Somali professor sentenced to 2 1/2 half years in prison for blasphemy

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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
It sounds like he’s someone who prayed and prayed, and saw a lot praying going on amidst suffering, and yet without any change. It’s human, and a sign of normal intelligence to feel/think that way, especially in that situation. I’m sad he’s being imprisoned on top of it.

If more ppl start thinking with that spirit, things will get much better. That’s not to say the population need become murtads or whatever, but if they start putting action over prayer, it won’t matter what they believe. You can still be spiritual. It doesn’t have to be a threat.
I actually agree with you, Allah SWT has his reasons to withhold rain. Theres a spirtual problem that needs to be addressed

Look how we treat minorities like Madhibaan. We deserve it.



Apostasy in Islam (Arabic: ردة‎ riddah or ارتداد irtidād) is commonly defined as the conscious abandonment of Islam by a Muslim in word or through deed.

He name-called our Lord, claimed that mere mortals could somehow overpower Him and His will, and on top of his own egregious sins encouraged other Somalis to apostatize. Please don't try to sugarcoat this--he's an apostate. A murtad. The punishment for apostaty is death; he evaded justice by being served only 2.5 years in prison.

Apostasy in Islam (Arabic: ردة‎ riddah or ارتداد irtidād) is commonly defined as the conscious abandonment of Islam by a Muslim in word or through deed.

He name-called our Lord, claimed that mere mortals could somehow overpower Him and His will, and on top of his own egregious sins encouraged other Somalis to apostatize. Please don't try to sugarcoat this--he's an apostate. A murtad. The punishment for apostaty is death; he evaded justice by being served only 2.5 years in prison.


“He evaded justice”. You live in Ohio, U.S & you are calling for the killing of another human being because (arguably) he’s no longer a Muslim. Wow. The Americans have one radical Muslim living amongst them.



“He evaded justice”. You live in Ohio, U.S & you are calling for the killing of another human being because (arguably) he’s no longer a Muslim. Wow. The Americans have one radical Muslim living amongst them.

Just calling it out for how it is. :samwelcome: Sorry if you took offense, but it is how it is.
Just calling it out for how it is. :samwelcome:


If you keep being a radical Muslim at this rate, all you will attract to yourself and your family is authorities investigating you and them. Slow down with the online radical propaganda Sxb, this would only lead you to prison or to Isis and don’t make your lovely mum who raised you alone and sacrificed everything for you to regret where she went wrong. Chill.

“He evaded justice”. You live in Ohio, U.S & you are calling for the killing of another human being because (arguably) he’s no longer a Muslim. Wow. The Americans have one radical Muslim living amongst them.

Supposedly this thing is only 17 years old and already a extremist, hopefully it is on a watch list probably already is and doesn't even know it yet.
Supposedly this thing is only 17 years old and already a extremist, hopefully it is on a watch list probably already is and doesn't even know it yet.


He could be an agent baiting other impressionable teenagers. But if he’s real, I think he’s already there and could be easily crossed that red-line by those charismatic ISIS recruiters.



If you keep being a radical Muslim at this rate, all you will attract to yourself and your family is authorities investigating you and them. Slow down with the online radical propaganda Sxb, this would only lead you to prison or to Isis and don’t make your lovely mum who raised you alone and sacrificed everything for you to regret where she went wrong. Chill.

Narrated 'Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, "The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims."

- Sahih Bukhari 9:83:17



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)

Apostasy in Islam (Arabic: ردة‎ riddah or ارتداد irtidād) is commonly defined as the conscious abandonment of Islam by a Muslim in word or through deed.

He name-called our Lord, claimed that mere mortals could somehow overpower Him and His will, and on top of his own egregious sins encouraged other Somalis to apostatize. Please don't try to sugarcoat this--he's an apostate. A murtad. The punishment for apostaty is death; he evaded justice by being served only 2.5 years in prison.

Maybe in Wahabism but in true Islam you must have a qadi rule it with alot of witnesses and you must give a chance to repent several times and as aslong as hes not spreading his beliefs.

If he refuses all that and continues to presch such dogma he should be up to the judge to judge his mental state. Then it is execution if found sane.

This is in a true khilfah which we dont have today so doesnt even apply.



Apostasy in Islam (Arabic: ردة‎ riddah or ارتداد irtidād) is commonly defined as the conscious abandonment of Islam by a Muslim in word or through deed.

He name-called our Lord, claimed that mere mortals could somehow overpower Him and His will, and on top of his own egregious sins encouraged other Somalis to apostatize. Please don't try to sugarcoat this--he's an apostate. A murtad. The punishment for apostaty is death; he evaded justice by being served only 2.5 years in prison.
ISIS recruiter has infiltrated Somalispot CONFIRMED


رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
It sounds like he’s someone who prayed and prayed, and saw a lot praying going on amidst suffering, and yet without any change. It’s human, and a sign of normal intelligence to feel/think that way, especially in that situation. I’m sad he’s being imprisoned on top of it.

If more ppl start thinking with that spirit, things will get much better. That’s not to say the population need become murtads or whatever, but if they start putting action over prayer, it won’t matter what they believe. You can still be spiritual. It doesn’t have to be a threat.


رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا

Apostasy in Islam (Arabic: ردة‎ riddah or ارتداد irtidād) is commonly defined as the conscious abandonment of Islam by a Muslim in word or through deed.

He name-called our Lord, claimed that mere mortals could somehow overpower Him and His will, and on top of his own egregious sins encouraged other Somalis to apostatize. Please don't try to sugarcoat this--he's an apostate. A murtad. The punishment for apostaty is death; he evaded justice by being served only 2.5 years in prison.
Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan (Hafidhahullah) has also provided evidence in this matter.
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