SJWs vs conservatives, who is worse?

Conservatives are stupid, like border line retarded. The most conservative places usually have the dumbest population. Narrow minded, biased, against all forms of progressive change. A conservative in the Stone Age would want to stay in the Stone Age.

SJWs are annoying, believe that their morals and standards and what they find sensible is by definition correct and they also want to impose their standards on others. A joke should not be laughed at because they don’t deem it to be funny. What is ok is defined by their world views.
The Somali conservashit, complains about leftists and bootlicks the white man despite the fact that if it wasn’t for bleeding heart liberals he would be in Somalia till this day. His mom had nothing but welfare and ayuuto and he looks down on other groups of people.


Odkac WRLD

جندي صومال
It almost always makes me laugh how these men just pull up to a coffee shop and spend the entire day taking about Somali politics rather than making there kids are alright. Thank god my aabo was a real nigga :jcoleno: :francis: :damn: well I mean if even Uber drivers are MPs now maybe they got a shot at it too
The SJW boot licks every group but Somalis, understands nuances unless it’s about Somalia. Has pity for everyone but Somalis. Assumes that the most prejudice people are somali. Why? Because they hate being around Somalis



Bah Qabiil Fluid
Conservatives are stupid, like border line retarded. The most conservative places usually have the dumbest population. Narrow minded, biased, against all forms of progressive change. A conservative in the Stone Age would want to stay in the Stone Age.

SJWs are annoying, believe that their morals and standards and what they find sensible is by definition correct and they also want to impose their standards on others. A joke should not be laughed at because they don’t deem it to be funny. What is ok is defined by their world views.

Why do I get the feeling your perception of a conserative is a White man who votes republican. SJW have there heart in the right place but they live in their own Echochambers once you have a discussion with them. If they are sane they will change their views. However, conseratives of any kind are scum they willful idiots and pawns to the bourgeoisie. People with lower emotional intelligence are more likely to hold right-wing views < Read this for more info

These people are morons and dangerous to the wider community who don't fit into their group. f*ck conseratives there is no befriending those apes
It almost always makes me laugh how these men just pull up to a coffee shop and spend the entire day taking about Somali politics rather than making there kids are alright. Thank god my aabo was a real nigga :jcoleno: :francis: :damn: well I mean if even Uber drivers are MPs now maybe they got a shot at it too
Old men discuss somali politics but never health care, infrastructure or education :damedamn:how?

Odkac WRLD

جندي صومال
Lmao but is she wrong :damn: :damn: :damn:
It’s simple to recognize the Palestinians had very little say in Israelis running roughshod over them, and every time they tried to fight back they got slapped around.

whereas we had a wonderful country with a good military and hope, and we turned it down the shitter due to lust for power and personal gain becoming greater than the general welfare of our citizens. The actions of a few hundred determined where we were heading, and in the thirty years since very little meaningful change has occurred regarding the systems that allow rampant corruption to continue to this day :francis:
Why do I get the feeling your perception of a conserative is a White man who votes republican. SJW have there heart in the right place but they live in their own Echochambers once you have a discussion with them. If they are sane they will change their views. However, conseratives of any kind are scum they willful idiots and pawns to the bourgeoisie. People with lower emotional intelligence are more likely to hold right-wing views < Read this for more info

These people are morons and dangerous to the wider community who don't fit into their group. f*ck conseratives there is no befriending those apes
I’m a social democrat and a Bernie supporter. Despise conservative policies on virtually everything and legitimately don’t understand why any one let alone an immigrant would want to be a conservative unless you’re massively wealthy


Bah Qabiil Fluid
The SJW boot licks every group but Somalis, understands nuances unless it’s about Somalia. Has pity for everyone but Somalis. Assumes that the most prejudice people are somali. Why? Because they hate being around Somalis

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Can her wild views harm you in any capacity ? The answer is NO , can she be reasoned with to show her the errors of her ways YES. Can the views and opinions of a conserative harm you in real life? YES. Can they be reasoned with NO. Theres your difference

Odkac WRLD

جندي صومال
I’m a social democrat and a Bernie supporter. Despise conservative policies on virtually everything and legitimately don’t understand why any one let alone an immigrant would want to be a conservative unless you’re massively wealthy
The thing is personally I am on a career path that , inshallah, will ensure me a great deal of wealth in the coming years. However as of now I am still a student so I gravitate towards Democrat polices, but when I come into my money I am obviously gonna push more toward republican policies


Bah Qabiil Fluid
I’m a social democrat and a Bernie supporter. Despise conservative policies on virtually everything and legitimately don’t understand why any one let alone an immigrant would want to be a conservative unless you’re massively wealthy

Either they are a religious bigot who's views match with conserative core values or they are a coon . No inbetween neither get my sympathy they can get fucked.
Sxb I’m drawing a blank right now so what is this meaning :francis:
Basically Somali old men just sit around and find what politicians that they don’t like rather than what policies that they are for. What is it that they want for the country in terms of what needs to be fixed. Walk up to one of them and ask them what do you think about idk sanitation in Mogadishu? You know details and he will draw a blank, ask which politician is evil and he got all the answers. Somalis don’t know what politics is suppose to produce

Odkac WRLD

جندي صومال
Basically Somali old men just sit around and find what politicians that they don’t like rather than what policies that they are for. What is it that they want for the country in terms of what needs to be fixed. Walk up to one of them and ask them what do you think about idk sanitation in Mogadishu? You know details and he will draw a blank, ask which politician is evil and he got all the answers. Somalis don’t know what politics is suppose to produce
Fr to them politics is a game of sorts. And they don’t seem to understand importance of qabil is nil outside of Somalia unless regarding marriage, and even then it won’t be that bad for you
The thing is personally I am on a career path that , inshallah, will ensure me a great deal of wealth in the coming years. However as of now I am still a student so I gravitate towards Democrat polices, but when I come into my money I am obviously gonna push more toward republican policies
Depends on where your income level is. Bernie believes in a marginal tax rate, meaning it goes up by bracket. A millionaire won’t pay that much more than someone at 250k...10 million and up is when you feel it more. Billionaires are hit the worse and by than do you really care? At that point you’re just greedy lol
Either they are a religious bigot who's views match with conserative core values or they are a coon . No inbetween neither get my sympathy they can get fucked.
And that’s why I don’t understand somali conservatives. You’re not from the west, your religion is not a western religion, you literally enjoy so much freedom of speech and expression but some how a conservative nationalistic approach is what you’re going with? Smh animals
I prefer to stay at the center.. Something between sjw and conservative..
I am a free speech warrior so socially I think conservatives are hilarious. They meme better but when it comes to civil rights and views on immigration and the social safety net I rock with leftists.