Somali social activist najma is being attacked for being dismissive about her privilege


Our parents were insular, why not? We can focus on building our own community and stop interacting with other

Many Somalis are waking up to the hate that we’re getting and I think it is waking people up. I think people will be receptive towards becoming insular as way to defend ourselves against the rising hate

I’m not saying that our community is perfect. There are many things to criticize us for. But the hate we’re getting is getting out of control, and it is largely based off of lies

Yea I think we can fix this if we are patient

We have to get the Hoyo’s to spread the message that you need to behave yourself on social media. Show them how Somalis online are behaving and they’ll spread the message and make sure their kids are not fucking around online

And we need to get more Somalis on twitter to join the community notes program to combat misinformation about us

If we do this, overtime people will forget about us. You have to remember, most people only see Somalis on the internet. If we don’t engage with them, they won’t think about us
What we need are strong leaders to bring about change and we don’t have a single one in 33 years. I told my mum about how embarrassing Somalis are on social media and she also said it’s cause of our culture and the fact that our people escaped war. She laughed it off cause she knows there’s nothing she can do about it. Somalis back home do the same thing that Somalis in the diaspora do. They get on tiktok lives and argue over stupid shit the same way Somalis here would get on clubhouse/tiktok live and do the same. Our people have always loved buuq iyo balaayo. It’s our culture that’s backwards.
The root cause of why they are angry has nothing to do with us. If Somalis stop interacting with them on these spaces, they are just going to attack each other

Nothing at all, but dumb trolls want to put us in the middle of the nonsense.



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Plotting world domination


This convo is interesting. I always thought men had it harder when they were deemed undesirable.

Like asian men for example use to get slandered often cause of the small penis stereotype and also because their short.

I've sort of ignored the struggles of bantu women cause most of them seemed to still have options compared to undesirable men. I've met a lot of west African chicks and I wouldn't really consider them ugly overall.

I will say though when it comes to undesirable men the most hate they seem to get is from other men. When other men consider you ugly they will go out of there way to tell you that unless you earned their respect.

So undesirable men still seem to have a chance with finding a partner since not all women think the same.


Somali supremacist

This convo is interesting. I always thought men had it harder when they were deemed undesirable.

Like asian men for example use to get slandered often cause of the small penis stereotype and also because their short.

I've sort of ignored the struggles of bantu women cause most of them seemed to still have options compared to undesirable men. I've met a lot of west African chicks and I wouldn't really consider them ugly overall.

I will say though when it comes to undesirable men the most hate they seem to get is from other men. When other men consider you ugly they will go out of there way to tell you that unless you earned their respect.

So undesirable men still seem to have a chance with finding a partner since not all women think the same.
Nah it’s all about money just look around you will see ugliest and shortest men with 10/10 women and it’s cause they got money. Men are valued by how much is his salary and women by her beauty. Simple as that
Man f*ck these north sudanis all day they are crying anti blackness but weren’t they the ones who enslaved south sudanis and sold them off to libya. I dont care how fucked this sounds but they can b!tch and cry all they want about what is going in their damn country.


Plotting world domination
Madow men in the west prefer cadaan girls and put them on a pedestal

From what I've seen in the states most of them only do this when they grow up in areas with a small madow community. Also a lot of the average and ugly madow dudes struggle to pull fine BW so they find it easier to date average looking non black women.

I'm from Houston so most of the niggas I've been around only fucked with madow women. Only madow dudes I ran across that only dated cadaan chicks were black geeks that struggled to pull madow women.
A majority of the madow dudes I've met that grew up in the suburbs usually dated non black women as well since cadaan and Hispanic women were usually the finest women in the area.
You are the same as the Madow women who attacking this girl cause you jealous of habasha girls. You want from the start to insult them.
I honestly hate reading your replies, your English is ass, and you get so triggered when Somali women are spoken highly of like a little b*tch.

Stupid, ugly, skinny fob. IGNORED.


Somali supremacist
I honestly hate reading your replies, your English is ass, and you get so triggered when Somali women are spoken highly of like a little b*tch.

Stupid, ugly, skinny fob. IGNORED.
And you are bitter woman who’s jealous of habasha women beauty.
Man f*ck these north sudanis all day they are crying anti blackness but weren’t they the ones who enslaved south sudanis and sold them off to libya. I dont care how fucked this sounds but they can b!tch and cry all they want about what is going in their damn country.
they're big time mad because most of the world either forgot or don't care about their plight so they're latching out their hate on to others. Everyone is more focused on Palestine instead of Sudan.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
You are the same as the Madow women who attacking this girl cause you jealous of habasha girls. You want from the start to insult them.
Why you calling those habesha women beautiful when our women are 100 times more beautiful? :childplease:

