Somali girl posts her alleged rapist on TiKTok. His sisters respond

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Apparently the guy she posted is Somali but doesn’t look it at all.

His sister is in the comments defending him

Another person says she’s possessed and injured herself.



Kick in the door wavin the .44
I’m sorry for her. She doesn’t seem well either. Rape is not the sort of thing to put on tiktok with these funny faces, but who can say how such a trauma impacts a persons mind.
I’m sorry for her. She doesn’t seem well either. Rape is not the sort of thing to put on tiktok with these funny faces, but who can say how such a trauma impacts a persons mind.

Completely agree. In other videos her mother seems to be doing Quran Saar on her. It’s a shame they use her mental health to invalidate her claims.
i swear somali parents are notorious for not knowing what mental illness is and just mistaking it to be possesed by a jinn.. my brother had undiagnosed bipolar and my mom thought quraan saar would do the trick


You need people like me
How do you know this to be the case? Were you a fly on the wall when it was happening?
Because they post their account of what happened and it’s clear as day it was consensual but the blowback from their family finding out causes them to panic.

I haven’t said it’s all like this but it’s fairly obvious when it’s the case.


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
TikTok is not the right place to talk about this, if the guy raped her she should go to the police and report him .


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Pshhh. I’m not the one to say this but I really really think that theres more to this than what it seems. I smell backstory beef. But rape is never the answer. Charges charges charges. La di da di daaa
He looks oromo. Hopefully he gets charged if it's true.
Nah, Oromos don't look that. Oromos look very similar to Xabashis and are usually short and swarthy. This guy looks like a African American light-skin mullato.

OT: Places like TikTock, where children often frequent, isn't the best way to spread awareness about sexual violations. I don't know why this hasn't been deleted yet.

It's best for her to not publicize such relations, and report these incidents to the local police or any other law enforcers. Hopefully that demon gets caught.


the sea
So the girl in the video says that she was raped by the brother of the girl who posted this. The girl in the vid is seeking justice, the girl who posted is defending her brother. she has opened a criminal investigation on the incident and has an attorney ready.

I'm crying for the somali sister in this video and her family and hope she seeks justice and Illahi deals with the evil people. Ameen 🙏🏾
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