Somalis and Horses

Do you breed your own horses locally in Daynile and Ceel Buur today?
Yes brother, Reer ceelbuur are the main group that breed horses even in xamar today. The old horses population in Ceelbuur were also descended from the Sunaari breed and later used by "rakuublayda" the cavalry of the Somali custodial corps and police force.

Somali horses are much like the Mongolian ones, short in statue very fast have crazy endurance, can walk miles without needing much water, also they hoof is one of the strongest amongst horses
shit why didnt we have a somali gengis khan...

garaad will waal the mystic poet warrior was the closest.

:lawd: Imagine the thunder of a unified somali clan coalition across the savananh all the way to south africa.. we could have had massive silver, gold mines and formed a quasi mongol somali empire across central to southern africa. The somali clans were utterly brutal warriors to each other they just needed a holy unifier
How big were the horses
They are not as large as say the Arabian horses but I have seen some unusual once that were really large. Your average horse in Somalia is of medium stature which is fine. There is always room for improvement. We need to import pure bred Arabian horses and breed them with the local once to improve size and agility.


They are not as large as say the Arabian horses but I have seen some unusual once that were really large. Your average horse in Somalia is of medium stature which is fine. There is always room for improvement. We need to import pure bred Arabian horses and breed them with the local once to improve size and agility.
Arabian horses are well fed by their owners, whilst Somali horses are self reliant and subsist on available pastures.
Arabian horses are well fed by their owners, whilst Somali horses are self reliant and subsist on available pastures.
Genetics plays a role as well don’t forget. Oriental horses tend to be naturally long legged, slim build and athletic. These horses are bred for agility and speed. Arabian horses in particular were used worldwide especially by European horse breeders to improve their own local stock.

