Somaliland authorities plan to ban Somalis & Non-Somalilanders to receive charity donations or panhandle on the streets of the breakaway region


Staff Member
Are you naive enough to believe whitey does anything that doesnt benefit himself first?

Somalis and their cynicism. There's nothing to benefit for whitey (who you call cadaanka xuun oo uuraya) in Somalia when they have to come to the rescue to feed your cousins. It's 2022. It's embarassing. Smarten up. I have seen better governance a million fold from my middle school class president. Your country is a joke. It shouldn't exist. Give your UN seat to the Kurds or something. What a total disaster. Zero institutions and chaos. Ceeb badana. No planning, nothing. Homes don't even have addresses. This is a failed ethnic group and failed nation, Somalicrapland included. Long live the west.

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