Somali Girls aint Feeling us, Here's Why.

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The gender wars are a reoccurring theme on this forum. I made my views known before, but I'd like to elaborate them a bit more. It's no secret that a lot of Somali girls in the West have a low opinion of Somali men, with some even preferring to be with an ajanabi. Understandably this bothers us Somali men on a visceral level since men are naturally averse to the idea of their women pairing up with a foreign man. But the questions still remain, why do so many Somali girls hold us in low esteem and why are some of them so enamored with the idea of getting with an ajanabi? Here is why I think this is the case.

Women and In-group loyalty

Before I get into the reasons, I think it's important to understand that the concept of loyalty to the in-group is a foreign concept to women. This is why it's usually only the men of any ethnic group who condemn ajanabi marriages and women always seem perplexed and disturbed by what they see as our irrational 'jealousy', 'insecurity' and 'entitlement'. Women, fundamentally, are only loyal to two things, the well-being of themselves and their offspring. If they view these objectives to be better-served by an ajanabi man then so be it. They may give lip-service to the transcendental and masculine ideal of loyalty to ones people and homeland in the right conditions, but that all flies out the window if they can get a better deal elsewhere. We can't blame women for this, it's how they were designed by God.

Reason #1 Social Status imbalance

In the West women, for various reasons which I won't go into here, are now generally more educated than men and also outpacing them in white-collar employment. This phenomenon is even more pronounced in the Somali community. Since women are hypergamous and ideally only marry up (sometimes across, but never down) the social status hierarchy, Somali girls have a small pool of eligible Somali bachelors who they would even consider. Through their credentials, which many Somali guys can't match, they have essentially priced themselves out of the marriage market. This is one reason Somali girls are not feeling us but it's not the only reason. If being highly educated and having lucrative careers were enough to win the adoration of your women Asian men would have the most loyal women in the world, but instead their women are literally cucking them into oblivion with cadaan guys. So status in the form of education and career is a necessary but not a sufficient condition to win the respect and loyalty of ones women.

Reason #2 Looks

Prior to entering the workforce in droves in the 1960's most women in the West looked for and married men who would be successful bread winners for their families. Looks were a plus but not a major requirement. But now that women work and make their own money they are much more selective in the looks category. This helps to explain why Asian men are doing so poorly with their own women and all women in general. They have no facial aesthetics to speak of and are generally short. The average Indian man does poorly with women as well as a result of sub-par looks. Somali men luckily range in facial attractiveness from average to good looking to handsome. I grew up with over 30 Somali guys and wallahi maybe only two or three were genuinely ugly. What kills the physical appeal of Somali guys is our bodies. Too many of us are either super skinny or just fat and soft all over. In the West we're in competition with men from all over the world. Who do you think the Somali girl in your uni class is gonna be attracted to, you the Somali guy with a decent face but is at risk of being carried off by the wind, or the white or madow guy with the decent face and solid masculine body? Luckily it's fixable and just requires some dedication in the gym.

Reason #3 Image

Another reason Somali girls ain't feeling us is because of our image problem in the West. In Canada where I'm from when you think of young Somali males you think of rappers, trappers (drug dealers) and killers. Our name has become synonymous with criminality and brazen violence. Some ratchet and ghetto Somali girls like these type of guys, but respectable and more classy Somali girls rightfully view them as losers and scum. These girls, many of whom have already been let down and disappointed by their fathers, end up swearing off or at the very least looking down on Somali guys because of these gangsters. But blacks in Canada and the US are just as criminal, if not more, yet it seems like many Somali girls and women of other races are more willing to view them as an individual and refrain from stigmatizing them. This is no coincidence, and it leads me to my last reason.

