Somali attitudes to apostasy.

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Buddha was never fat. I blame the Chinese.
Ever seen a statute of him? Nigga's always got a potbelly. I thought Siddhartha was all about detachment from the world. That's the problem with holier than thou characters though isn't it. They preach asceticism but live by the manhaj of Hugh Heffner. Say what you will about Heff, but he kept it real.
Everybody's entitled to freedom of religion. Amal's not the enemy of Islam. The real enemy of Islam are the extremists whose oppressive and violent ways have convinced her and others that Islam is a totalitarian religion. The prophets of God were persecuted by their people. And many were killed. So those who persecute ex-Muslims are no better than the tyrants who tried to kill Allah's messengers.

Is @lone a devout Buddhist now? Buddha was a great man. I learned a lot from him. But how comes he's always represented as fat when he preached against overindulgence? And how comes he's worshipped when Buddhism does not accept the concept of God? Maybe our new Buddhist friend can tell us.
The fat buddha isn't sidhartha guatama but budai who is a Chinese folkloric deity. He's commonly confused with sidhartha Gautama.
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