Soviet Union: Appreciation post - not a communist tho

I really like early Soviet architecture. My favourite being the “Stalinka” architecture or Stalinist architecture which was in the style of socialist classicism. This architectural style was officially endorsed by the man himself - Josef stalin. The design was characterized by its elegant and domineering features and it was found throughout the union but mostly in Moscow. Here are some pictures

They also started the supports and base for this behemoth of a building. I wish they would’ve gone through with it. Minus Mr. Lenin gaabey on the top- :cosbyhmm:

I adore grand construction projects that are beautiful and show the character of your civilization. I don’t see much of it around anymore. What do you guys think of Soviet society?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
old-school commies had cool aesthetics.... filthy ideology, beautiful aesthetics.... the modern day commies have garbage aesthetics.... but this is more in line with true, pure Marxism anyway.... pure Marxism on the way of Karl Marx is pro-ugliness, anti-beauty
old-school commies had cool aesthetics.... filthy ideology, beautiful aesthetics.... the modern day commies have garbage aesthetics.... but this is more in line with true, pure Marxism anyway.... pure Marxism on the way of Karl Marx is pro-ugliness, anti-beauty
I think current western communism is heavily influenced by extreme social liberalism. Their social ideology is almost alien to their predecessors and communists from the “3rd world”. These are not the people who would be able to start a violent revolution.
Honestly, the Russian revolution was bloody but it was expected. The rulers who were drowning in land/wealth refused to compromise with the people, human envy eventually reared its ugly head. The same story with the French revolution.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I think current western communism is heavily influenced by extreme social liberalism. Their social ideology is almost alien to their predecessors and communists from the “3rd world”. These are not the people who would be able to start a violent revolution.
Honestly, the Russian revolution was bloody but it was expected. The rulers who were drowning in land/wealth refused to compromise with the people, human envy eventually reared its ugly head. The same story with the French revolution.

but the Communism of the Third World is not the real Marxism. the form of Marxism associated with white people (being openly anti-family and pushing the extreme social liberalism that is alien to peoples of Third World origin)... this is actually much closer to the real Marxism.

the ideology that became a thing in Third World countries was Marxism-Leninism.

Marxism-Leninism in spite of its name was really put together by Stalin. Stalin wielded power in the name of Marxism-Leninism. Invoking Lenin as his predecessor and claiming he was successor to Lenin was convenient... Lenin was dead so he wasn't there to challenge Stalin's version of "Leninism".

Anyways this Stalinist "Marxism-Leninism" became the official Soviet ideology and became a thing in Third World countries.

Marx was actually for Western imperialism, he was in favor of it as he wanted whites to conquer "less advanced" people and this to him was an advancement in social evolution.

Lenin wrote a famous book against imperialism.

Marx wanted to abolish patriotism.

The "Marxism-Leninism" of Stalin was very much in favor of whipping up nationalistic frenzy (particularly when and after the USSR had to defend itself against Nazi Germany).

So if you're some nationalistic anti-imperialist Third Worlder.... this is totally against Marxism.... but it's perfectly in line with "Marxism-Leninism"
but the Communism of the Third World is not the real Marxism. the form of Marxism associated with white people (being openly anti-family and pushing the extreme social liberalism that is alien to peoples of Third World origin)... this is actually much closer to the real Marxism.

So if you're some nationalistic anti-imperialist Third Worlder.... this is totally against Marxism.... but it's perfectly in line with "Marxism-Leninism"
interesting. I never really thought "Marxist - Leninism" was much different from Karl Marx's idea of communism. I remember reading a tweet about marxs ideas on the family. The odey really said the "family performs the ideological functions for capitalism and acts as a unit of consumption"..... like any alternative would not be the most dystopian/dysfunctional thing humans can come up with. Does he want us living in labour communes? away from our own kids, families? He was also not a fan of inheritance? like who else should I give my wealth to?
My sister is a huge fan of Marx's and Engels. She always tells me to read their books. Ill try to read it with an open mind. The labour theory seems to be reasonable tho.
Communist architecture is arguably the worst form of architecture, IMO. The majority of structures were depressive commie blocks. And the rest were large buildings that filled a lot of space with little to no aesthetic variety disagreeable with human sensibilities. It screams a dying society that does not inspire optimism.
Communist architecture is arguably the worst form of architecture, IMO. The majority of structures were depressive commie blocks. And the rest were large buildings that filled a lot of space with little to no aesthetic variety disagreeable with human sensibilities. It screams a dying society that does not inspire optimism.
I like stalinist architecture, he admired classicist architecture and cared for aesthetics. Khrushchev who gotten into power in the 50s decried the "excess" and "wastefulness" of Stalin and was more pragmatic. He changed the construction style ..popularized the "commie blocks" you see all over the former soviet union

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
interesting. I never really thought "Marxist - Leninism" was much different from Karl Marx's idea of communism. I remember reading a tweet about marxs ideas on the family. The odey really said the "family performs the ideological functions for capitalism and acts as a unit of consumption"..... like any alternative would not be the most dystopian/dysfunctional thing humans can come up with. Does he want us living in labour communes? away from our own kids, families? He was also not a fan of inheritance? like who else should I give my wealth to?
My sister is a huge fan of Marx's and Engels. She always tells me to read their books. Ill try to read it with an open mind. The labour theory seems to be reasonable tho.

I think one of the most annoying things that gets said about Marxism is "it's just an economic theory lol" (I'm not ascribing this view to you of course). this is the view promoted by the communists themselves.

