SSPO Atheists. Just admit

Do you believe that God exists in your heart of hearts?

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Admit it
There have been times where you admitted to yourself that Allah is your creator and that Muhammad is his messenger. In the midst of depression and wondering whether your white coleagues will accept you. You have considered that maybe the reason your life is so miserable is because you don't have deen. You have realized that maybe the reason you're so anxious is because you have nothing to live for and you feel your existence fleeing. You have realized that you wouldn't take a bullet for any of your loved ones. You have subconsciously admitted that there is no way that all of existence came from nothing and that there has to be a purpose to all that

If none of this has happened then continue until you die if it has happened then leave this stubbornness and come back to your maker and worship and adore him for making you such a beautiful creature allowed you to taste delicious foods experience orgasms and love your mother. Don't be arrogant, we are imperfect and so are you but our delineating point is our realization that we are perfectly created imlerfect. Your mind cannot even conceive a crack in existence yet you deny Allah. You deny Allah and you become the slaves of men. You sleep at night knowing and believing that amother bag of flesh and bones has power of your mind as opposed to the being that created your mind. It's ramadan. You know in your heart Allah is there and that the reason islam is being fought is because it is the truth yet you insist on a path of depression and darkness fueled by the rebellious shaytan the ancient enemy of man. Audhubillah

May Allah guide you

@Kafir @roble @AussieHustler @Jennifer @NotAjnabi @heli @Hmmmm @Knowles @Western4Life @Norwegian-Somali


aboowe you are going to give yourself a bidaar at this rate from all this stressing :mjlol: iska dhaaf dadkaan wallalo. Most are already having a rough time maintaining their double life and sneak snacking for a month. no need to add onto it :pachah1:
aboowe you are going to give yourself a bidaar at this rate from all this stressing :mjlol: iska dhaaf dadkaan wallalo. Most are already having a rough time maintaining their double life and sneak snacking for a month. no need to add onto it :pachah1:
Sister I'm just letting them know that they've chosen a path of cowardice that deviates from the nobility of their forefathers who managed to not only care for their herds maintain tribal ties and simultaneously preserve Deen to pass on for a 1200 straight years

Yet these people repay that favor by willingly becomING mental slaves to a system that oppresses the weak and indoctrinates the oppressed with hatred and confusion.

Evil is the echange
Evil is the destination
Wretched is that which they sold themselves for

May Allahbless us and may he guide the atheists out of their self imposed darkness taghut and cowardice

Sneak snackers loooooool I guess theyre not themselves when they're hungry
you can still believe in god without religion..
I agree and disagree.
You will still be following a way of life that you have fabricated for youeself. So do you have the guts to claim that you are inspired by God directly or will you follow the doctrine that the europhiles are subtly placing in all your sensory mediums?

(Sahih International)
And when it is said to them, "Do not cause corruption on the earth," they say, "We are but reformers."

-Sura Al-Baqarah, Ayah 11

(Sahih International)
Unquestionably, it is they who are the corrupters, but they perceive [it] not.

-Sura Al-Baqarah, Ayah 12

(Sahih International)
And when it is said to them, "Believe as the people have believed," they say, "Should we believe as the foolish have believed?" Unquestionably, it is they who are the foolish, but they know [it] not.

-Sura Al-Baqarah, Ayah 13
Admit it
There have been times where you admitted to yourself that Allah is your creator and that Muhammad is his messenger. In the midst of depression and wondering whether your white coleagues will accept you. You have considered that maybe the reason your life is so miserable is because you don't have deen. You have realized that maybe the reason you're so anxious is because you have nothing to live for and you feel your existence fleeing. You have realized that you wouldn't take a bullet for any of your loved ones. You have subconsciously admitted that there is no way that all of existence came from nothing and that there has to be a purpose to all that

If none of this has happened then continue until you die if it has happened then leave this stubbornness and come back to your maker and worship and adore him for making you such a beautiful creature allowed you to taste delicious foods experience orgasms and love your mother. Don't be arrogant, we are imperfect and so are you but our delineating point is our realization that we are perfectly created imlerfect. Your mind cannot even conceive a crack in existence yet you deny Allah. You deny Allah and you become the slaves of men. You sleep at night knowing and believing that amother bag of flesh and bones has power of your mind as opposed to the being that created your mind. It's ramadan. You know in your heart Allah is there and that the reason islam is being fought is because it is the truth yet you insist on a path of depression and darkness fueled by the rebellious shaytan the ancient enemy of man. Audhubillah

May Allah guide you

@Kafir @roble @AussieHustler @Jennifer @NotAjnabi @heli @Hmmmm @Knowles @Western4Life @Norwegian-Somali
Why didn't your curse work? You stopped responding to me in that thread. It's been days.
The curse worked
It's 3 am and you're wasting the only life you claim you have on the a religion you hate and preparing to fake fast.
Clearly you're under a lana
I don't hate Islam nor do I pretend to fast at all. I requested two clear curses from you to be hit by lightning and for Allah to light my house ablaze. Neither of them happened.

Entertain this question: What does it mean if the curse didn't work?


