Somali boy in bullying video speaks out

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Somaliweyn haa nolaato
Come on prawns your honor is at stake. Nuff ah you chimping out on here like blacks have burned every banana tree in site so I expect y’all to seek retribution and post the receipts. If not u will continue to carry the reputation of a bunch of lying -made pussycloth smellies.

Did you know you’re a descendant of a Slave?
Did you know you’re a descendant of a Slave?

That's neither here nor have chop suey between your legs....doesn't stop you from living right?

Don't obfuscate the situation....blacks are bullying you on film...i am encouraging you to do something about it instead of crying on the internet. You just sound like impotent victims. Go beat up some blacks.
That's neither here nor have chop suey between your legs....doesn't stop you from living right?

Don't obfuscate the situation....blacks are bullying you on film...i am encouraging you to do something about it instead of crying on the internet. You just sound like impotent victims. Go beat up some blacks.
Well I can tell you I did beat up a black kid for trying to go through my blazer and steal in the changing rooms back in year 7. I swear to god must you Madows try and steal everything? Either way we killed and enslaved your people and all you can do now is get your revenge on a forum with your only ammo being one of your monkey brethren literally going after a kid, what can we say it's just your average adoon.


Somaliweyn haa nolaato
That's neither here nor have chop suey between your legs....doesn't stop you from living right?

Don't obfuscate the situation....blacks are bullying you on film...i am encouraging you to do something about it instead of crying on the internet. You just sound like impotent victims. Go beat up some blacks.

I would but I think the white people have damaged you enough.

Instead of talking about us, take a break and heal from their damage.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Arrange a fight between me and the monkey. I dont care about the huge age difference. I wanna fight him
Well I can tell you I did beat up a black kid for trying to go through my blazer and steal in the changing rooms back in year 7. I swear to god must you Madows try and steal everything? Either way we killed and enslaved your people and all you can do now is get your revenge on a forum with your only ammo being one of your monkey brethren literally going after a kid, what can we say it's just your average adoon.

Bloodclat this lamagoodle Nigga just don't get it? You need to redeem your manhood smelly. Post receipts of a somali....any doesn't have to be your limp wristed self...any somali bullying a black and redeem your manhood....else keep your stink khat-filled trap shut. Now you have a job to do....stop crying about the Madows beating you up and be a the recipts.
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Nah ...just phucking with you'all. Don't go out there and get your clumsy arses kicked y'hear!?

Keep it peaceful.



There shouldn’t be videos like this on the web. Kids reliving lost fights most guys went through growing up, only now it’s immortal on the internet. The best thing you guys can do for the kid is to stop perpetuating it.
Bloodclat this lamagoodle Nigga just don't get it? You need to redeem your manhood smelly. Post receipts of a somali....any doesn't have to be your limp wristed self...any somali bullying a black and redeem your manhood....else keep your stink khat-filled trap shut. Now you have a job to do....stop crying about the Madows beating you up and be a the recipts.
Hey hey no need to search for receipts I'm not a Madow who steals am I. Now go away you goddamn AIDS ridden monkey or else I'll cut your manhood off instead of whipping you just like the Somalis before me have done. Now go cry abpab Madows jatting beaten up elsewhere your presence is stinking up the forum.

Apparently what @Snake said was "somewhat" true.

Y'all Uk Somali brethrens, what's happening over there?:ayaanswag:

I mean from dissing Somalis and making yt videos about Somalis to becoming bullies..

What's up with Uk blacks?

I feel sorry for that kid. Bullying ain't accepted in the society...

Apparently these has become a meme on the net..
@AarHawd_7 @RichEnoughForGucci @Geeljire sanbuur

Anyway, that wasn't a good thing.. it disgusts me seeing such incident, even recording it. :what:

@Factz @Pastoralite @sigmund


The video was two years ago

He is okay alhamdulilah

His english isn't very good for a 14 year old, maybe a bit of a stretch but he might have been a fob when the incident happened.
imagine being a blm advocate in Europe. :jaynerd:There's hardly any police brutality there? Europeans are racist, but it's their countries, you can't expect any group of people to welcome you with open arms. It must be the low IQ in Madows that expects that.:mjkkk:too entitled, these people! anyways, black people arent shot like animals in Europe so what exactly are they fighting?

Somalis in the U.S(where there's a crazy amount of police brutality on black people), aren't even as vocal as reer europe.:drakelaugh:

the jokes write themselves. :heh:
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