Somali women -- how do you express interest in a guy? **serious topic**

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Natural Doc.
I'm good with telling it like it is I have no fear of rejection the one I think is a real cute xalimo I go up to her and crack a joke, get her number and be aggressive in my interactions with me like I don't hide if I like her I tell her outright.
I have no problem in approaching a guy first if I'm interested in him. Actually it's been scientifically proven that women approach men first..not necessarily through words but through eye contact, smiling, glancing away...and making it known to you that they are "open" to be approached. Men believe they make the first approach because they catch themselves looking back at this girl and ultimately approach her because they think they must really like her if they have been looking at her this whole time. In reality they were just returning glances.

I suck at doing the whole flirtatious i actually am straight up about it. If I'm in to someone, I tell them "Hey i really enjoyed talking to you.We should definitely hang out sometime whenever you're free." At this point the guy always takes my number down and that's all there is to it.

I agree with you that if we only wait for the guys that are interested in us's extremely limiting. I don't wait. I have power and control over my own life...I'm not going to wait for a guy to find interest in me first if I like his personality and looks. I'm going to give him an opportunity to get to know me because I know that if he had the opportunity he would like me back.

I really feel bad for Somali women. Basically the only guys they ever have a chance with are the ones that express interest in them first? Seems extremely inefficient and limiting. It's like a jobseeker only willing to work for companies that come to recruit first.
I have no problem in approaching a guy first if I'm interested in him. Actually it's been scientifically proven that women approach men first..not necessarily through words but through eye contact, smiling, glancing away...and making it known to you that they are "open" to be approached. Men believe they make the first approach because they catch themselves looking back at this girl and ultimately approach her because they think they must really like her if they have been looking at her this whole time. In reality they were just returning glances.

I suck at doing the whole flirtatious i actually am straight up about it. If I'm in to someone, I tell them "Hey i really enjoyed talking to you.We should definitely hang out sometime whenever you're free." At this point the guy always takes my number down and that's all there is to it.

I agree with you that if we only wait for the guys that are interested in us's extremely limiting. I don't wait. I have power and control over my own life...I'm not going to wait for a guy to find interest in me first if I like his personality and looks. I'm going to give him an opportunity to get to know me because I know that if he had the opportunity he would like me back.

I agree. We approach, but it is different from how guys do it, of course.

We do 'shoot our shot':gunsmiley:, we're just more subtle with it. But, if the dude is worth it then go ahead I say.
I have no problem in approaching a guy first if I'm interested in him. Actually it's been scientifically proven that women approach men first..not necessarily through words but through eye contact, smiling, glancing away...and making it known to you that they are "open" to be approached. Men believe they make the first approach because they catch themselves looking back at this girl and ultimately approach her because they think they must really like her if they have been looking at her this whole time. In reality they were just returning glances.

I suck at doing the whole flirtatious i actually am straight up about it. If I'm in to someone, I tell them "Hey i really enjoyed talking to you.We should definitely hang out sometime whenever you're free." At this point the guy always takes my number down and that's all there is to it.

I agree with you that if we only wait for the guys that are interested in us's extremely limiting. I don't wait. I have power and control over my own life...I'm not going to wait for a guy to find interest in me first if I like his personality and looks. I'm going to give him an opportunity to get to know me because I know that if he had the opportunity he would like me back.

I like your philosophy. How old are you if you don't mind me asking?? Did you always have this attitude or is it something you learntto adopt in time?
I like your philosophy. How old are you if you don't mind me asking?? Did you always have this attitude or is it something you learntto adopt in time?
I don't like stating my age/qabiil/religious views on this site but I am closer to your age than my early 20s. I liked this one guy when I was younger (18) and I struggled to tell him how I felt although we were close friends and texted all the time...and eventually I told him how I felt and realized it wasn't so bad. The older you get, the more comfortable in your skin you become.

I always noticed the miskeen guys that have something going for them and look good are always the shy ones...and the ones that approach girls on a regular basis are the ratchet guys that have nothing going for them but have the craziest confidence. I also really like miskeen guys so I know that they will take longer to approach me than the why wait if I know what I like? Plus it helps that I find myself attractive and don't really worry about being rejected.
I don't like stating my age/qabiil/religious views on this site but I am closer to your age than my early 20s. I liked this one guy when I was younger (18) and I struggled to tell him how I felt although we were close friends and texted all the time...and eventually I told him how I felt and realized it wasn't so bad. The older you get, the more comfortable in your skin you become.

