Syrian man’s family is against him marrying a Somali woman. Is it racism?

What does this have to do with Arabs she was happy to pray behind a famous Imam? The Imam's ethnicity is completely irrelevant.

It's you gaals that have Arabs living rent free in your heads. Everything in the world is because of the Arabs that's how you lot sound. If Aliens invaded tomorrow, it'd be the Arabs fault too. Everyday Carab baad so hadal qaadan just relax please. Ilahi Somali buu kaa dhigay just chill.

Of course, in your particular case it doesn't help you are an ex Salafi- those guys kinda claim to be 'cultureless' and 'pure Islam' yet they end up all being the same somehow and doing things that were not asked!
Saxib discussing arabs or analyzing Islam, Arab influence, and related topics shouldn’t be equated with hatred or obsession. We’re grown ups we can have respectful conversations without you guys getting sensitive.
No one conquered somalia bruh. We became muslim by choice. Why are you salty and bitter that muslims had conquests horta? The point of the conquest was centered on Spreading Islam not arabnessz. you think we should have put flowers in our hair and sing kumbaya? You exmuslims are so naive
Oh No Smh GIF by ABC Network

No Arab army ever entered Somalia. The first and only brief attempt was by Harun ar Rashid centuries after during the Abbasid era and they were rejected and sent away

Why do they have this weird inferiority complex Carabtuu didn't do shit to us


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Saxib discussing arabs or analyzing Islam, Arab influence, and related topics shouldn’t be equated with hatred or obsession. We’re grown ups we can have respectful conversations without you guys getting sensitive.
What would you qualify as arab culture? The innocent somali Girl in the kaaba happy about Quran? You are not being slick with your bitterness at all. Come clean.
Saxib discussing arabs or analyzing Islam, Arab influence, and related topics shouldn’t be equated with hatred or obsession. We’re grown ups we can have respectful conversations without you guys getting sensitive.
You have yet to 'discuss' or analyse let's be real. You were asked like 10 ten times what is Arab about Islam and beyond waffling you didn't answer the question

All you do is start bait threads about Arabs or say that Islam is Arab and then mysteriously disappear when you get proven wrong.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
No Arab army ever entered Somalia. The first and only brief attempt was by Harun ar Rashid centuries after during the Abbasid era and they were rejected and sent away

Why do they have this weird inferiority complex Carabtuu didn't do shit to us
I loooooveee arabs soooo muuucccchh hell I might even marry one. Ciil uu dhiinta marka :samwelcome:
No one conquered somalia bruh. We became muslim by choice. Why are you salty and bitter that muslims had conquests horta? The point of the conquest was centered on Spreading Islam not arabnessz. you think we should have put flowers in our hair and sing kumbaya? You exmuslims are so naive
Oh No Smh GIF by ABC Network
Islam & Arabness are inseparable tho. I’m aware the first Somalis who accepted Islam played a significant role in influencing others to convert regardless of if they truly believed to avoid paying jizya. I find it very hard to believe that every single Somali willingly converted
Islam & Arabness are inseparable tho. I’m aware the first Somalis who accepted Islam played a significant role in influencing others to convert regardless of if they truly believed to avoid paying jizya. I find it very hard to believe that every single Somali willingly converted
Who would they pay to? There was no Arab army!
You have yet to 'discuss' or analyse let's be real. You were asked like 10 ten times what is Arab about Islam and beyond waffling you didn't answer the question

All you do is start bait threads about Arabs or say that Islam is Arab and then mysteriously disappear when you get proven wrong.
I actually avoid religious debates with you guys 😂 so stop the cap. This thread had nothing to do with “arab hatred”.. I don’t even consider Syrians Arabs tbh


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Islam & Arabness are inseparable tho. I’m aware the first Somalis who accepted Islam played a significant role in influencing others to convert regardless of if they truly believed to avoid paying jizya. I find it very hard to believe that every single Somali willingly converted
Whether islam and arabness ≠ Islam is an arab religion. Thats a whole different discussion. Roman empire spread Christianity to the barbarians and now their culture is the dominant one in europe one could parallel that and say Arabia is what roman empire is for muslims. Islam is not an arab religion, its Allah’s religion sent for all of mankind as said in the Quran.
I actually avoid religious debates with you guys 😂 so stop the cap. This thread had nothing to do with “arab hatred”.. I don’t even consider Syrians as Arabs tbh
Yeah you avoid the truth we know. It's fine at the end of the day if you reject the outcome will be on you.

Just don't paint us as not having answers. You were decisively proven wrong.

