Taliban Leader Implements Their Sharia System In Afghanistan

It's overdone This will make people hate religion and become atheists like Saudi Arabia

Only a non-Muslim would hate hudud and qisas.

I just hope the IEA would apply jurisprudence before they enforce hudud and qisas on the population. For instance, a hungry kid who steals food shouldn't lose his (or her) hand cut off. They first need to eliminate hunger and provide the means for people to find food.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
When Sharia law is applied, it is a good deterrence. But it needs the Muslim state to be providing a social and safety net to the population. That way, people's needs are taken care of.

like what needs?
Only a non-Muslim would hate hudud and qisas.

I just hope the IEA would apply jurisprudence before they enforce hudud and qisas on the population. For instance, a hungry kid who steals food shouldn't lose his (or her) hand cut off. They first need to eliminate hunger and provide the means for people to find food.
To refuse women entry to gardens and prevent them from going out is exaggerated It is better that they take care of saving the Afghan people from poverty and drug addiction

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Muslim country liberalizes: "the leaders are sellout bootlickers!"

Muslim country implements sharia: "this is backwards barbarism!!"

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
sharia is perfect and is never wrong. also it is perfectly moderate. if sharia seems extreme to you it is because there is something wrong in your heart.

however, it is possible that sharia is not interpreted or understood correctly. the problem is never and can never be sharia. however, there can be problems of there being mistakes in the interpretation of sharia.


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
most ppl arent criminals its just the zina police that will get you hence im against shariah.
Is it really that hard not to cheat on your wife or husband ?

The capital punishment of hadd is only for married people, also it needs many reliable witnesses so as Basra said you need to be a very flagrant and audacious person to receive it or a pure heart and are given it due to personal testimony


Nothing is true; everything is permitted
however, it is possible that sharia is not interpreted or understood correctly. the problem is never and can never be sharia. however, there can be problems of there being mistakes in the interpretation of sharia.
who interprets it? that's one of the big problems with sharia law. like if a nut job gets a hold of it, you get crazy stuff like alshabab and stuff. it's a pretty powerful tool and people should be very careful when handling/using it.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I just hope the IEA would apply jurisprudence before they enforce hudud and qisas on the population. For instance, a hungry kid who steals food shouldn't lose his (or her) hand cut off.

this is already accounted for in the sharia. someone who is starving and steals a piece of bread doesn't have their hand amputated. this is already there in the sharia. so the sharia is always perfect but it is possible that people might have a faulty understanding of it. the misunderstanding is a potential problem but never the sharia itself.

They first need to eliminate hunger and provide the means for people to find food.

well... I don't know of any state that has completely eliminated hunger. completely eliminating hunger seems more to me like a utopian socialist fantasy than something real.

the sharia is for all countries, rich and poor. and even rich countries have hungry and poor people. the rich Western countries are full of homeless people. when it comes the thief, they just have to look at the particular circumstances of the individual thief.