Taliban Leader Implements Their Sharia System In Afghanistan

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
who interprets it? that's one of the big problems with sharia law. like if a nut job gets a hold of it, you get crazy stuff like alshabab and stuff. it's a pretty powerful tool and people should be very careful when handling/using it.

Well I mean... look at cars... guns... knives... all of these can misused. let me skip guns since that's controversial... but look at cars and knives. they can seriously be used in a wrong way. but does that mean we need to eliminate cars and knives?

and furthermore- if someone misuses a car- whose fault is it? it isn't the fault of the car- it's the fault of the person driving it.

Islam is perfect, the sharia is perfect. Neither of them are ever wrong. someone might try to twist Islam or the sharia but that is the fault of human evil and never the fault of Islam or the sharia.

we as Muslims and humans we have been blessed by God.... we have the weaponry to fight the ones who try to twist Islam.... our weapons are the Quran and the Sunnah... so it is a noble task in front of us to take up these weapons and fight the misinterpretations and misunderstandings.... the fight against people who twist Islam is one that goes back to ancient times and to participate in that fight is an honor... for us to be able pitch in is a great opportunity

thus fighting misinterpretation of Islam is not hopeless because we have an objective criteria which is Quran and Sunnah
Well I mean... look at cars... guns... knives... all of these can misused. let me skip guns since that's controversial... but look at cars and knives. they can seriously be used in a wrong way. but does that mean we need to eliminate cars and knives?

and furthermore- if someone misuses a car- whose fault is it? it isn't the fault of the car- it's the fault of the person driving it.

Islam is perfect, the sharia is perfect. Neither of them are ever wrong. someone might try to twist Islam or the sharia but that is the fault of human evil and never the fault of Islam or the sharia.

we as Muslims and humans we have been blessed by God.... we have the weaponry to fight the ones who try to twist Islam.... our weapons are the Quran and the Sunnah... so it is a noble task in front of us to take up these weapons and fight the misinterpretations and misunderstandings.... the fight against people who twist Islam is one that goes back to ancient times and to participate in that fight is an honor... for us to be able pitch in is a great opportunity

thus fighting misinterpretation of Islam is not hopeless because we have an objective criteria which is Quran and Sunnah
Say for instance Ruler A interprets the sharia horribly wrong. What could other higher ups in the government do? There is no democracy system correct ?
Is it really that hard not to cheat on your wife or husband ?

The capital punishment of hadd is only for married people, also it needs many reliable witnesses so as Basra said you need to be a very flagrant and audacious person to receive it or a pure heart and are given it due to personal testimony
i need to have the option available in case he cheats


Nothing is true; everything is permitted
Well I mean... look at cars... guns... knives... all of these can misused. let me skip guns since that's controversial... but look at cars and knives. they can seriously be used in a wrong way. but does that mean we need to eliminate cars and knives?

and furthermore- if someone misuses a car- whose fault is it? it isn't the fault of the car- it's the fault of the person driving it.

Islam is perfect, the sharia is perfect. Neither of them are ever wrong. someone might try to twist Islam or the sharia but that is the fault of human evil and never the fault of Islam or the sharia.

we as Muslims and humans we have been blessed by God.... we have the weaponry to fight the ones who try to twist Islam.... our weapons are the Quran and the Sunnah... so it is a noble task in front of us to take up these weapons and fight the misinterpretations and misunderstandings.... the fight against people who twist Islam is one that goes back to ancient times and to participate in that fight is an honor... for us to be able pitch in is a great opportunity

thus fighting misinterpretation of Islam is not hopeless because we have an objective criteria which is Quran and Sunnah
yeah but in the case of cars and guns you can prevent people from misusing them. or at least make it harder to be misused. If the country is ruled by sharia and you are told "obeying the leader is wajib" then what do you do? that's what am worried about

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Implementing sharia is all good etc but if there isn’t economic growth and governance that improves the lives of all people then it becomes inefficient. You can make sharia work, it just needs the right people but Im skeptical.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
People don’t care about what governance they have if their needs are met and there is overall prosperity. Unfortunately this hasn’t been the case in a lot of the muslim countries. They haven’t governed properly, resulting in poverty and despair. Until this situation changes people will ridicule sharia law.

One thing needs to be made clear, sharia law is not the reason why some muslim countries are poor.
this is already accounted for in the sharia. someone who is starving and steals a piece of bread doesn't have their hand amputated. this is already there in the sharia. so the sharia is always perfect but it is possible that people might have a faulty understanding of it. the misunderstanding is a potential problem but never the sharia itself.

well... I don't know of any state that has completely eliminated hunger. completely eliminating hunger seems more to me like a utopian socialist fantasy than something real.

the sharia is for all countries, rich and poor. and even rich countries have hungry and poor people. the rich Western countries are full of homeless people. when it comes the thief, they just have to look at the particular circumstances of the individual thief.

The first social services department that takes care of the poor was created at the time of Khalif Omar Bin Khaddab (ra). He created it when he saw a poor Jewish guy who was begging people and someone badmouthing him given his condition. By creating that department, Khalif Omar (ra) restored dignity to the poor - meaning, if one is poor, they don't need to beg; they have a place they return to for food and other essential items.

