@ Step a side

Nabi Ibrahim most definitely belonged to an ancient Semitic tribe that migrated from Arabia because FGC11 that all the Adnani tribes unite under has irs roots ultimately in southern Arabia. Nabi Ismaeel must have brought that lineage back to Arabia.
don't forget his granddad is Luuqman, a Nubian - broad grouping, at that time culture c and kerma culture were afro asiatic. But they haven't assigned Nubians today though a language group, their unrelated to those 4k years back.
Huh what you on about? Nubians kulaha :russ:
his grandfather was Luuqman though, im talking in a historical context they call anything in Sudan prehistory, Nubian - its a collective term, Luuqman was probably from a group related to Cushitic and Egyptian. Search Kerma culture and C culture group. They have haplogroup E. Wouldn't be surprising if he was a carrier, they posit as Arab herder but don't consider other aspects.
interesting, Abdulaziz looks completely different to current al sauds he has a mehri look to him. The younger gen seems even more mixed
King Abdulaziz was a typical Arab, 6'9" tall, Arab features, and dark skin - something the Adnani tribes noticed by chance. They are always taller than Al-Qahtaniya. why do you think? Look at the Companions, for example. Most of them were tall and specifically from the Quraish
his grandfather was Luuqman though, im talking in a historical context they call anything in Sudan prehistory Nubian - its a collective term, Luuqman was probably from a group related to Cushitic and Egyptian. Search Kerma culture and C culture group. They have haplogroup E.

Luqman Al Hikam was Nubian who lived around the time of Nabi Dawuud and Suleiman which is way after Nabi Ibrahim
Luqman Al Hikam
Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 3.06.07 pm.png


this Is the predecessor culture of Nubians, afro asiatic in stock.
Natufian like ancestry was never ours anyways. It was brought to Africa by Anatolian hunter gathers (not to be confused with Anatolian farmers who are much younger) . We most likely killed their men off and took their women when they entered Africa through Sinai.

Do we know what lineage was associated with the original Natufians? I always thought it was E1b1b.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The 60/40 split kind of matches our AEA and West euroasian split.
I don't think that's a credible estimate. It is a guestimate and is tantamount to shooting in the dark. Also, isn't L3 the most common lineage in the Horn, the progenitor of both macro subclades M and N? :comeon: Whether L3 arose in Africa or Asia is still contentious. Also, bear in mind that African populations remain largely uncharacterized from a population genetics standpoint so some phylogeographic inferences might change with adding more genetic data.
Nabi Ibrahim most definitely belonged to an ancient Semitic tribe that migrated from Arabia because FGC11 that all the Adnani tribes unite under has irs roots ultimately in southern Arabia. Nabi Ismaeel must have brought that lineage back to Arabia.
If the oldest known Semites were E1b1b, wouldn't that mean that Nebi Ibrahim was E1b1b with mainly Natufian autosomal ancestry?

How does it make sense then to put Adnani Arabs under J1? The answer is that it does not.


Plotting world domination
“Cap” stop using aave blm abdi :russ:
I actually confronted some guys about this before.

hood somalis use aave and listen to drill music even though their main opps are madows. I just blame it on hood culture. Latinos pretty much act the same as well. Nomadic seems to be one of these guys. Policing these guys for using aave is just a waste of time. They low-key just aren't smart enough to despise everything madow related like the Somali trolls we got online.

The racist ones that don't use aave tend to be the more miskeen ones irl that truly despise anything madow. These guys are usually the ones that run the Somali nationalists twitter accounts.
That 40% figure is only speculated, and the sample isn't large enough to make such a deduction. Many of my close relatives aren't even L lineages.
The sample size was 659 people kkk, the problem would be sampling bias. I guess you think the frequency of non-L mtDNA is >40%? I was likely overstating at 40%. Why don't you make one from your relative list? A couple SL guys and a GM guy in this thread had the frequencies of L in their lists ranging from low to mid 60s.
Darood E-V32 is the Somali type which is E-Y18629 which they share with Hawiye, some Isaaq and other Somalis. This Somali E-Y18629 that Darood have is connected to Oromo and Luo Kenyan tribes under E-Z813 and has been in Africa since the beginning of history. It was brought by Cushitic herders from Eastern Sudan. Therefore Darood can’t be Arab but he could have studied in Arabia and then have returned to Somalia to teach deen.
There’s only Three Oromos the rest are mix of everything
his grandfather was Luuqman though, im talking in a historical context they call anything in Sudan prehistory, Nubian - its a collective term, Luuqman was probably from a group related to Cushitic and Egyptian. Search Kerma culture and C culture group. They have haplogroup E. Wouldn't be surprising if he was a carrier, they posit as Arab herder but don't consider other aspects.
Where did you read that nabi Ibrahim's father was Luqman?!

Luqman was in Nubia and nabi Ibrahim fled the idolators of Ur or somewhere in Iraq?
Good point, but for us our Natufian-like/ancient Nilotic ancestry is close to half/half. With Semites they can be 80%+ Natufian. How does that happen?

Why adopt the language of the people you conquered? The R1a carriers still retained their Indo-European language whereas the j1 conquerors switched to Semitic which was spoken by the conquered Natufians.
How do we know they were conquered? How do we not know that Natufians absorbed a lot of J1 males and they ended up being more fertile and prolific?

