The British problem

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If that were true, they'd be content with the crime-ridden Somali males in the Dem African and Make Money Gang :susp:

An ex-con isn't a con, it's a reformed title. Many girls like to "fix" men and see positive change, and that's a real problem. It's the psychology of seeing change or being the reason for it, of witnessing a "Bad to Good" transition over the other way around.

I'd say many are running away from inferior Somali culture and all it's many landmines as well. The ppl where I am aren't marrying excons, they're just plain marrying and dating out. Even in a suburban environment, many Somali guys here aren't reaching for the stars and manage to get into dubious situations and have criminal records. If the excon were the main attraction, they could find it in the community.

Okay so who's taking the L today we need to start a rotational shift like from 12 pm to 6 am some one needs to take L's from 6 am till 12 same thing :bell:


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Okay so who's taking the L today we need to start a rotational shift like from 12 pm to 6 am some one needs to take L's from 6 am till 12 same thing :bell:
idk what ur talking about but i'm pretty sure u just took an L


You pointed out "fixing" men. That's very interesting, that's one intriguing difference between heterosexual men and women. Men usually aren't interested in a partner with "baggage" but women are. You can really dissect the different thinking pattern resulting from gender. dissecting it, might illuminate one of the many reasons why Somali males fall into delinquency.
I think the culture explains delinquency. It has a lot to do with the way children are raised and whether or not they're imbibed with the skills to succeed. Somali women are raised differently from Somali males.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Okay so who's taking the L today we need to start a rotational shift like from 12 pm to 6 am some one needs to take L's from 6 am till 12 same thing :bell:

Team Faraax never taking L's. :ufdup:
Abu Tyrone is gonna take a major L when he lands this nut case, and then she gonna take the L back when he beats her ass. She said inferior culture :damn::damn::damn::damn:. Who says that, the f*ck :what1::what1::what1:
She got serious problems mane.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I think the culture explains delinquency. It has a lot to do with the way children are raised and whether or not they're embibed with the skills to succeed. Somali women are raised differently from Somali males.

Many from the first generation lost the way because we came to a completly diffrent country with a completely different society. Only now do we understand how the West works. Now we producing lots of talented of children. You will see people putting respect on the Somalis in 10 years time. We are nearly there.
All this slander against UK xalimos are a way to distract against the fact that a lot of UK farax are useless. :reallymaury: Coming up with rumours that have no basis smh

Males on this site are way to preoccupied with ajnabi dicks. You lot somehow manage to bring it up every chance u get. Even in an unrelated posts! What's with the obsession? Do u feel inadequate in conparison to abu tyrones? Is the insecurity getting to u?

Lmaooo it's not a thing so stop crying :drakelaugh:


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
All this slander against UK xalimos are a way to distract against the fact that a lot of UK farax are useless. :reallymaury: Coming up with rumours that have no basis

Males on this site are way to preoccupied with ajnabi dicks. You lot somehow manage to bring it up every chance u get. Even in an unrelated posts! What's with the obsession? Do u feel inadequate in conparison to abu tyrones? Is the insecurity getting to u?

Lmaooo it's not a thing so stop this crying :drakelaugh:

We the ones ain't running after ajanabi D's
I've been hearing that xalimos in the U.K. Have made vows to not marry Somalis. I know xalimos bump their standards to 800 when it comes to Somali guys compared to reer rashaun and ina Robinson, dropping 40k dowrys and wanting niggas who are also heart surgeons but it's way worse in Britain it seems. I've heard they wait at mosques just to look for ex con reverts, literally ex cons. How do these idiots expect to have decent standards of living married to criminals. If reer UK are any good looking ima have to jump someone:fredo:, get jailed:mjcry:, convert to Islam while I'm bored:ayaanswag:, change my name to Abu Tyrone or daud Peterson :kanyehmm: and be degenerate enough to bag myself an average xalimo:jcoleno:. I feel really sorry for you reer UK, Canada isn't that cold, right?

Why y'all so obsessed with what UK girls are doing? This Abu Tyrone craze is being blown well and truly out of proportion and given how badly such marriages have gone I'm guessing is on a sharp decline.

Which Xalimo is asking for 40k waryahee beenta naga daa. And these girls going for the 'ex-cons' are religious types looking for religious men. Weirdly a lot of these wadaads do seem to be ex-convicts - INCLUDING THE SOMALIS . How many Somali boys got done for selling drugs and came out of prison wearing a thawb saying 'akhi this akhi that'. Obviously when Somali girls marry these Somali boys nobody says anything, it just becomes an issue when he is non-Somali because then it is news.

I don't like putting my brothers down but the prospects out here is frightening. I ain't looking for a millionaire - I'm looking for my equal. Someone decent and I know there are decent boys out there but it seems you always have a downside with these men. If you want him to be religious, he has a criminal record. If you want him to be educated he couldn't care less about religion etc. you can't win. I sympathise with the girls who marry out - it sucks. They have to trade in nin Somaali - someone who gets them on every level and truly understands them in a way no ajanabi man every can - for some ajanabi because they feel like their life choices are limited.

Yeah there are some self-hating girls who just want cadaan babies or who hate daqankooda but you are blowing those figures out of proportion dang.


Many from the first generation lost the way because we came to a completly diffrent country with a completely different society. Only now do we understand how the West works. Now we producing lots of talented of children. You will see people putting respect on the Somalis in 10 years time. We are nearly there.
Why the males, and not the females? The way the women are raised is different and engenders some success in the West. Meanwhile, the guys are given limitless freedom and are growing up on the streets. My dad was involved in my brothers' lives. He went to their football games, he took them to the library, they went on trips together. They were made to be responsible adults and had to account for where they were and when. It wasn't just us girls that were expected to explain our whereabouts, our grades, etc. The first time my brother wanted to move out, my parents refused him despite being an adult on the risk that if he did so against their will he would not be welcome back until he had something to show for making that move. This ended being bc my parents were worried he was getting caught up with the wrong crowd (which ended up being true), and they were able to steer him away from that.


UK xalimos are lovely man. They are highly educated, beautiful and their accent:whoo: Only foible they have is that they are too religious:patrice: They use more inshallah's, mashallah's in their vocab than most Arabs :lolbron:

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Haven't seen this Reer Tyrone business tbh, but I'm guessing these types listen to trap music so no surprises. But in my old masjid there were marriage lists where the sole criteria for these xalimos were for the man to have "white skin". Nothing else. They would also emphasise that the man cannot be Somali.


Accomplished Saaxir
Why are some of you so focused on preserving this ethnic group. Look at our foreheads dammit. You want your 10 year old son going up to you and saying "Papa my hair is falling out."

Cos that's what will happen if we don't breed out.

With every successive generation, age of bidaar onset will decrease by a year and our hairline will go back half an inch.

Do the right thing before it's too late
Haven't seen this Reer Tyrone business tbh, but I'm guessing these types listen to trap music so no surprises. But in my old masjid there were marriage lists where the sole criteria for these xalimos were for the man to have "white skin". Nothing else. They would also emphasise that the man cannot be Somali.

You got to see the marriage lists?
UK xalimos are lovely man. They are highly educated, beautiful and their accent:whoo: Only foible they have is that they are too religious:patrice: They use more inshallah's, mashallah's in their vocab than most Arabs :lolbron:

Hortaa most Godless Somalis in Europe also come from the UK right ?
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