I've never come across people so obsessed until this forum like that guy who claimed they can't follow Islam because it started in Arabia. I'm sure whatever belief they follow ain't Somali lol


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
@Laiis you didnt answer the question. Why does a Somali woman crying happy tears cause of the Quran and visting mekkah hit a nerve? Is it the shaytan whispers?
What would you qualify as arab culture? The innocent somali Girl in the kaaba happy about Quran? You are not being slick with your bitterness at all. Come clean.
@Laiis you didnt answer the question. Why does a Somali woman crying happy tears cause of the Quran and visting mekkah hit a nerve? Is it the shaytan whispers?
Just pure waffle

It's like those NOI people- the entire world is viewed through race /ethnicity. They even made white people the product of an evil Black scientist :ftw9nwa:

All other variables go out of the window. The inferiority complex is so crazy they don't believe that other people have agency and can adopt something as their own.

Somalis adopted Islam 1400 years ago of their own choice and have been Muslim since with their own rich Islamic intellectual heritage but none of that matters because they desparately need to be victims for their worldview to work.
@Laiis you didnt answer the question. Why does a Somali woman crying happy tears cause of the Quran and visting mekkah hit a nerve? Is it the shaytan whispers?
Lmaoo it doesn’t hit a nerve I said I’m happy that she’s happy but the wording was unnecessarily cringe “first time praying behind Saudis” 😭 that’s mainly why it went viral on Saudi TikTok they thought she was praising Saudi citizens


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Just pure waffle

It's like those NOI people- the entire world is viewed through race /ethnicity. They even made white people the product of an evil Black scientist :ftw9nwa:

All other variables go out of the window. The inferiority complex is so crazy they don't believe that other people have agency and can adopt something as their own.

Somalis adopted Islam 1400 years ago of their own choice and have been Muslim since with their own rich Islamic intellectual heritage but none of that matters because they desparately need to be victims for their worldview to work.
Even if we became muslim by conquest (like most arabs) id be so grateful it happened because we gained Islam in return. قل موتوا بغيضكم


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Lmaoo it doesn’t hit a nerve I said I’m happy that she’s happy but the wording was unnecessarily cringe “first time praying behind Saudis” 😭 that’s mainly why it went viral on Saudi TikTok they thought she was praising Saudi citizens
Naaya qofna iga ma xigo diinta. Get that iblis mindset outta you head. I watched that tiktok shes literally reading quran with sheikh sudais so how can anyone assume shes praising arabs? Bfr
Naaya qofna iga ma xigo diinta. Get that iblis mindset outta you head. I watched that tiktok shes literally reading quran with sheikh sudais so how can anyone assume shes praising arabs? Bfr
She should’ve captioned it “first time praying in mecca, or first time praying behind shakih al sudais in Mecca” first time praying behind Saudis gassed them up soooo much


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
She should’ve captioned it “first time praying in mecca, or first time praying behind shakih al sudais in Mecca” first time praying behind Saudis gassed them up soooo much
Ok she likes that sheikh so much hows that praising saudis or arabs? Even if she did whats the problem? Isnt weird to police the members of a religion you left? Is it because you are not content with your Godless life? Ik you dont hate arabs but you seem very bitter that they are laandheere
No Arab army ever entered Somalia. The first and only brief attempt was by Harun ar Rashid centuries after during the Abbasid era and they were rejected and sent away

Why do they have this weird inferiority complex Carabtuu didn't do shit to us
The hijab is not even Arab. The pre-Islamic Arabs were degenerates and did not cover themselves. It was the pious people of the book that in fact covered themselves until they veered off from the right path toward corruption. The prophet (PBUH), sent by Allah to remind the people, came and corrected the Arabians who preferred their jahil culture and customs by showing them the right way to conduct themselves, dress, and everything; it was seen as extremely anti-Arab at the time. You can even see the pagan idols of females having their hair out and being dressed immodestly. That was the Arabian way before Islam. So saying what is fundamentally Islamic as Arab because it expanded from Arabia -- mind you -- customs that were non-Arabian and claiming it is Arab culture, is severely ignorant.

Islam changed the Arabs it was not the Arabs that used their culture to change non-Arabs. If Arab culture ruled we would be degenerates today and none of the Islamic practices that they call "Arab influence" would be present. The only reason why ignorant people confuse Islam with Arab is because it spread from there, that is where Mecca lies and the rest is pure misconceptions and ignorance. Because Islamic practices are what you see, nothing that Arab culture ever invented.

It's so ironic. Islam never came to confirm Arab culture, it rejected it. Why did the Quraish attack the Prophet (PBUH) and persecute the Sahaba? It's because they denounced and challenged the Arabian ways of culture and tradition of their forefathers. It was a complete overturn. But at the same time, Islam was never a deen that comes to just change things for change's sake. Any culture can embrace Islam as long as the cultural practice is not non-Islamic. So saying this is Arabian culture is quite ignorant.

What they see as Islamic culture they call Arab culture, but Islam never originated with Arab culture because it rejected the ignorant cultural ways of the Arabs. That is why I know those people who peddle this Arab culture nonsense are either completely ignorant of these basic facts or they are liars. I think the majority of them are the latter since as I have said in the past, murtads have character problems. They are not honest people. Oh wait, they claimed to be once educated about Islam then left but somehow know nothing about what I mentioned - the most basic Islamic history known even in the secular realm? Lol