I agree and disagree.
You will still be following a way of life that you have fabricated for youeself. So do you have the guts to claim that you are inspired by God directly or will you follow the doctrine that the europhiles are subtly placing in all your sensory mediums?

(Sahih International)
And when it is said to them, "Do not cause corruption on the earth," they say, "We are but reformers."

-Sura Al-Baqarah, Ayah 11

(Sahih International)
Unquestionably, it is they who are the corrupters, but they perceive [it] not.

-Sura Al-Baqarah, Ayah 12

(Sahih International)
And when it is said to them, "Believe as the people have believed," they say, "Should we believe as the foolish have believed?" Unquestionably, it is they who are the foolish, but they know [it] not.

-Sura Al-Baqarah, Ayah 13
do you base your life on a book from the 7th century?
do you base your life on a book from the 7th century?
I base my life on the words of the most high unseen and the example of an illiterate man in the desert who weathered abuse for 13 years before transforming the Arabian peninsula and the world through a single philosophy
"There is no God bUT God and muhammad is his messenger "

Now if that enrages you you are a kafir. If not then may Allah guide you


I base my life on the words of the most high unseen and the example of an illiterate man in the desert who weathered abuse for 13 years before transforming the Arabian peninsula and the world through a single philosophy
"There is no God bUT God and muhammad is his messenger "

Now if that enrages you you are a kafir. If not then may Allah guide you
It doesn't enrage me, I could care less but I do think muhammad was a schizophrenic man who made up shit in order to make his life easier and by doing so amassed a cult like following. I think Islam needs to be reformed in order to coexist with modern society. I don't think the current version of Islam will help lead people to a prosperous future and I don't think Islam in general has helped Somalia all that much.
It doesn't enrage me, I could care less but I do think muhammad was a schizophrenic man who made up shit in order to make his life easier and by doing so amassed a cult like following. I think Islam needs to be reformed in order to coexist with modern society. I don't think the current version of Islam will help lead people to a prosperous future and I don't think Islam in general has helped Somalia all that much.

A supposed "madman" and a supposed "false god" somehow not only showed supreme confidence in predicting the eventual victory of Islam but in actually carrying out in achieving it. What kind of madman with not an iota of support goes about making fantastical claims about the uprooting of a multi-millennial society and then is successful doing so.

  1. When Abu Jahl and his gang threatened to kill the Prophet (SAWS) if they saw him prostrating again, Allah commanded his prophet who had nothing more than a rabble of slaves and teenagers following him in Mecca that

    "Then let him call his associates;
    We will call the angels of Hell.
    No! Do not obey him. But prostrate and draw near" (96:19)
    We know what happened to Abu Jahl...

    When at the outset of his prophecy, with not an iota of support except his dignified wife Khadija (RA), Abu Lahab cursed him as the Arabs dispersed from the Mountain of Uhud around him, Allah informed him that
    "May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he.
    His wealth will not avail him or that which he gained" (111:1-2)

    Abu Lahab died of horrible sores and his wealth did nothing to bring about his ruin, the ruin of his legacy, and the ruin of the paganism he fought so hard to protect..

    When they began to call the Prophet a madman in Mecca and say "let's just wait till his madness runs its course". Allah boldly declared
    "Or do they say, “A poet—we await for him a calamity of time”?
    Say, “Go on waiting; I will be waiting with you.”"52:30-31.
    We know who won the outcome of the waiting game.

    When the Meccans made their hosts and declared that they and their slave girls would drink wine over the top of Muhammad (SAWS)'s body and his small band and that they would stamp Islam out in Medina, Allah gives them a premonition of their doom and says

    "Or do they say, "We are an assembly supporting [each other]"?
    [Their] assembly will be defeated, and they will turn their backs [in retreat]."
    (54:44 -45)

    We know what happened to their assembly of hasidness to try to stamp out the Prophet's message.

    When the Prophet was in Mecca, when no logical person would give him any hope of having any success of spreading his message and being remembered as anything other than an ancient Jim Jones, Allah gave him glad tidings of the Story of Yusuf and finished it off with a powerful reminder and let him know that

    "[They continued] until, when the messengers despaired and were certain that they had been denied, there came to them Our victory, and whoever We willed was saved. And Our punishment cannot be repelled from the people who are criminals" (12:110)
    and Allah let him know that "Allah has decreed, "I will surely overcome, I and My messengers." Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might." (58:21)

    Finally, when the Meccans began fortifying themselves in Mecca and preparing for one last push against the Muslims and there was no inkling that the Muslims would ever perform their rites in Mecca, Allah declares that
    "Certainly has Allah showed to His Messenger the vision in truth. You will surely enter al-Masjid al-Haram, if Allah wills, in safety, with your heads shaved and [hair] shortened, not fearing [anyone]. He knew what you did not know and has arranged before that a conquest near [at hand]" (28:27)

    If this is the track record of a lunatic, then I am proud to be a lunatic with al)
  2. Say to those who disbelieve, "You will be overcome and gathered together to Hell, and wretched is the resting p

Sxb, easy with the harsh words, first, it’s Ramadan and secondly, only this dude Muslim is allowed to use harsh, cursing and insulting words. He’s an extremist.
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