excited about the ordeal at all. In fact, it was traumatizing for her and at one point talkes about feeling suicidal. So what on earth are you talking about.

I feel many here are on an alternative planet devoid of reality.

My intention in sharing this and participating in this thread at all is not about the sister in particular.

It is about the harms of these types of podcasts.

Would anyone here allow their young sister or daughter to listen to this type of *islamic* podcast? That is who it is geared towards. It is important to bring attention to issues like these so people are made aware.
off topic but I have to ask this. Andrew Tate has often been praised by the Muslim male community on social media to such an extent that even men in the Dawah scene invited him, knowing that even more young men will be exposed to this views. Where is the concern for young men? The vast majority of what Tate says is 10x worse than this podcast and he is pure Kufr. Wallahi the hypocrisy is clear as day. It is clear to see hardly any of the men complaining about this care about morality and lack principles so give it up. I see right though you.

Now talking about the main issue: It was one episode talking about the harms of Sexual abuse and looks into the harms that have befallen that girl. No one in their right mind would proper listen to that episode and say that they were encouraging Zina or the like. They could have most definitely executed properly and delved into it deeper and better because the unfortunate reality is that this is something that impacts teens and young adults.

Many brothers with podcasts often talk about the struggles of Corn and the shame they feel or the trails of lowering one’s gaze. I don’t ever see or hear any backlash about this, simply because they’re men and the trolls who have started all of this wouldn’t bat and eyelid.

What’s concerning though is the blantant lies you’ve been posting. The vast majority of those posts by the trolls you have posted have twisted and exaggerated. Actually read Adoonka’s post because I know you haven’t listened to it AT ALL and wallahi it is shameful that you’ll post tweets accusing these girls of promoting Zina and being fasiqs. That is pure slander and you’ll be held accountable for that.
off topic but I have to ask this. Andrew Tate has often been praised by the Muslim male community on social media to such an extent that even men in the Dawah scene invited him, knowing that even more young men will be exposed to this views. Where is the concern for young men? The vast majority of what Tate says is 10x worse than this podcast and he is pure Kufr. Wallahi the hypocrisy is clear as day. It is clear to see hardly any of the men complaining about this care about morality and lack principles so give it up. I see right though you.

Now talking about the main issue: It was one episode talking about the harms of Sexual abuse and looks into the harms that have befallen that girl. No one in their right mind would proper listen to that episode and say that they were encouraging Zina or the like. They could have most definitely executed properly and delved into it deeper and better because the unfortunate reality is that this is something that impacts teens and young adults.

Many brothers with podcasts often talk about the struggles of Corn and the shame they feel or the trails of lowering one’s gaze. I don’t ever see or hear any backlash about this, simply because they’re men and the trolls who have started all of this wouldn’t bat and eyelid.

What’s concerning though is the blantant lies you’ve been posting. The vast majority of those posts by the trolls you have posted have twisted and exaggerated. Actually read Adoonka’s post because I know you haven’t listened to it AT ALL and wallahi it is shameful that you’ll post tweets accusing these girls of promoting Zina and being fasiqs. That is pure slander and you’ll be held accountable for that.
source? also if they invited him im 100% sure it was to give him dawah
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