Terrorist Leader, Ali Dheere, warns tribes joining Macawiisley



Al-Shabaab oo u hanjtay beelaha dagaalka kula jira​

Posted by SBC Editor on September 19, 20220 Comments

Afhayeenka Guud ee Ururka Al-Shabaab Cali Maxamuud Raage (Cali Dheere), ayaa wacad ku maray inay cagta marin doonaan beelaha Soomaaliyeed, ee bilaabay inay la dagaalamaan Al Shabaab, ka dib muddo dheer oo dhibaatooyin xoog lihi ay ku hayeen.

Afhayeenka ayaa sheegay tan iyo intii dib loo soo doortay Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud uu bilaabay qorshe uu isaga horkeenayo beelaha iyo maleeshiyada Al Shabaab.

Afhayeenka oo ka hadlayay munaasabad uu tababar ugu soo xiray ciidan cusub oo ku biiraya Al Shabaab ayaa beelaha ugu yeeray inay ka waantoobaan dagaalka ay kula jiraan Shabaab, haddii kalena ay gacantoodu gaari doonto.

Waxa uu ku hanjabay beel kasta ama jufo kasta oo ku adkeysata inay Shabaabka la dagaalanto ay ka difaaci doonaan sida uu yiri diinta.

Cali Dheere ayaa yiri “Inta ayba cadowga la safan yihiin waxa ay bayaan u yihiin gacanta mujaahidiinta iyo seeftooda.”

Cali Dheere ayaa sheegaya inay ka warqabaan cid kasta, oo waxa uu ugu yeeray cadowga ku gacan siineysa abaabulka beelaha iyo inay Shabaabka la dagaalamaan.

Hadalka Cali Dheere ayaa imaanaya, xilli beelaha degga Gobolada Hiiraan, Galgaduud iyo Mudug qaybtood ay wadaan kacdoon ay kula dagaalamaan maleeshiyada Al Shabaa
They're feeling the pain so they're trying to intimidate people into submission but everybody by now know they aren't invincible and they could kick their butts and liberate their lands from these Khawaarij.

Not Afraid Reaction GIF by CBC


It was a very insecure speech. And the exact one the government would want them to give.

Declaring war on Hawiye and calling us mooryaan was funny given that means they’d be at war with more than half the population in the South.

They should be fearful of every geeljire because they’re probably leaking their positions :mjlaugh:


@bidenkulaha I heard HSM said he wants to first fight shabab and weaken them to the point they have stronger hand in negiotations, is this the tactic?
He did say that but he doesn’t seem particularly interested in negotiation right now. I think he’ll fight them to the end.

Let’s see what happens in a few months once GM/HS gets cleared of Shabaab.

JL and SWS is the real battles
He did say that but he doesn’t seem particularly interested in negotiation right now. I think he’ll fight them to the end.

Let’s see what happens in a few months once GM/HS gets cleared of Shabaab.

JL and SWS is the real battles

Exactly, once Al-shabab is completely cleared of HS, GM and lower Shebelle. This will even secure the safety and stability of the capital, Mogadishu. The real fight on Al-shabab will be in Maay land and the Jubba's. But fighting from there we will have a position of strength. Hiiraan is already 95% liberated and Galmudug all that is left is Ceelbuur and Xaradheere which we will soon capture. Middle Shebelle is also almost liberated as is lower Shebelle.


Have you seen the video and their new brigade the siyad mohammed abdulle hassan. Shabaab are wearing the boots donated to madoobe by the Americans and look well equipped.

Anyway it looks like 1000 al shabaab ogadeen boys are coming to galgaduud to help al shabaab.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

I expect alot more attacks in Xamar and assasinations, the macawiisley idea is very bad as it tribalizes a national fight. AS are now recruiting their own macawiisley, encouraging cycle of violence.

Pres Farmajo refuse to arm tribe and only bolstered SNA. The effects of Macawiisley will lead to another civil war with heavily armed tribes clashing.

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We are ready to die and not afraid. So far 95% of Hiiraan is free. Galmudug, Middle and Lower Shebelle soon too will be completely free.
Farmaajo was a member of Alshabab recruited by fat pig Fahad Yasin.

I expect all CBB in Mogadishu will be designated as Al Shabab members soon.


U can reason with tribes and eventually disarm them, but there is no reasoning with Al shabab. So although arming tribes isnt a good idea, they’re by far the lesser evil.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Have you seen the video and their new brigade the siyad mohammed abdulle hassan. Shabaab are wearing the boots donated to madoobe by the Americans and look well equipped.

Anyway it looks like 1000 al shabaab ogadeen boys are coming to galgaduud to help al shabaab.
Yeah just watched it, they are bringing troops from Buale to Galgaduud lol.
You and your daarood folk fear a free somalia but your cries do not go past social media. From lying for farmaajo till he got booted to now supporting shabaab am I surprised. Shabaab are deep in Ghetto but you support them dw hawiye will come free you and teach you dowladnimo


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
You and your daarood folk fear a free somalia but your cries do not go past social media. From lying for farmaajo till he got booted to now supporting shabaab am I surprised. Shabaab are deep in Ghetto but you support them dw hawiye will come free you and teach you dowladnimo

Free Ceeldheer and Ceelbuur first you victim :drakekidding: :hahaidiot:


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