Somali women -- how do you express interest in a guy? **serious topic**

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Somalis are so socially awkward in the West. Just ask.

90% of those married in our generation had to ask their parents to find them a husband/wife.



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Most Somali girls dont have male somali friends and dont know how to interact with us. Most of them are paranoid and think you will some how stain their name and reputation if you it doesn't go well and a host of other things.

Me personally ive been turned down but then only to find out she werent that serious about turning me down because they gave me poppy eyes a few times I seen her since.

Not true. I've had plenty of Somali guys that were my friends. Do we still communicate? Sparingly, as I am a low maintenance friend. Are you alive? - Yes. That's good enough for me. Most of these friends I had in University. I strangely suspect some wanted more but I'm totally delusional unless they spell it out for me. In that way, I'm about as perceptive as a smooth brained Koala Bear when it comes to male infatuation. Keep in mind, some Somali guys are averse to being friends with the opposite-sex.


Honest question, why though???

Why would you let what could be the best love of your life "pass"?? What is the purpose of that??
I'm commitment-averse, and I also rly rly hate expectations.

Maybe it's because I'm a bit cynical too; I feel as if my partner would find a way to ruin it I'd rather not begin it at all.
I'm commitment-averse, and I also rly rly hate expectations.

Maybe it's because I'm a bit cynical too; I feel as if my partner would find a way to ruin it I'd rather not begin it at all.

Sounds like mental health issues. Self projections like that become self fulfilling prophecies. You don't have to rush into commitment, you can juggle a couple faraxs at a time while you sniff the market and decide what you want. We do it all the time. best of luck.


You need to break a Xaalimo like you break a horse.

Don't try mount one until you have her domesticated.


Sounds like mental health issues. Self projections like that become self fulfilling prophecies. You don't have to rush into commitment, you can juggle a couple faraxs at a time while you sniff the market and decide what you want. We do it all the time. best of luck.
Loool, so I'm just a looney then:wow:

I guess I'll blame it on the demons up top, from now onwards; awesome !

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I consider myself a Queen:westbrookswag:, and such, only show interest in men who are of the highest-caliber. :obama:

But, on a more serious note - every girl is different and some may be more forward, while others are more shy.

It also depends on the type of guy a girl is looking for- is he shy/reserved or more outgoing? That factors into how she will express interest.
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Ur 28 and ur scared to talk to a girl. I once had a bank appointment and i was running late, saw some bad chick. I missed my stop and my appointment to get her number. She didn't give it to me but it was cool. Rejection doesn't t hurt sxb.

Yo u should have learned how to talk girls when ur were young, don't be scared and just try. You don't want to miss out on a good girl bro. Just imagine she's a guy(kinda sounds gay but it isn't) talk to her about little things such as her ambitions, her views and get to know her personally. When you talk to girl and ur not looking for a one and done them there is no need to be witty. Then you can take the long comm. , it sounds chessy but just be ur self and try get to know her.
Somethings sound great online but turns out :trash:in reality:wow:
Women are shallow creatures with low iq talk about politics with them and look how fast they call you lame
1. Rule with talking with females always talk about how great you are
2. Always flex avoid sounding like a lame
3. If your actually are a book reading square lie lie lie
4. es love dangerous men talk about how you have record and different drugs you use even if it's not true:mjswag:
5. If all odds fail use roofy:mjhaps:

Depends on the guy: If he's cute my voice rises and I might sound interested in the convo. But if he's fine, my mind goes blank for a bit :tacky: apparently it's "cute" but I see it as a weakness and a dead giveaway :wow:
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