Socialism for Somalia? Would You Support It?

SOURCE :for one of the questions in case you need help

Hayek Bitcoin

Featured snippet from the web​

For Bitcoin fans, Hayek's stance makes him a godfather of the largest cryptocurrency. In a 2012 study of the virtual currencies, the European Central Bank stated that “the roots of Bitcoin can be found in the Austrian school of economics,” of which Hayek was a leading voice.

We need complete free markets.
Free market currency, unrestricted free trade and privatisation of all airports and seaports.

that is what the world needs bro in order to lift billions out of hunger

sadly most do not understand and just repeat the nonsense they learn on communist news network CNN

Masha Allah, i noticed those without an economic degree have more common sense than those with econ degrees because universities force feed them Neo Classical Keynesian crap and beat the common sense out of them unless God saves them like i was saved

Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards

Oc Layin GIF
Want to hazard a guess at what I studied in university?

So yeah, I’ve read more than a book or two you absolute fucking retard.

As for champagne socialist, I do fit the description as my parents are comfortably middle-class but social ideals are beyond economics nowadays. It’s about justice and fairness.


socialist justice and fairness is subjective, if you can be cancelled for saying the wrong word, not all have justice

and neither does justice pay the bills or rent or food on the table

the entrepreneurs who you work for has to create value for customers and for shareholders who invest in him,

if he doe snot, no businesses, no jobs for you, no food on the table, society doe snot win

the businessman who creates a company and hires you is more just than any social justice warrior,

the businessman/woman pays your salary, so you have the capital to be productive at work and thus you can put food on the table

capitalism is why your 9 year old kid does not work because the father and his salary is enough for the family, thanks to savings and capital expenditure shares provide the capital to the business you work for

capitalism is why you fly from London to NY in 8 hours and not a 3 months voyage thanks to brave shareholders who backed Mr Boeing so he can create planes and train pilots

its the fruits of the free market capitalism that has improved your life and the lives of billion s

thanks to free trade and capitalism , you can drive a cheap car with 30,000 parts made in 180 nations that come together thanks to the ability to make a profit and each nation benefits due to her comparative advantage

your as a mere working class person, you have more luxuries than kings could dream of 100 years ago and you can buy it cheap thanks to capital, savings and investments in due part to cpaitalsm

and your children do not have to be chimney sweepers as capitalism has made your productivity so high your kids can focus on education rather than sweeping chimneys at age 8 years old

the average Roman lived 25 years, thanks to capitalism and her ability to accumulate capital and savings and invest in drugs, you can live on average till your 80s

don't cut of your noses to spite off your face you champagne socialist kids who think its cool to be a communist



Minister of Propaganda
Aint no way @peacemaker wrote several hundred words in response to three lines I wrote.

Definition of rattled.

Aside from your erratic writing nature, you seem unable to understand the difference between social democracy and socialism.

You also seem unable to correctly use the term “champagne socialists” but use it regularly.

I would focus on addressing these weaknesses in your intellect before you start questioning mine.

champagne socialist kids, careful what you wish for, you might just get it and then we will see when you cry about the days of the semi-capitalism we have today​

The Truth About The Bread Lines In The Soviet Union​

Aint no way @peacemaker wrote several hundred words in response to three lines I wrote.

Definition of rattled.

Aside from your erratic writing nature, you seem unable to understand the difference between social democracy and socialism.

You also seem unable to correctly use the term “champagne socialists” but use it regularly.

I would focus on addressing these weaknesses in your intellect before you start questioning mine.

ahahha, social democracy was nonsense European communists came out with to trick simple minded idiots like you to vote for your version of the turkey votes for Christmas


Aint no way @peacemaker wrote several hundred words in response to three lines I wrote.

Definition of rattled.

Aside from your erratic writing nature, you seem unable to understand the difference between social democracy and socialism.

You also seem unable to correctly use the term “champagne socialists” but use it regularly.

I would focus on addressing these weaknesses in your intellect before you start questioning mine.

you claimed to have a degree in Econ, answer my questions please

Valentines Day Waiting GIF by Dina Martina
when clueless champagne socialists think of social democracy, they have no idea what they speak of, they pick the worst examples like Scandinavian nations, even their prime ministers say dont claim us champagne socialist

Denmark is not "Socialist Democracy" | Denmark Prime Minister (Lars Løkke Rasmussen)​



Aint no way @peacemaker

you seem unable to understand the difference between social democracy and socialism.

As someone who’s a Labour member I can tell you that I only do this because social democracy is good for a middle income state.

Somalia however cannot afford to put breaks on the free market for the good of society. We need complete liberalisation to achieve rapid growth. Once growth starts stalling when we reach middle income and can afford welfare programs, universal healthcare we should adopt social policies.

What we need is strong public and private cooperation based on efficiency, law and order and reducing bureaucracy. A strong and competitive free market. Avoid natural monopolies at all cost.
Bro who are you arguing with???



Play games now, you insulted me with vulgar insults and called me a retard

so i went nice, and thought i will karbash you and show people you are one clueless kid with a loud mouth

i take it personally when people attack me with vulgar words,

dont hide, if you cannot answer the questions, admit you are zero when it comes to economics

i might even give you free econ lessons out of pity :damn:


Minister of Propaganda
As someone who’s a Labour member I can tell you that I only do this because social democracy is good for a middle income state.

Somalia however cannot afford to put breaks on the free market for the good of society. We need complete liberalisation to achieve rapid growth. Once growth starts stalling when we reach middle income and can afford welfare programs, universal healthcare we should adopt social policies.

What we need is strong public and private cooperation based on efficiency, law and order and reducing bureaucracy. A strong and competitive free market. Avoid natural monopolies at all cost.

The reason why the third world stay third world is because they prioritise the free market.

There’s no point in having a free market when infant mortality is high and adults are dying from treatable ailments.

Education has to be free and healthcare has to be free, at the very least. They will provide healthy and educated workers that will provide ingenuity and innovation to the country’s sectors.

You need to have a transparent taxing regime. Post-WWII US under Eisenhower had a top marginal tax rate of 90% and he was a conservative. It’s very well known that you need to have taxes and a clear spending plan for that tax revenue, in order to grow.


The reason why the third world stay third world is because they prioritise the free market.

There’s no point in having a free market when infant mortality is high and adults are dying from treatable ailments.

Education has to be free and healthcare has to be free, at the very least. They will provide healthy and educated workers that will provide ingenuity and innovation to the country’s sectors.
Free education is a must for those that can’t afford it. We need to work with private sector industries that lack skilled workers too. And public healthcare option.

But beyond that we should create the basis for a complete free market. A completely fair one.

The reason third world states stay that way is not because of a focus on free markets but instead a focus on monopolising the market with corrupt contracts handed to their mates. The lack of transparency and corruption is their biggest impediment.

The most efficient company does not rise to the top in Africa because they will be brought to heel by their powerful competitors.
The best way to lift millions of somalis out of poverty is to give each citizen a yearly dividend of all of oil and gas profits, mining profits, fishing rights and airspace rights.