DEVELOPING NEWS Tense situation in Villa Somalia, Farmaajo blocks PM's office with troops.



Abaabul Ciidan oo si xowli ah Xamar uga socda​



Saddex Jiho ayuu hadda abaabulka Ciidan ee ka dhanka ah Farmaajo ka socdaa.
Jihada koowaad:

Wasiirka Amniga Cabdulaahi Maxamed Nuur,ayaa xirtay wadada Ceelgaab ilaa Aaga Nisa
Jihada Labaad:

Madaxweynihii hore Xasan Shiikh Iyo Senator Muuse Suudi Yalaxow ayaa goostay Jidkii Mariinaayo kana wada abaabul Ciidan.

Jihada Saddexaad:

Beelaha Habar-Gidir Iyo Murarsade,ayaa isku balaariyay Aaga Sayidka, Bakaaraha, 15-May. Waxaana hogaaminaya Senator Abdi-Qeybdiid Iyo Madaxweyne hore Abdikariin Guuleed, Xassan Cali Khayrre.

Xigasho:-Il xog ogaal ah.

Bye bye Majnuun Farmaajo
Kkk. He said, "all the military and police should only take direct orders from the PM otherwise they will face the law". No law says security apparatus are subordinate to the PM or come under him. They come under the president.

Ironic that he releases a statement that violates the law then threatens with the law. Him trying to take control of the security apparatus is already against the constitution.

He said, "previous president". If farmaajo is previous president, rooble is previous PM. There's nothing called i'm the leader of the existing government while the president i work under and who appointed me is the previous president.

Then he threatens to fire the independent election committees. He has no power to do so. It's clearly against the law. And the sept 17 agreement he claims he is following and which the election is based on.

Finally, i like how confidently rooble said, "I will break the laws written both in the constitution and the elections laws. Anyone who is against it will face the full extent of the law". What a joke.
Sometimes i wish Farmaajo would leave and let Xamar by looted by these hyenas. But then i remember the thousands of young men and women who look up to nabad iyo nolol and see it in hope, hope for a glorious new state.

Kkk. He said, "all the military and police should only take direct orders from the PM otherwise they will face the law". No law says security apparatus are subordinate to the PM or come under him. They come under the president.

Ironic that he releases a statement that violates the law then threatens with the law. Him trying to take control of the security apparatus is already against the constitution.

He said, "previous president". If farmaajo is previous president, rooble is previous PM. There's nothing called i'm the leader of the existing government while the president i work under and who appointed me is the previous president.

Then he threatens to fire the independent election committees. He has no power to do so. It's clearly against the law. And the sept 17 agreement he claims he is following and which the election is based on.

Finally, i like how confidently rooble said, "I will break the laws written both in the constitution and the elections laws. Anyone who is against it will face the full extent of the law". What a joke.
This is a natural consequence of having two heads of state, we should copy the ethiopian way where there is a prime minister with all the power and the ceremonial president.


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