The abuse of somali fathers who are forced to flee the west leaving their children behind

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Lol not all Somali men just the weak pathetic ones who go around loooking sympathy for leaving their kids and refusing to pay child support
I agree the reason why your mother left your father is cause all somali men chew khat and are bums like all your somali male relatives


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Right so that will be 1 woman going to hell and 150 men going to hell

@AussieHustler these men really struggle with basic arithmetic and yet they claim the 68 IQ thing is a myth.
Women are not going to hell for fornication cause its just a sin rather more women will go to hell cause women outnumber men and are more likely to choose material over the next life as the saying goes diamonds are a womans best friend

You are not capable of doing you own critical thinking

1 woman gains the sin for sleeping with 150 men So her sinwill be 150 times greater

While each man will get a sin for sleeping with that one woman each
Right so that will be 1 woman going to hell and 150 men going to hell

@AussieHustler these men really struggle with basic arithmetic and yet they claim the 68 IQ thing is a myth.
It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “I was shown Hell and I have never seen anything more terrifying than it. And I saw that the majority of its people are women.” They said, “Why, O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “Because of their ingratitude (kufr).” It was said, “Are they ungrateful to Allah?” He said, “They are ungrateful to their companions (husbands) and ungrateful for good treatment. If you are kind to one of them for a lifetime then she sees one (undesirable) thing in you, she will say, ‘I have never had anything good from you.’” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 1052)
Lol so the same ratio of men and women will be going to hell for fornicating. So why did you bring that up as a reason why more women will be going to hell than men?

Gosh you really are dense, if you really believe that more women will be going to hell then just look at Syria, somalia and Yemen, who is causing all the misery there. Start using your brain and stop regurgitating things you’ve been told and like the sound of.
Stop being stupid! there have been more women than men in the history of mankind so naturally of course more women will have more opportunities to sin and will enter the fire more frequently. Dont let your delusion cloud your judgement. More women cheat in relationships, more women file for divorce and go out of their way to ruin the father of their children's life.

Look at how evil women can be when backed up by the divorce system. No all women! but you seem to be offended either way and vehemently deny that women can be cold hearted es.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Sheeko sheeko, sheeko xariir, “Somali women are evil”. Boowe that’s your never ending narrative here. When will you get tired of it?

Do me a favour, don’t plant weird ideas into @Knowles head.:)
Stop your slander when have called women evil?

You are clutching at straws i guess desperate times call for desperate measures abaayo macaan
Right so that will be 1 woman going to hell and 150 men going to hell

@AussieHustler these men really struggle with basic arithmetic and yet they claim the 68 IQ thing is a myth.
Those 150 men committed 1 sin. She will suffer 1 count of zina, 2 counts of seduction, 1 count of being without her mahrem, 1 count being ungrateful to the father who raised her and whoring around and many more.

Also what makes you think you can debate on this matter when you don't even know how the scale will be measured? you think only sins add up to send you to hell? listen little girl....let em tell you something. Each sin has a different weight on the scale which will correlate to how sever the sin is. Hence the man commiting zina with her will not be completely enough to condemn him unless he commits it in excess ro adds on more severe sins, the woman will already probably be bitter, selfish, greedy and an annoyance to her husband like most and will add the weight of fornication to her list of sins. So yes in this case the woman is more likely to go to hell than some horny male.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Right so that will be 1 woman going to hell and 150 men going to hell

@AussieHustler these men really struggle with basic arithmetic and yet they claim the 68 IQ thing is a myth.
@Knowles lets see who has a lower iq you or me abaayo macaan

1 woman commits 150 crimes Of theft

150 men commit 150 crimes each of theft

Which one commited more crimes the 150 men or the 1 woman?
Right so that will be 1 woman going to hell and 150 men going to hell

@AussieHustler these men really struggle with basic arithmetic and yet they claim the 68 IQ thing is a myth.


It is intellectually dishonest to say that men are solely responsible for Somali divorces and family breakups. Women contribute to it, but I don’t think the situation is dire as Cognitive will like us to believe.

In most cases, Somali men are to blame because a fake pride coupled with self-destructive arrogance turned us into less inclined to communicate and negotiate with their wives and when the going gets tough, we are almost out of the door. We consider ourselves to be the alpha males and our words as Hadiths. I’ve seen it many times. I’ve seen a Somali dude who divorced his wife and accused her of being a “”. His evidence? She makes sounds of enjoyment during love-making. Before Somalis are allowed to marry, we should go through a thorough psychiatric evaluation. Too many divorces.


Maalmahaan, si baad u yara kacsantahy ma duqdii baa saliga kuu soo xoortey? If that’s the case, I apologise for my insensitivity.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

It is intellectually dishonest to say that men are solely responsible for Somali divorces and family breakups. Women contribute to it, but I don’t think the situation is dire as Cognitive will like us to believe.

