Somali Girls aint Feeling us, Here's Why.

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Let's get one thing clear, it's the fobs and the hoodrats who marry down. Successful and educated Somali women marry up, you will never see an educated Somali woman marrying Ajanabi and if somehow her destiny came to her marrying out, she marries successful and Rich Ajanabi. I've never came in contact with a Somali girl who married a black man, or went out with black men let alone an ex convict. I'm starting to believe most of you spew this ajnabi "marriages" just to make your shitty lives feel a little better.

I'm going to repeat again, no educated Somali woman is attracted to black men let alone black convicts. It's always the fobs and hoodrats who think it's romantic to love an ex convict, or ginger haired, neck bearded cadaan revert.


@jugjugwacwac this wasn't directed at you. I agree with some of the things you've listed.
You made good points as usual. But like @Prince Abubu said, they usually marry down, and majority of times to unsuccessful ajnabis, I.e recent converts, men with criminal past etc. also this would mean only the successful girls would be the ones to venture out, but it's usually those who are either still in school or with no college degree. There is no going around it, it is self hate.

How do you explain that?

A lot of the times it is self-hate and in my original post I was detailing where the self-hate was coming from. It was focused mostly on our faults as Somali men, because women develop self-hate based on the shortcomings of their men.

The ones who marry loser ajanabis like I said don't feel like their marrying down because in their eyes his ajanabi-ness gives him a status boost. As for the successful Somali girls who don't want to marry out they still don't like what's going on with Somali men. They are having a very very difficult time finding a suitable Somali mate.
@jugjugwacwac how much do you think not having a positive father figure growing up affect Somali girls having a low opinion of Somali men?

I believe the failure of patriarchy in the Somali diaspora is due to families living off of welfare and fathers not able to adequately provide financially for their families. Somali fathers that aren't able to work are then disrespected by their wives at home and go spend the day with other unemployed fathers at the local coffee shop talking about politics back home instead of trying to better their situation and become role models for their children.

Which then causes divorces, broken homes, self hate and criminal behaviour among youth.

Things are changing now with the coming generation but some damage has been done over the past couple of decades living in the west.
@jugjugwacwac how much do you think not having a positive father figure growing up affect Somali girls having a low opinion of Somali men?

I believe the failure of patriarchy in the Somali diaspora is due to families living off of welfare and fathers not able to adequately provide financially for their families. Somali fathers that aren't able to work are then disrespected by their wives at home and go spend the day with other unemployed fathers at the local coffee shop talking about politics back home instead of trying to better their situation and become role models for their children.

Which then causes divorces, broken homes, self hate and criminal behaviour among youth.

Things are changing now with the coming generation but some damage has been done over the past couple of decades living in the west.

Excellent analysis. This plays a big role in the mess the Somali community finds itself in.
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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
i get what you mean, merka.

a lot of somali father suffer from ptsd and depression tbh

they never got the help they needed. dead and displacedd family members, their previous education receiving zero recognition in the west, and abject poverty. yeah they are not the upstanding individuals that we would like them to be, but any woman that sees that and internalizes it is an inept and out of touch woman. we can barely comprehend what our parents go through on a daily basis. they hide their sorrow well.

also @Duke of Bohol it's time to start acting like a mod. like this shit is getting ridiculous.
I think some of you are misunderstanding me here. You may think I'm painting a picture of perfect Somali girls who have been cursed with loser Somali guys. This isn't the case at all. Somali girls are just as bad as Somali guys. I just don't put any onus on them to make things better, cuz they're women. We as men have to make the changes that are gonna fix our community, so that's why my original post focused on men. Men are active agents while women are passive/responsive. What us Somali men do and who we become shapes what Somali women will do and what they will become, and whether they're gonna respect and be loyal to us or not. It's that simple.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
If there is no issue between Somali men and women in the West why are we constantly at each others throats on this very forum like we're African Americans?

Somalis are at each other's throats for anything.

Various diasporas against each other
Etc etc etc

We are a very divisive people. It is what it is.


Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
I noticed a lot of somali girls imitate somali guys, at least early on. Through teenage years and early adulthood they'll try and appeal to somali guys, who in large imitate "black" western culture. Eventually the vast majority of xalimos mature while completing their higher education and then they go on to find a suitable husband. Meanwhile an alarming number of Somali males have fully embraced the lowlife and live the same in their late 20s as they did in their late teens. This is what I've seen in most of Canada. Of course there are affluent young somali guys as well, or even hard working somali males who never got a break. But far too many are stuck in the "yo" mentality which isn't appealing or suitable for any woman looking for a partner.