Marxism promotes

1-Elimination of Religion
2- Elimination of Patriotism
3- Elimination of the family.

I don't think Marx said exactly what he would replace the "family" with.

But Plato had basically the same proposal in "The Republic". Plato's proposal was "women should be held in common".... and the children (who I think ideally according to Plato would not know who is their father) would be raised not by the family (who might pass on their "superstitions" to their children) but be raised by the state.

I'm not saying Marx detailed all this but he wanted to get rid of the family and that's what Plato wanted. But Plato detailed what exactly as what he wanted instead where I don't think Marx said exactly what family should be replaced with.

Communists and pro-Communist elements run around saying "it's just an economic theory" while it's "just an economic theory" that wants you to give up your religion, national identity and having a family.

Anyways, as to the economics side.... there is all the prior stuff I mentioned- elimination of religion, nationality and family.... and then there's economic stuff....

I don't know much about Communist economics. But I think Pinochet was onto something when he threw Communists out of helicopter.

As for things like labor theory of value..... something like the boss is stealing the labor value of the worker or something.... how dare the boss want to make profit, the profit should be distributed to the workers and the boss should just be in it for..... to be a humanitarian I guess.... I think that is roughly the labor theory of value or whatever it's called....

but is any of this in Quran or Sunnah? I think Marxism is garbage and I would burn the last copies of his books in existence if I could.... Marxism-Leninism... I think it's fun to hear charismatic Third World dictators rant against the West but I don't care about their economic ideas.... I don't think ordinary the people in Third World countries care about those ideas either, for them it just means "free stuff" and they just want the "free stuff"- if they are the supporters of this kind of thing

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
another thing that annoys me a lot is.... during the Cold War... the Communists come with their call of "just give up your religion, bro" and "let us brainwash you with this Jewish ideology that is utterly foreign to you and let us eliminate your traditional culture in favor of it".... and then if you say... "umm, no thank you, I would like to umm not give up my religion and culture"

then the Soviet power structure starts working to undermine you... their regional allies like Cuba or whoever it is in your given region... they start working to get rid of you and put commies in power.....

then the CIA offers to help you..... even if the CIA never existed in the first place you would already be opposed to communism because... you kinda like your religion and culture.... so you receive help from the CIA to counter the Soviets and their allies.... and then you righteously.... umm... disappear some communists who were getting a little bold....

and then the liberal people who write the history books write about you, people read it and are taught "you were a CIA pawn" and you go down in history as allegedly being a national traitor and CIA puppet slash Hitler because you didn't want to give up your religion, culture and traditional norms
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I like stalinist architecture, he admired classicist architecture and cared for aesthetics. Khrushchev who gotten into power in the 50s decried the "excess" and "wastefulness" of Stalin and was more pragmatic. He changed the construction style ..popularized the "commie blocks" you see all over the former soviet union
I take it you like the Pyongyang style too?

Here are some interesting folders as we are on the subject:
This is some sick stuff you sent me. You're a real one- thank you. Im about to save all this to my computer. Ive alway assumed flickr was for cat pics and boomer memes. What is this goldmine?

randy quaid salute GIF
It's interesting, right?

Yeah, I'm never on Flickr. Sometimes I randomly discover people's photos, indirectly, that got their stuff on that site, and the themes are excellent when you find the rare ones - f.ex, old travel pictures around the world and such, or what I linked.
I don't know much about Communist economics. But I think Pinochet was onto something when he threw Communists out of helicopter.
But Plato had basically the same proposal in "The Republic". Plato's proposal was "women should be held in common".... and the children (who I think ideally according to Plato would not know who is their father) would be raised not by the family (who might pass on their "superstitions" to their children) but be raised by the state.
children of the state... Im curious as to how that will look. It probably looked much different in classical Greece but still creepy as hell.
another thing that annoys me a lot is.... during the Cold War... the Communists come with their call of "just give up your religion, bro" and "let us brainwash you with this Jewish ideology that is utterly foreign to you and let us eliminate your traditional culture in favor of it".... and then if you say... "umm, no thank you, I would like to umm not give up my religion and culture"

then the Soviet power structure starts working to undermine you... their regional allies like Cuba or whoever it is in your given region... they start working to get rid of you and put commies in power.....

then the CIA offers to help you..... even if the CIA never existed in the first place you would already be opposed to communism because... you kinda like your religion and culture.... so you receive help from the CIA to counter the Soviets and their allies.... and then you righteously.... umm... disappear some communists who were getting a little bold....

and then the liberal people who write the history books write about you, people read it and are taught "you were a CIA pawn" and you go down in history as allegedly being a national traitor and CIA puppet slash Hitler because you didn't want to give up your religion, culture and traditional norms
i see you're a fan of late 20th century South American dictators..


Leningrad mural

Vasily Neyasov, “A Guy from the Urals,” 1959

Alexander Laktionov, Letters from the Eastern Front, 1947

Yuri Pimenov. New Moscow, 1937


Alexander Deyneka. The Defense of Sevastopol, 1942


Tatiana Yablonskaya. Morning, 1954



Not even a commie, but feel deep regret about the USSR breakup. The world lost something truly great, was very avoidable too.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

children of the state... Im curious as to how that will look. It probably looked much different in classical Greece but still creepy as hell.

I think they carried out something like that in Sparta. It is creepy, inherently. Kids are supposed to be raised by their parents, not "The State".


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