SUDDEN & SHOCKING death! I think you’ve seen her on social media post. She was probably born in Scandinavia but settled in Xamar. Today she died there


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
why not humans can turn to monsters when money is involved even if it's your own family.
Her aunt trick her, get her locked up in a bedroom and beaten by bench of men. To the point of refusing to give her medical help with ends with her death

All for a house? Makes no sense. A house in Somalia is worthless.
Her aunt trick her, get her locked up in a bedroom and beaten by bench of men. To the point of refusing to give her medical help with ends with her death

All for a house? Makes no sense. A house in Somalia is worthless.
When was the last time you've been to Somalia, especially Xamar? Tell me you're clueless and whitewashed without telling me you're clueless.

In some parts of Xamar, the land alone forget the house is worth more than $200,000. People have brought land for around 20k and the land price inflated to 80-100k. For all you know, that house might be in a prime location built on vast land. Recently, properties and land has been inflating at a ridiculous rate.

What world are you living in?
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I know a MX and an MJ from the diaspora who had their properties sold off by their own families, when they tried to make their displeasure known at not being informed of the ordeal, their families said to let it go, because it's 'ceeb', Somalis are something else.
I know a MX and an MJ from the diaspora who had their properties sold off by their own families, when they tried to make their displeasure known at not being informed of the ordeal, their families said to let it go, because it's 'ceeb', Somalis are something else.
Well, now since house and land prices are increasing at an incredibly high rate, doing such a thing will result in long and bitter fueds. Years back, land that was worth only around $16,000 to $20,000 are now being estimated to being around the mid six figure mark. You can accept losing a few grands but not 6 figures.

Sighting 'ceeb' truly is the mother of all gaslighting, especially since we're a group of people who fued for decades over tribe but that isn't ceeb right? But wanting to have your personal property back that you may have even sinked your life savings into is 'ceeb'?
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Well, now since house and land prices are increasing at an incredibly high rate, doing such a thing will result in long and bitter fueds. Years back, land that was worth only around $16,000 to $20,000 are now being estimated to being around the mid six figure mark. You can accept losing a few grands but not 6 figures.

Sighting 'ceeb' truly is the mother of all gaslighting, especially since we're a group of people who fued for decades over tribe but that isn't ceeb right? But wanting to have your personal property back and maybe even your life saving sinked into it is 'ceeb'?

They're slick with it, they use the elders (usually women) to dissuade them from pursuing the matter, I mean what can you do when your own ayeeyo is telling you to let it go? They use the xishood of the younger generation to their advantage, pure gaslighting.
Saw this one guy in inheritance fight go to sleep and die. Poison is everywhere in xamar.

What is sad is that her share in the property will now go to the ppl that killed her.
Because they might have all been in on it. Call me a pessimist, but inheritance and wealth especially in a poor society can unleash the worst of human behavior. I say this, because we've all heard countless of stories of family members back home selling the houses of their diaspora relatives overseas and pocketing the money. The siezing of lands and the petty squabbling of inheritance has become the order of the day in cities across Somalia. I believe their must even more to this story. Did this girl (May Allah give her justice) have other assets that many might have covetted?
My mother’s brother back home stole her house which she put in his name when he was 10 but you know he was her little brother maybe she thought putting in a men’s name down will protect it, years down the line he kicks her out of her own house


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

Oh No Reaction GIF by The Great British Bake Off

Warsame needs to construct complete good English.

@Grigori Rasputin did she die from a bomb?
When was the last time you've been to Somalia, especially Xamar? Tell me you're clueless and whitewashed without telling me you're clueless.

In some parts of Xamar, the land alone forget the house is worth more than $200,000. People have brought land for around 20k and the land price inflated to 80-100k. For all you know, that house might be in a prime location built on vast land. Recently, properties and land has been inflating at a ridiculous rate.

What world are you living in?
It’s fake prices. How are land going for that much when the average Somali has barely any income? These prices are inflated because greedy Somalis living abroad want to buy as much land as possible in case the land become peaceful. Selfishness is the disease of Somalis and why I don’t see a functioning society in our life time.