With that being said, majority of xalimos prefer and marry within. Many don't even mind if your not doing as well, as long as you have no habits( drugs) and are trying to succeed
A lot of the times it is self-hate and in my original post I was detailing where the self-hate was coming from. It was focused mostly on our faults as Somali men, because women develop self-hate based on the shortcomings of their men.

The ones who marry loser ajanabis like I said don't feel like their marrying down because in their eyes his ajanabi-ness gives him a status boost. As for the successful Somali girls who don't want to marry out they still don't like what's going on with Somali men. They are having a very very difficult time finding a suitable Somali mate.
Don't you think marrying ajnabi because he is ajnabi and not because he's doing better than your average faarax is a problem that is entirely the fault of the women? How can you pin that on us? I would never ask a successful Somali woman to marry a less successful faarax and if it would mean her equal is an ajnabi, I would encourage her myself.

Majority of girls who marry ajnabi do so because they are ajnabi. That's it. Maybe we ought to seperate them from those who genuinely can't find their equal in somali men, though even that is a little exaggerated and would be a lie in places where there is a high concentration of Somalis.
I agree with much of the body of the message and deeper analysis which many people here can't appreciate, real intellect is being deeply cognisant of yourself and be able to accurately interpret the subtle subconscious processes that goes on in the brains and all of it's nuisances that forms human behaviours and be able to articulate it as brother @jugjugwacwac has done.

Not the pseudo garbage conformist endless regurgitation's and quackademic defecation's you see here often. Once you have mastery over that, not only are you able to effectively change yourself but also change/influence others. This is what they mean with mastery over oneself.

I disagree with the metric on which a female's quality is defined, the 21st century Eurocentric so called "highly educated" hybrid of careerist/part-time house wife, full-time quackademics/contrarian/parasite like @VixR are the worst women to have around, hence every male that is able to avoid them avoids them like a plague and they run around barren/spinsters/dejected/rejected/debased ing about how "man" are scared of "educated" women.

There is nothing remotely appealing about these types, psychologically/emotionally or physically, they are spiritually dead people, their humour is grotesque, their empathy is desolate and they are generally unbearing and whatever they do spawn comes out like a class A Doqon.

I know of man that recently married one against advice, he is carrying around lube bottles because her sex drive is virtually none existent, he was warned about this as she used to pride herself in being asexual, it's sad that the worst women are today being championed as the best.


Honestly it is not worth losing sleep over it. At the end of the day those that run after ajnabi will lose the most when they trust foreigners
(just like the Gypsy case). Am I suppose to lose sleep over self harming bimbos who suffer from self hatred? the answer is no, on the
contrary it puts a smile on my face when they get fucked over. No compassion for race traitors.



I have an IQ of 300
Sometimes I wonder if you people actually live in the real world among any Somalis. Because if you do then you'd know how superficial and fake most stuff online is. Don't be like @Knowthyself who bases her reality off of the Internet. YouTube and Twitter aren't a true reflection of life m

Even the loud mouthed people on Twitter know what the deal is. How many times have you seen "even though we shit on them we'll probably marry one" on Twitter? I've seen it a couple of times atleast.

Of course there will be people who marry out, that's a side effect of moving to another country. The thing is honestly there are more men who marry out than women. Of course it's obvious that with the women who marry out, a large majority are self hating, insecure, daddy issues, not right etc, and with men they're often lacking in Somali pride and/or ignorant thinking their children won't become gaalo.

You have sites like TheColi, where they spend alot of the time complaining about "bedwenches" aka black women who marry out, when in reality twice as many black men marry out then black women do. These guys just come across as beta men who can't get anything in real life and choose to blame others instead of themselves. And so do you.

If you have trouble finding a good Somali chick then the problem is with you tbh. It's now the women who supposedly already have it out for you. Because majority of Somali women are proud Somalis and want their children to be Somali too. The rest are irrelevant.
Excellent post.
You see a lot of this on here, views that get repeated and repeated so often that this website turns into an echo chamber for the same tired views.
"Somali men are failures/rapists" "Somali women are cheap/marry ajnabis for an apple"
The sheer vitriol on this website is a far cry from in real life, but you get users that fail to notice this and assume it's like this in real life too.

