Somaliland should thank beesha D

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
bu'aale is a tribal ogaadeen tuulo it can't be a capital. and madoobe doesn't control jubbaland. he controls kismaayo and a few places
If Ahmed madoobe isn’t the president of jubaland and bu’aale is an Ogaden town then likewise farmaajo isn’t the president of Somalia cause he doesn’t control most of Somalia and Mogadishu isn’t the capital city of Somalia cause it’s an abgaal city


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Ogaden are the masters of jubbaland Maxamed subeer is the kings there MX have not had real power since siad.
Why is it you say MX are OG in jubaland just cause the president of jubaland is OG yet you don’t say the same regarding Galmudug the president is habar gidir and he controls cabudwaaq and all mareexan territory in galgaduud?


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Don't believe anything you read on the net. There are no marehans in Dadab camp. Kenya was trying to build a wall on their side but the Somalian president stopped it. Barre Hirale is history now you have the presidency of Somalia.

Abaayo exactly we have presidency in Somalia. Farmaajo a MX man runs the town in Somalia. So I ain't complaining. We have presidency in Somalia. And now MX just needs to become president of Jubaland and mission accomplished.
MX ain't oppressed. MX are living the life in Jubaland.
Ksimaayo =/= Jubbooyinka.
If Ahmed madoobe isn’t the president of jubaland and bu’aale is an Ogaden town then likewise farmaajo isn’t the president of Somalia cause he doesn’t control most of Somalia and Mogadishu isn’t the capital city of Somalia cause it’s an abgaal city
Jubbaland is exclusively for OG immigrants from Qabri Dahar and the KDF's slaves from Garissa. the uneducated policemen are from ethiopia and the educated immigrants are from garissa. the rest come from the diaspora.the disgrace is when a guy fresh of the plane from ethiopia is taking your house Wallahi. bu'aale is the capital of jubbaland which shows that its an ogaadeen project.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Ksimaayo =/= Jubbooyinka.

Jubbaland is exclusively for OG immigrants from Qabri Dahar and the KDF's slaves from Garissa. the uneducated policemen are from ethiopia and the educated immigrants are from garissa. the rest come frmo the diaspora. bu'aale is the capital of jubbaland which shows that its an ogaadeen project.
Is galmudug exclusively for habar gidir since the president is habar gidir the capital city is owned by habar gidir?


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Why is it you say MX are OG in jubaland just cause the president of jubaland is OG yet you don’t say the same regarding Galmudug the president is habar gidir and he controls cabudwaaq and all mareexan territory in galgaduud?

MX are the big brothers of OG. Without MX OGs would be struggling to lead Jubaland. It's a known fact that MX and OG go way back to the Kacaan era when they used to work for Siad Barre. OG takes MX orders. OGs are not independent. They need MX to get someway. Look at Jubaland right now.
Is galmudug exclusively for habar gidir since the president is habar gidir the capital city is owned by habar gidir?
ogaadeen are on a campaign to wipe us out from kismaayo and replace us with reer amxaaaro. business and houses are regularly demolish or taken and given to ogaadeens fresh from itoobiya.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
MX are the big brothers of OG. Without MX OGs would be struggling to lead Jubaland. It's a known fact that MX and OG go way back to the Kacaan era when they used to work for Siad Barre. OG takes MX orders. OGs are not independent. They need MX to get someway. Look at Jubaland right now.
Tell us what did MX achieve in Gedo since it’s the biggest gobol in jubaland and it’s inhabited overwhelmingly by MX? What is it the MX can do in the rest of jubaland that they have done for gedo?
MX are the big brothers of OG. Without MX OGs would be struggling to lead Jubaland. It's a known fact that MX and OG go way back to the Kacaan era when they used to work for Siad Barre. OG takes MX orders. OGs are not independent. They need MX to get someway. Look at Jubaland right now.
Its the other way round fool OG is the master of MX you are their es you are treated like second class citizens in kismayo and the president of jubbaland is an OG respect your ogaden masters kkk.
MX control Kismayo you illiterate goblin.
no we dont saaxiib we're in a horrible state in kismaayo its infested with reer itoobiya. theres a shortage of young reer diini males in kismaayo because they're on the outskirts of kismaayo and in jilib and they're armed.

:reallymaury:they joined you know who:reallymaury:


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Tell us what did MX achieve in Gedo since it’s the biggest gobol in jubaland and it’s inhabited overwhelmingly by MX?

MX achieved by making new hospitals like the main one in Garbaharey named Jaalle Siad Hospital. They also built schools throughout the Gedo region especially Beled Hawo. Bardera needs to have a port since it has oil that runs through it. Yeah we are building our economy in Jubaland.
Tell us what did MX achieve in Gedo since it’s the biggest gobol in jubaland and it’s inhabited overwhelmingly by MX? What is it the MX can do in the rest of jubaland that they have done for gedo?
-we didnt make kismaayo a kenyan colony unlike ogaadeens
-we didn't massacre and evict the majority clan inhabiting the place unlike ogaadeen
-we didnt give kismaayos port to kenya unlike ogaadeen
-we didnt give kismaayos coal to kenya
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no we dont saaxiib we're in a horrible state in kismaayo its infested with reer itoobiya. theres a shortage of young reer diini males in kismaayo because they're on the outskirts of kismaayo and in jilib and they're armed.

:reallymaury:they joined you know who:reallymaury:
Makes sense when I watched an al shabaab video of their take over of beledxaawo the locals were all cheering and welcoming them.
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