The blue rag shall not be tolerated

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Abti Farmaajo order the mig 17 on these fools :lolbron:
In governance, they say it is sometimes more effective to do nothing, lest it create a Streisand effect.

By doing nothing, a government does not win or lose. However, by moving swiftly to eradicate something, it usually creates more attention to the situation than it did previously. This is known as the Streisand effect, at least in a political governance perspective.

For Somaliland, had they not have chosen to arrest people who wear the Somali flag, there would be no media coverage. Furthermore, Somaliland could have touted it as an example of their democracy. However, by choosing to arrest them, Somaliland gives the topic attention and essentially informs its critics that wearing the Somali flag offends their sensibilities.

Now they have given free airtime to this situation as well as giving ammunition to their enemies.

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot , some of these diehard landers especially the ones here do far more damage to their own cause than any supposed enemy.
this retarded thread is an example.


Minister of Propaganda
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot , some of these diehard landers especially the ones here do far more damage to their own cause than any supposed enemy.
this retarded thread is an example.

I mean many think they are doing what is best for SL, however, as I stated this is will hurt them in the long-run.
I do love a good vintage Konfuurian calaacal with a side order of their salty tears once in awhile.

Thank you Konfuurians for obliging

Imagine your clan being imprisoned in their own land:kendrickcry:

ileen ceeb looma dhinto, then these niggas wanna come to Garowe with a bowl.


SSpots starting point guard
I don’t think this is something to be proud of. Sometimes you landers just keep digging your own hole. Maybe being proud of the port the Arabs just built in berbera would have been a better idea, even though you guys only own 30% of it.
I don’t think this is something to be proud of. Sometimes you landers just keep digging your own hole. Maybe being proud of the port the Arabs just built in berbera would have been a better idea, even though you guys only own 30% of it.
Such a level of stupidity crammed into one post, that I feel unqualified to pick it apart. I'll let Abraham Lincoln take this one...