Users like @Duke of Bohol that perpetrate this bullshit are the ones that only make these stupid gender wars worse, and from his response in this thread it's clear he's very unapologetic about it. What a shame.
I agree with much of the body of the message and deeper analysis which many people here can't appreciate, real intellect is being deeply cognisant of yourself and be able to accurately interpret the subtle subconscious processes that goes on in the brains and all of it's nuisances that forms human behaviours and be able to articulate it as brother @jugjugwacwac has done.

Not the pseudo garbage conformist endless regurgitation's and quackademic defecation's you see here often. Once you have mastery over that, not only are you able to effectively change yourself but also change/influence others. This is what they mean with mastery over oneself.

I disagree with the metric on which a female's quality is defined, the 21st century Eurocentric so called "highly educated" hybrid of careerist/part-time house wife, full-time quackademics/contrarian/parasite like @VixR are the worst women to have around, hence every male that is able to avoid them avoids them like a plague and they run around barren/spinsters/dejected/rejected/debased ing about how "man" are scared of "educated" women.

There is nothing remotely appealing about these types, psychologically/emotionally or physically, they are spiritually dead people, their humour is grotesque, their empathy is desolate and they are generally unbearing and whatever they do spawn comes out like a class A Doqon.

I know of man that recently married one against advice, he is carrying around lube bottles because her sex drive is virtually none existent, he was warned about this as she used to pride herself in being asexual, it's sad that the worst women are today being championed as the best.

lol, thanks for the kinds words sxb. And btw, I believe in traditional gender roles and I also believe education is a waste on most Somali girls who just end up leaving these universities as brainwashed feminists who have been weaponized against their men. So when I was talking about educated and career women in my original post I wasn't praising them, I was just explaining why they can't find a suitable mate. I personally would avoid most of them as well, so we're on the same page sxb.
i get what you mean, merka.

a lot of somali father suffer from ptsd and depression tbh

they never got the help they needed. dead and displacedd family members, their previous education receiving zero recognition in the west, and abject poverty. yeah they are not the upstanding individuals that we would like them to be, but any woman that sees that and internalizes it is an inept and out of touch woman. we can barely comprehend what our parents go through on a daily basis. they hide their sorrow well.

also @Duke of Bohol it's time to start acting like a mod. like this shit is getting ridiculous.
I can understand that, but do you not think the women also go through those issues? I think everyone has some issues stemming from the war tbh. The women have been able to get their act together and take care of the family despite all of this. Why is that?

In the past, Somali fathers were bettwr, but a lot were still distant from their families...But they generally took care of them financially. But a lot in the West don't even do that anymore.

So, I get it, I can sympathize, but honestly, some are just shitty people regardless.
Interesting topic. I wholeheartedly agree with your first point, In general ,women for some reason have no interest in patriotism, case point being french women when they were occupied by the nazis. French women started a baby boom with the nazis during the vichy regime. thee are also a plethora of case studies such as this one. They are quick to seek the favours of men that are seen as more dominant and are more capable of providing the necessities for success, whether they are part of their in group or not. They are genetically dispositioned to be this way due to evolution, it is therefore a natural phenomenon. Somali men do not have a high standing status in society, due to ripe crime rates, unemployment, drug use and worst of all religious extremism. we are just in shitty times. high rates of miscegenation in the somali community is inevitable, as the dynamic between somali men and women worsens. how genes affect society either negatively or positively is a controversial topic. interesting question, what type of person comes to mind when you think of a #refugeesarewelcome supporter, is it a man or a woman?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I can understand that, but do you not think the women also go through those issues? I think everyone has some issues stemming from the war tbh. The women have been able to get their act together and take care of the family despite all of this. Why is that?

In the past, Somali fathers were bettwr, but a lot were still distant from their families...But they generally took care of them financially. But a lot in the West don't even do that anymore.

So, I get it, I can sympathize, but honestly, some are just shitty people regardless.

yeah i know mothers go through this too in exactly the same way usually. but somali fathers are meant to be strong and diligent. for instance i can confidently say i have never seen my father cry before. ever. not one tear or moment of weakness. when his father passed away and we got the news he just exited the room and had a private moment by himself.

that was how he was raised. to internalize his emotions and stand firm. imagine if he had issues finding a job as well. i guess what i mean is both the men and the women go through this issue, but men more or less have no release. they aren't allowed to be emotional so they literally can't fix their problems by and large.
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