In most cases, Somali men are to blame because a fake pride coupled with self-destructive arrogance turned us into less inclined to communicate and negotiate with their wives when the going gets tough. We consider ourselves to be the alpha males and our words as Hadiths. I’ve seen it many times. I’ve seen a Somali dude who divorced his wife and accused her of being a “”. His evidence? She makes sounds of enjoyment during love-making. Before Somalis are allowed to marry, we should go through a thorough psychiatric evaluation. Too many divorces.


Maalmahaan, si baad u yara kacsantahy ma duqdii baa saliga kuu soo xoortey? If that’s the case, I apologise for my insensitivity.
It is intellectually dishonest to say you know whats going on in the uk more than me since you are from Australia and i am from the uk so i can only speak about the situation in the united kingdom to be frank i have no clue what the situation is for somali diaspora in down under.
It is intellectually dishonest to say you know whats going on in the uk more than me since you are from Australia and i am from the uk so i can only speak about the situation in the united kingdom


Sxb, don’t get me wrong, I’ve no idea about the U.K situation, but by reading what’s posted online, the problem mirrors ours. Having said that, @Knowles educated me about some Somali women in Britain (maybe here too) who entrap unsuspecting Somali guys for marriage with the idea of getting out of their family homes and later divorcing them. Yes, females like these exist, but let’s not generalise it and demonise all women and admit that Somali men have problems too.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Sxb, don’t get me wrong, I’ve no idea about the U.K situation, but by reading what’s posted online, the problem mirrors ours. Having said that, @Knowles educated me about some Somali women who entrap unsuspecting Somali guys for marriage with the idea of getting out of their family homes and later divorcing them. Yes, females like these exist, but let’s not generalise it and demonise all women and admit that Somali men have problems too.
Why would you come on this thread being belligerent and condescending towards me when i am adressing the issues in the united kingdom which you are not privy to? It clearly illustrates your flagrant bias, you came on this thread to character assassinate me by slandering and dafamation by calling me a woman hater which is unwarranted.

Not once have i generalised all i have stated was that its prevalent in the united kingdom i reiterate you are from Australia so why speak on matters which you know nothing about again flagrantly displaying your bias you should be ashamed as a moderator as well you bring shame to other moderators on this forum You are suppose to be impartial
Why would you come on this thread being belligerent and condescending towards me when i am adressing the issues in the united kingdom which you are not privy to? It clearly illustrates your flagrant bias, you came on this thread to character assassinate me by slandering and dafamation by calling me a woman hater which is unwarranted.

Not once have i generalised all i have stated was that its prevalent in the united kingdom i reiterate you are from Australia so why speak on matters which you know nothing about again flagrantly displaying your bias you should be ashamed as a moderator as well you bring shame to other moderators on this forum


You tagged me on your initial post and I expressed my opinion. Should I’ve sided with you? Was that your expectation?

It is intellectually dishonest to say that men are solely responsible for Somali divorces and family breakups. Women contribute to it, but I don’t think the situation is dire as Cognitive will like us to believe.

In most cases, Somali men are to blame because a fake pride coupled with self-destructive arrogance turned us into less inclined to communicate and negotiate with their wives and when the going gets tough, we are almost out of the door. We consider ourselves to be the alpha males and our words as Hadiths. I’ve seen it many times. I’ve seen a Somali dude who divorced his wife and accused her of being a “”. His evidence? She makes sounds of enjoyment during love-making. Before Somalis are allowed to marry, we should go through a thorough psychiatric evaluation. Too many divorces.


Maalmahaan, si baad u yara kacsantahy ma duqdii baa saliga kuu soo xoortey? If that’s the case, I apologise for my insensitivity.
Yes the old generation are different and extremely conservative....but this is the type of self hatred that i hate that oozes out of certain members here. Somali men are nto the only men capable of being imperfect! yes there are a higher majority that are fucked up but don't compare them to cadaan that didn't just come out of a war zone and inherit ultra orthodox arab traditions. Many somali men of this generation hope to be better fathers than the previous generation and that involves communicating with our spouses and putting our children's future before our needs.

Some of you i would say need mental evaluation for always generalising somali men because of a few isolated cases.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

You tagged me on your initial post and I expressed my opinion. Should I’ve sided with you? Was that your expectation?
Its not your opinion that i have an issue with to be frank i tagged you cause i knew we have very different views regarding this issue so i was hoping for an honest discussion.

I dont expect you to side with me quite on the contrary rather what i have an issue with is the slander and defamation and character assasination which is unsubstantiated and your belligerent and condescending attitude towards me which is unwarranted.
Its not your opinion that i have an isaue with to be frank i tagged you cause i knew we have very different views regarding this issue so i was hoping for an honest discussion.

I dont expect you to side with me quite on the contrary rather what i have an issuewith is the slander and defamation and character assasination which is unsubstantiated and your belligerent and condescending attitude towatds me which is unwarranted.


If I've slandered you with the comment I made about you personally, my apologies Sxb, but the rest of my posts was highlighting that we shouldn't blame this issue on Somali women only.
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