I always noticed the miskeen guys that have something going for them and look good are always the shy ones...and the ones that approach girls on a regular basis are the ratchet guys that have nothing going for them but have the craziest confidence. I also really like miskeen guys so I know that they will take longer to approach me than the why wait if I know what I like? Plus it helps that I find myself attractive and don't really worry about being rejected.

I'm very maskeen. :cool:

shoot me an email: ac.power3000 dot


Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
I like this girl that I see about 1-2 times a month, we are always friendly and smile. I have her number and she knows, however I only have it due to sheer circumstance (basically via doing some errands for a relative).

My question to the halmos on SS is, if you're interested in a guy, how do you express it, if at all? Or do you just wait for a guy to do everything??? I'm really curious, i've never had a somali girl be direct in her interest. In fact I knew this one girl who told her friends she found her husband (me) and I never had a clue she was that into me. Unfortunately I wasn't digging her that much.....she was kinda cute but too loud and chubby.

I'm a 28 year old guy and still haven't got the memo....

ps guys for once no trolls pls. i don't want to hear any mention of "ashy abdi" or "", not this time.

Damn you're 28 and looking for answers:damn:
Sxb you have to be a bahal when it comes to hablaha. Just call her up middle of the night, make shit akward, squeeze her futo mid hug & say sorry mah bad:ivers:. Just don't I repeat don't tell her some soft lovey dovey shit:ivers: Somali girls are like any other just million times more feisty. If you're a pushover miskiin guy way kudhamaatay:pachah1:
Loool. Worst advice.

Damn you're 28 and looking for answers:damn:
Sxb you have to be a bahal when it comes to hablaha. Just call her up middle of the night, make shit akward, squeeze her futo mid hug & say sorry mah bad:ivers:. Just don't I repeat don't tell her some soft lovey dovey shit:ivers: Somali girls are like any other just million times more feisty. If you're a pushover miskiin guy way kudhamaatay:pachah1:
Damn you're 28 and looking for answers:damn:
Sxb you have to be a bahal when it comes to hablaha. Just call her up middle of the night, make shit akward, squeeze her futo mid hug & say sorry mah bad:ivers:. Just don't I repeat don't tell her some soft lovey dovey shit:ivers: Somali girls are like any other just million times more feisty. If you're a pushover miskiin guy way kudhamaatay:pachah1:

I hate to admit it, but there's a strong dose of truth somewhere here. You gotta take charge with Somali women.
Talking about topics that are of common interest (books, politics, school). If I am really interested in a guy, I will talk to him about something (like going up to him and asking what time salah maghrib is). But if I am NOT interested, I won't even look in a guy's direction; you don't exist to me.
Talking about topics that are of common interest (books, politics, school). If I am really interested in a guy, I will talk to him about something (like going up to him and asking what time salah maghrib is). But if I am NOT interested, I won't even look in a guy's direction; you don't exist to me.

I swear that would kill it for most guys
exactly, if you're tryna hit on me, don't be tryna bring religion into the convo :gucciwhat:

I'm not saying its a bad thing but I would be too preoccupied with thoughts about my iman and god forbid I didn't know what time maghrib was.

Concerning the topic, after talking to Somali girls don't you feel like you've known them all your life or is it just me.
I swear that would kill it for most guys

It depends on the guy. Those who actually pray don't mind really. How would it kill it? The girl who might be interested in a guy can find something to talk to the guy about, and at the same time find out if he prays his salah. Win-win in my opinion.
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exactly, if you're tryna hit on me, don't be tryna bring religion into the convo :gucciwhat:
I'm not saying its a bad thing but I would be too preoccupied with thoughts about my iman and god forbid I didn't know what time maghrib was.

Concerning the topic, after talking to Somali girls don't you feel like you've known them all your life or is it just me.

Don't you have a smart phone with the salah times on it? It is an ice breaker, esp for shy, religious girls who may be interested in a guy but don't really know how to go about it.

Anyways, the main point I was making is that if I am personally interested in a guy, I will find a way to talk to him, find something (anything, even if it means asking him for directions for a place that I already know) and basically make my existence known to him. That is the point. If I am not interested, I won't talk to a guy.
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