'Similarities Between Hitler's Third Reich and Modi's India Growing Everyday': Avay Shukla

India AKA Hindustan is a wonderful country. South East Asians need to be forced to rejoin.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
And I could retort that you defend the international drug trade, attack the US while also defend the most murderous political party since the beginning of the 20th century.

The field of study is called "post-colonialism" not anti-colonialism, in that it discusses on how to progress to a period post colonialism. It really does not need explaining to the average person.

"And I could retort that you defend the international drug trade, attack the US while also defend the most murderous political party since the beginning of the 20th century."

translation: yeah I'm sympathetic to China and the Taliban. I don't deny it. You're still a lackey of the West.

I don't have time to respond to everything.

You want to claim to be so academic but you sure use a lot of ad hominem.

"Huey Newton and Malcom X were supportive of communist governments, the latter of whom actually stated he was a communist.

I thought you were anti-communist.

Even in your arguments, you are a hypocrite."

I don't agree with Communism but that doesn't mean I automatically disagree with every Communist on every issue. That doesn't mean I'm a hypocrite, that just means you don't understand my politics.

"Edward Said created the thinking you have today."

No he did not. I don't follow Edward Said and I don't follow anyone who follows him. Anti-imperialism goes back way before Edward Said. I'm opposed to Western imperialism, I'm not a part of any champaign socialist university circles or involved with "postcolonialism". I'm simply opposed to Western imperialism.

"The fact you have little respect for academics shows the lightweight nature of your intellect. One should respect scholars, academic or religious, as they have knowledge that we do not possess."

The universities are Marxist indoctrination centers. Professor Goldstein teaching cultural Marxist indoctrination does not merit the same respect as Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah. Not worshipping the universities doesn't mean I'm unintelligent, it means I have a different viewpoint.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
He literally died a year after that party was founded. Ofc its not going to be influential if the founder dies months later.

You could have at least googled Edward Said before you posted this.

it's a secular liberal democratic party as I mentioned in my point that you conveniently ignored

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
"So you judge the weight of your political opinions based on the white man's reactions.....

Doesn't that make you more subservient to the white man?"

this is strawman. I am against Communism. lots of whites agree with me on that.

but in terms of the overall package of my views, whites tend to have visceral reactions.

it is not that this reaction determines my view- otherwise I wouldn't be against communism. but it's if you genuinely are an anti-colonialist then this naturally will lead to those kinds of reactions from a large number of white people.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
"And I could retort that you defend the international drug trade, attack the US while also defend the most murderous political party since the beginning of the 20th century."

translation: yeah I'm sympathetic to China and the Taliban. I don't deny it. You're still a lackey of the West.

I don't have time to respond to everything.

You want to claim to be so academic but you sure use a lot of ad hominem.

I was merely pointing out that if we are going to play this blame game of reducing our political beliefs to tiny non-contextual soundbites, I could do it to.

As for ad hominem, you regularly resort to ad hominem retorts to my arguments.

Here is an example:

In which, you referred to me as an Uncle Tom for refuting your arguments and pointing out your hypocrisy. A term which also racially loaded and probably not appropriate for a Latinx person like yourself to be using.

Another example of you using ad hominem is in this exact thread.

Attached is the example:

You defend lgbt, defend Western ideology, attack the Taliban and China then you claim some kind of fake anti-colonialism.
What is hilarious is that you are a sellout to the West

"Huey Newton and Malcom X were supportive of communist governments, the latter of whom actually stated he was a communist.

I thought you were anti-communist.

Even in your arguments, you are a hypocrite."

I don't agree with Communism but that doesn't mean I automatically disagree with every Communist on every issue. That doesn't mean I'm a hypocrite, that just means you don't understand my politics.

I understand your politics, you support anyone/anything that is against the West regardless of how horrible they are.

Hence, why you support China or the Taliban or even Malcolm X, not because you agree with their positions but because they stand up to the US.

Btw, don't you live in the US?

"Edward Said created the thinking you have today."

No he did not. I don't follow Edward Said and I don't follow anyone who follows him. Anti-imperialism goes back way before Edward Said. I'm opposed to Western imperialism, I'm not a part of any champaign socialist university circles or involved with "postcolonialism". I'm simply opposed to Western imperialism.

He literally wrote one of the founding books that post-colonial study is based on.

You can hate Edward Said or Michel Aflaq but one cannot deny their impact on political thinking.

That shows ignorance.

"The fact you have little respect for academics shows the lightweight nature of your intellect. One should respect scholars, academic or religious, as they have knowledge that we do not possess."

The universities are Marxist indoctrination centers. Professor Goldstein teaching cultural Marxist indoctrination does not merit the same respect as Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah. Not worshipping the universities doesn't mean I'm unintelligent, it means I have a different viewpoint.

Knowledge is power.

Obviously I respect Ibn Taymiyyah or other learned islamic scholars higher than most people but I also respect people that are innovators and academics.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Periplus look I honestly enjoy debating your liberal sjw ideology that you're suddenly pretending is anti-colonial... or "postcolonial" or whatever bougie term you want to call it.... but I really don't have time. I'm out


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