Story From Mogadishu


Certified Liin Distributor
Sad story but @Calaf you forgot to arm yourself walal. Fr tho these Xalimos are blaming for refusing to intervene with a taxi driver who is probably armed. How else would he coerce her if you're right there. If you step up then he will threaten you too.
Why didn't you carry a piece.. I would've shot that mother fucker in the balls if he did that anywhere near me walahi.. I don't even give a shit if that would cost me life..
This angers me a lot.


Veni Vidi Vici
Are you positive he had a weapon on him? Could you have overpowered him physically?
No, I did assume, but did I know he had a gun, no. It is one assumption, since drivers in Somalia mostly do, especially drivers.

I kinda sorta half way see your point of view, but can you tell me why you didn’t speak up? Not like actually get physical but why didn’t you use your words to say something? Was it fear? Shock? Moment went too quick? When he got you to your location did you think to tell the people around what he did and call the police?
Just baffled, baffled and shocked to the point. I see one crying girl and a pissed off driver. I got to darusallam just baffled. I told one of the guards, but he said it their issue, not ours. So I left it at that

This is soo barbaric. I can't begin to accept the story is true. If he is that sexually frustrated why not ask the community to find him xalal wife?
It is not the issue of wife, its urges and moment needs!

What are you doing in Bombadishu?
Visiting people again and picking up my brother!
It doesn't matter if I didn't see it or not the fact she was taken for 10 mins or more I get the feeling he had sexually assaulted


Veni Vidi Vici
Sad story but @Calaf you forgot to arm yourself walal. Fr tho these Xalimos are blaming for refusing to intervene with a taxi driver who is probably armed. How else would he coerce her if you're right there. If you step up then he will threaten you too.
Wallahi, i don't carry guns around, nor I need to. Half the time, there are guards near me, so why need to carry it.
Why didn't you carry a piece.. I would've shot that mother fucker in the balls if he did that anywhere near me walahi.. I don't even give a shit if that would cost me life..
This angers me a lot.
If I had one , and did carry it, it would have been a different story!


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
@Calaf is absolutely spot on as a person who lived in Mogadishu myself the worst thing you can do is try to be a hero. That girl made a costly mistake by hailing an unknown, untrusted driver. Most of my female relatives have certified drivers that I have approved myself. The worst thing you can do is trust a random stranger especially in Muqdishu!

I remember one time before I was married I was having a good time at Liido beach with some NISA soldiers, they drove a heavy pick up and behind them was a Noah. Some girls tried to hitchhike at night time and that was so costly, the soldiers simply took them somewhere and had their way. I immediately told them not to do it but hey I just went home and left them I was outnumbered

You cannot be a hero to a woman who doesnt use common sense.


"You are your best thing"
Now, let imagine this was a court. Did I witness it. No. So could I classify it as a rape, just because a girl was crying. No. So, if I hit him and had a fight, and he shot me, but he never did anything then??

I ain't a guy to say shit about Somalis or talk ill about Mogadishu. But, let me give you some context. We went on our way, and he asks where I am from. I would never say the west or asia, but I say Oman, because It would make me less suspicious, incase he is aligned with AS. He asks about my tribe, and I say my tribe mx. He does not say anything to her. He becomes silent. He continues and then stops. Like he may had hatred for me or something. I never got involved for the only reason and that is he might shoot.

I know that he might not shoot, but I am not taking the chance. Even if he does, so what, he dies and that is it. No benefit for anyone.

I paid him, because, whatever he did, he did his duty, and I paid. Simple as. So lets say he picks me up later, what should I do, kill him or something.

My conscience is feeling guilty, but I am the overall loser here, I did nothing and she may have been violated. I am the coward fine, but I am showing to the people of the diaspora that shit like this still happens!

You are what?:mjcry: :meleshame:
@Calaf is absolutely spot on as a person who lived in Mogadishu myself the worst thing you can do is try to be a hero. That girl made a costly mistake by hailing an unknown, untrusted driver. Most of my female relatives have certified drivers that I have approved myself. The worst thing you can do is trust a random stranger especially in Muqdishu!

I remember one time before I was married I was having a good time at Liido beach with some NISA soldiers, they drove a heavy pick up and behind them was a Noah. Some girls tried to hitchhike at night time and that was so costly, the soldiers simply took them somewhere and had their way. I immediately told them not to do it but hey I just went home and left them I was outnumbered

You cannot be a hero to a woman who doesnt use common sense.
Good god
@Calaf is absolutely spot on as a person who lived in Mogadishu myself the worst thing you can do is try to be a hero. That girl made a costly mistake by hailing an unknown, untrusted driver. Most of my female relatives have certified drivers that I have approved myself. The worst thing you can do is trust a random stranger especially in Muqdishu!

I remember one time before I was married I was having a good time at Liido beach with some NISA soldiers, they drove a heavy pick up and behind them was a Noah. Some girls tried to hitchhike at night time and that was so costly, the soldiers simply took them somewhere and had their way. I immediately told them not to do it but hey I just went home and left them I was outnumbered

You cannot be a hero to a woman who doesnt use common sense


"You are your best thing"
I beg your pardon, any issues?
Are you trying to imply anything?
Nothing calaf of all qabils you had to be MX, @TekNiKo is already bad example here for us but anyways you are feeling guilty because you are good person and maybe you froze in the moment, if I were you would find a way to report this incident and maybe even bribe them to do something about it.

Samaalic Era

In Mogadishu, women shouldn't travel on bajjaj or taxis without a brother or relative. This is common sense. Even as a man, you can get robbed at of nowhere or kidnapped.

It's always best to rent a car and if not, go with someone


Veni Vidi Vici
Nothing calaf of all qabils you had to be MX, @TekNiKo is already bad example here for us but anyways you are feeling guilty because you are good person and maybe you froze in the moment, if I were you would find a way to report this incident and maybe even bribe them to do something about it.
I ain't a embarrsement to the Mx, yes I may be a coward, but I will redeem myself. I never gave our people a bad view. Why would I start now?

I got it covered, I have spoken to the General of Aden Adde International Airport (Fellow Mx) and the Decale Aiprort hotel. The Gen knows about it already, because he said "It is normal" especially by drivers, but it will be dealt with. The hotel informed airport security only, nothing else they could do!
Why go to Mogadishu? You could've went to quieter/safer place in Somalia.
Mogadishu is the place where the business occurs and everything is.

Samaalic Era

Btw.. Mogadishu sounds like a god forsaken place :noneck:
It's like @TekNiKo said, my aunt from the UK moved back to Xamar and her Bajjaj driver was my half brother's first cousin who someone known. You only travel with certified drivers who are close family. There was one time a group of 4 men came out of salaada dhuhrka and then robbed a guy who also prayed in the masjid:ileycry:
Sxb, as a woman in Xamar, she should not have hailed a taxi with a stranger all by herself

Nor should she have asked the driver to take her knowing she could not pay for the fare

However you behaved like a fuley sxb, somebody was raped in your presence while you remained in the taxi too afraid to act

It is not about being a hero, it is about having principles you stand for
It's like @TekNiKo said, my aunt from the UK moved back to Xamar and her Bajjaj driver was my half brother's first cousin who someone known. You only travel with certified drivers who are close family. There was one time a group of 4 men came out of salaada dhuhrka and then robbed a guy who also prayed in the masjid:ileycry:

Damn that's messed up bro :meleshame:


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