So with respect to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, I believe they need to create a place where the poor can go and find support when they need food. That should precede any implementation of Sharia when it comes to cutting the hands of the thief.

Once that department is established and people are aware of it, then strict enforcement should be placed on crimes such as theft.

Btw, this is my personal take and I am in no way a scholar of Sunni Islam.
Good for them, they are probably the Army of Imam Mahdi thats prophecised to come from the east and protect Islam

Arabs are useless

The armies from Yemen, Shaam, and Hejaz were also prophesied. And the last I know those places are inhabited by Arab Muslims. Truth is, Arabs are the front line against the war imposed on Islam.
The armies from Yemen, Shaam, and Hejaz were also prophesied. And the last I know those places are inhabited by Arab Muslims. Truth is, Arabs are the front line against the war imposed on Islam.
The prophecies about Arabs by prophet are scary, they basically gonna be extinct and so small in numbers by time Mahdi arrives, Mahdi army comes from east Afganistan and its them who will revive Calipha

Egypt especially will be fcked beyond imagination captured by Europeans, Turks (Russia) and even Ethiopia lol

Read this link: https://ghayb.com/2015/09/imam-mahdi-and-the-great-war-armageddon/

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Say for instance Ruler A interprets the sharia horribly wrong. What could other higher ups in the government do? There is no democracy system correct ?

well there's limits to how Islam can be interpreted. if misinterpretation goes far enough, it could constitute apostasy.

to my understanding the ruler can be removed if

1- He is clearly an apostate or non-Muslim
2- the Muslims have the means
3- removing him won't cause a greater evil than leaving him

we know from a hadith "There will be leaders who will not be led by my guidance and who will not adopt my ways? There will be among them men who will have the hearts of devils in the bodies of human beings"

so we already know there will be evil rulers.

and it's true- Islam is not compatible with democracy even though some people try to claim otherwise. and some people say democracy is good because supposedly it has this means through which the people have power and can remove a government they don't like. personally I don't trust democracy and I think some of the recent elections have clearly been fake. the voting is anonymous. how can the votes really be checked then? the whole democratic process that supposedly protects our rights could be fake. but that part is just my view.
The prophecies about Arabs by prophet are scary, they basically gonna be extinct and so small in numbers by time Mahdi arrives, Mahdi army comes from east Afganistan and its them who will revive Calipha

Egypt especially will be fcked beyond imagination captured by Europeans, Turks (Russia) and even Ethiopia lol

Read this link: https://ghayb.com/2015/09/imam-mahdi-and-the-great-war-armageddon/

Not only Arabs but the entire world population will be reduced by 90% as a result of Malhama (the Great war). This is the war that the birds will die in their flight due to the heat of the weapons that will be used (i.e., nuclear weapons).

The Mahdi (as) will abandon Medina due to the pressure he faces there and will go to Makkah. The people will come out and welcome before he even reaches there. Everyone in Mecca will give him a bay'ah (pledge of Allegiance).

That should tell us he is a well-known religious figure.

An army based in Shaam will launch an attack on him, but the earth will swallow them before they reach Mecca. This indeed will be the sign of all signs.

Then the Muslim army from Khorasan will reach the Mahdi. He will touch their faces and bless them.

Then an army from Yemen and Shaam will join the jihad to liberate the Holy Land.

So when you look at all of these events, you can see the Mahdi will be a unifying figure for the Muslims at that time. Keep in this mind, at this time, all of the fake sheikhdoms are gone and have no weight on Muslims at that time.

The Mahdi will recognize the Son of May (peace be upon him) when he descends on a mosque with a white minaret in Damascus, Syria. I believe it is a Maghrib prayer.

The Son of Mary (peace upon him) will then head to the Holy Land and find the Antichrist at the gate of Ludd, a city in Occupied Palestine, and killed him.

Then the entire Gog and Magog (I believe they're today's Freemasonry) will launch an attack on the Muslims led by Son of Mary (peace upon him). Allah (swt) will destroy them. The Muslim Khilafah - the last one - will be restored in Beit Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem).

The son will then marry, have children, and die just like a human being.

Those are overall how I understand the events.
well there's limits to how Islam can be interpreted. if misinterpretation goes far enough, it could constitute apostasy.

to my understanding the ruler can be removed if

1- He is clearly an apostate or non-Muslim
2- the Muslims have the means
3- removing him won't cause a greater evil than leaving him

4. If he denies Muslims to perform the 5 obligatory daily prayers. Muslims are permitted to revolt against such a tyrannical ruler.
Only a non-Muslim would hate hudud and qisas.

I just hope the IEA would apply jurisprudence before they enforce hudud and qisas on the population. For instance, a hungry kid who steals food shouldn't lose his (or her) hand cut off. They first need to eliminate hunger and provide the means for people to find food.
Hudud and qisas is circumstantial. First of all the amount someone steals has to reach a certain price and if the reason the person is stealing is because of poverty for food etc they won't receive that punishment regardless. The rule isn't there to punishment the weak and destitute.