Siad Barre interview in Black Panther Party newsletter (1974)


Very interesting as both the Kacaan government and the Black Panthers were Marxist Socialists. The Black Panthers were really doing some good for their people until they got infiltrated.

Link to read the article since the picture is not legible
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Odkac WRLD

جندي صومال
Very good read. I never put together how similar the BPP policies and his governments policies were. Duh, they are reading off the same textbook !

the textbook of Marxism
Very good read. I never put together how similar the BPP policies and his governments policies were. Duh, they are reading off the same textbook !

the textbook of Marxism
Yes!! I never saw any similarities until today. It seems like African people really like Socialism. Makes sense since we are collectivist and value community/shared responsibilty. Marxism is not the way though. Odeyga was a nutcase.

