This is not our fight. The white man has done more for Somalis than the black man has ever done. We should be thankful to the white man for granting us sanctuary when our homeland burned to the ground, not inciting a race war in the countries that were generous enough to give us shelter when we had none, the countries that fed us when we were dropping like flies from famine, the countries that gave us Oppurtunities are countrymen would kill for. This is a disgrace at the highest level. What is lower than the man that spits in the face of the ones that lifted him up when he was at his lowest? A coward is better than an ungrateful.
Far leftists have completely indoctrinated our children in these schools, brainwashed them to support these nonsense organizations and installed a belief that they’re oppressed in the west. We’ve allowed self hating white quilt ridden upper middle class teachers to fill our kids heads with harmful ideologies disguised as “education”.
The west needs to get a hold on race relations or else..