Somalis getting trashed on black forum

Isn’t this the same page that posted the falsely accused adeer bolt driver? Did they post how he was falsely accused?
Not sure but here is the info of the owner
I don't understand why those stinking black french speaking idiots from France are obsessed with Somalis as there is not many Somalis in France.

They're even worse than the British ones as French Twitter is a cesspool of race wars between them, North Africans and cadaans and for some reason, these French condoms have become obsessed with Somalis.

Wallahi I wouldn't mind Le Pen winning in France with the amount of unprovoked anti Somali hatred and famine jokes I see from those Malians, Senegalese, North Africans etc. Hope the French state makes their lives even more miserable.
I can trace my lineage back to the time of Adam AS these idiots don’t even know their father I rest my case


- Somalis overwhelmingly send hate and sly comments about madows

- madows start to notice and grow a disliking towards us and reciprocate the same behavior

- Somalis: is this xenophobia? It’s us against the world
They're even worse than the British ones as French Twitter is a cesspool of race wars between them, North Africans and cadaans and for some reason, these French condoms have become obsessed with Somalis.

Wallahi I wouldn't mind Le Pen winning in France with the amount of unprovoked anti Somali hatred and famine jokes I see from those Malians, Senegalese, North Africans etc. Hope the French state makes their lives even more miserable.
Yeah, i wanted to visit La rochelle,France to see the famous tv show castle fort boyard but decided not to visit as France is a dump worse than uk. Glad there isn't too many of our people in France as those Galbeed Africans would our people some problems.
- Somalis overwhelmingly send hate and sly comments about madows

- madows start to notice and grow a disliking towards us

- Somalis: is this xenophobia? It’s us against the world
Come on you know you’re lying to yourself
James Harden Reaction GIF by NBA

Somalis returned back cuz they say something towards to Somalis


Come on you know you’re lying to yourself
James Harden Reaction GIF by NBA

Somalis returned back cuz they say something towards to Somalis
It’s always Somalis who call madows “jareeer” under every video and are on the frontlines insulting blacks when it has nothing to do with us. We aren’t innocent
It’s always Somalis who call madows “jareeer” under every video and are on the frontlines insulting blacks when it has nothing to do with us. We aren’t innocent
Yes but again there is a reason for that ?
Yes some of them was out of pocket but others wasn’t cuz they’ve said negative stuff about Somalis . They’ve been doing it for the last 2 decades
It’s always Somalis who call madows “jareeer” under every video and are on the frontlines insulting blacks when it has nothing to do with us. We aren’t innocent
Yes, if these internet trolls who insult madows every day wouldn't exist, I doubt many of them would see a difference between us and other africans or even know of our existance. Anti somali madows have always existed but for some of the hatred we can thank these trolls using the somali name


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Recently I’ve been seeing a lot of french speakers in the quotes of anti-somalis twitter posts.
Funny thing is that Somalis are quick to admonish and tell their own off for the slightest anti madow rhetoric but you won't see a single one of these madows pushing back on the thousands of vile anti Somali comments that this has triggered.

Even African Muslims are joining in, many who haven't meet a Somali in their lives like those French speaking ones. Yet, even the most deranged so called Somali troll wouldn't cross the line to insult a predominantly African Muslim ethnicity such as the Senegalese or Malians.

Anyways, hope Somalis wake up to the vile xenophobia directed at us and started going after the livelihoods of these vile creatures.


Yes, if these internet trolls who insult madows every day wouldn't exist, I doubt many of them would see a difference between us and other africans or even know of our existance
Exactly. We often use the excuse “They are jealous of our features and see us as invaders” but other horn africans muslims look exactly like us but don’t receive the same hate.