Reason #4 Media

Though black men do suffer from some social stigma they don't have it as bad as Somalis as a result of their heavy presence in the media. Blacks have hundreds, if not thousands, of well known singers, talk show hosts, musicians, actors and superstar athletes. Nowadays when most women of any race including Western Somalis girls see a decent looking and fairly well-dressed madow guy they are more likely to overlook the stigma because it's overpowered by the positive image madows have garnered through their media presence. When they see the type of black guy I just described they're subconsciously connecting them with a certain archetype and names like Edris Elba or Trey Songs come to mind. When they see a decent looking and well dressed Somali guy no positive connections or archetypes come to mind. Instead the stigma, which madows can evade, rears its ugly head and the woman is probably thinking of pirates or al-shabaab or some shit like that lol. This also explains why some Somali girls would demand more from a Somali guy than a black guy when it comes to meher and the wedding, even though the black community is even more degenerate and dysfunctional than the Somali one; it's because they subconsciously hold us in lower esteem than madows since we Somali don't have our own versions of Chris Brown, Will Smith and Barack Obama. Women are very malleable and susceptible to the influence of media messages. It's no wonder that so many Somali girls, some of them on this forum, are pining for Korean men ever since K-pop and Korean movies took off. White men are the biggest beneficiaries of the media, because we all know the average cadaan guy looks nothing like Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp, yet those are the images that come to mind for women when they think 'white men'.

The days when patriarchy could enforce the loyalty of women are long gone. Welcome to the brave new world of liberated women, where all that matters is status, looks, and image/appeal.
Y'all BetaCucks speak for yourselves, I pull Xalimos left and right without even trying,
I'm starting to think I'm the Xalimo Whisperer.. although the insane meher amount will be dealt with accordingly :bell:
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31/12/16 - 04/04/20
Or you could wear a khamis and become a salafi. You would be married by weekend.
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I agree with everything except reason #1. Many of these females don't marry up. I've seen Xabashi marry up, Sudanese marry up but unfortunately a lot of these xaliimos just replace a deadbeat Somali male with a deadbeat cadaan/madow/carab etc.

I also think we really shouldn't be giving it too much thought. You are attracted to whoever and you'll marry whoever. I have only one issue; the constant bashing and insulting of Somali men by these types of Somalis females. If you aren't happy with Somali men, fine, god bless you and bye bye. Lakiin insulting them in from of ajnabis and constantly complaining is not going to be tolerated.


No problem. "Educated" Tyrones who make 100k a year are welcome to them, can't blame halimos for "climbing up" the social ladder. :reallymaury:

lol it's funny cuz a couple of you are saying it doesn't apply to y'all. I'm trying to analyze this issue from a macro- level, nothing to do with any of our personal experiences. Alhamdulillah I do very well with Somali women, so let's not try and personalize this.
I agree with everything except reason #1. Many of these females don't marry up. I've seen Xabashi marry up, Sudanese marry up but unfortunately a lot of these xaliimos just replace a deadbeat Somali male with a deadbeat cadaan/madow/carab etc.

In an ideal situation women don't marry down. If she's marrying down it's because she has no choice but to settle, possibly due to age or some other issues. The Somali girls who marry wasteyout ajanabis don't view it as marrying down because his ajanabinimo gives him a status boost.
Sometimes I wonder if you people actually live in the real world among any Somalis. Because if you do then you'd know how superficial and fake most stuff online is. Don't be like @Knowthyself who bases her reality off of the Internet. YouTube and Twitter aren't a true reflection of life m

Even the loud mouthed people on Twitter know what the deal is. How many times have you seen "even though we shit on them we'll probably marry one" on Twitter? I've seen it a couple of times atleast.

Of course there will be people who marry out, that's a side effect of moving to another country. The thing is honestly there are more men who marry out than women. Of course it's obvious that with the women who marry out, a large majority are self hating, insecure, daddy issues, not right etc, and with men they're often lacking in Somali pride and/or ignorant thinking their children won't become gaalo.

You have sites like TheColi, where they spend alot of the time complaining about "bedwenches" aka black women who marry out, when in reality twice as many black men marry out then black women do. These guys just come across as beta men who can't get anything in real life and choose to blame others instead of themselves. And so do you.

If you have trouble finding a good Somali chick then the problem is with you tbh. It's now the women who supposedly already have it out for you. Because majority of Somali women are proud Somalis and want their children to be Somali too. The rest are irrelevant.
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