Shots fired. Gunfight happening at bosaso border.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Warninyahow how do you even know, your contacts are in xamar you haven't been to pl.

Ny negroe how in the world do you know.

Or are your rants coming from the DR's la la land?

If you don't know just shut the F up.

A 35 year old having a cyber jihad with teenagers iska xishood. Go converse with the oldies if you want to talk in fiction. You rant much about science, it is about damn time you used it to justify you rants. And if you are having a mentally flux moment. Let me break it down for you.

Use your science to fact check your essays.
Are they false =delete delete delete
Don't you have to calcaal about @Cognitivedissonance


سلطنة مجرتين
Walahi it’s real. I talked to 6 different people. Issa yulux came in with 14 tecknicals. He killed a border police and captured the control. I just got a call a minute ago saying it’s not only Issa yulux. And gallan left the city 3 days ago so he’s not involved.
14 technical to capture Bosaso while Bahdir alone boast over 200 technicals and zuu23s naaga daa ciyaarta. Bosaso port alone is manned by 70 reer hersi of Cumar Maxamuud with 100s of darawiishta in Kariin Laag Galgala etc isse Maxamuud have huge numbers in PMPF and darawiishta in Galgala, Col sumeysane have combined 300 reer mahad/bahdir Birmad forces in bosaso alone and that's not counting the bahgareen muse suldaan bah yaqoub PIS/PIA/PSF forces in ceelanyo, Kariin, madarshoon, Galgala, Laag, bandar-qaw. Add to that the Qardho PDF brigades at standby who all together have a huge arsenal at their disposal.

Kulaha 14 technicals yaabney maa AUN Cabdullahi Yusuf buu ismooday oo Bosaso 7 babuur ku qabsaday:deadmanny:



A small segment of AUN the SSDF Halyeey diyaanos Bahdir forces alone!


سلطنة مجرتين
Why are you acting like you're younger than him? Kulaha teenagers, there are no teenagers in here. You said you were getting groceries when the war started.
Was she kuwa groceries ino adeegi jiray when the civil war started:ftw9nwa:

I prolly gave her shilliimo as tip for being so well-behaved:ftw9nwa:


I already spoke to the admin and he’s deleting my aunt. Before I do that here’s a video of the son of the previous governor of bari region recording the soldiers heading to the city.

this fake soldier @Tucking_Fypo can keep lying on this website. I’m finished with this. I got real business’s to deal with.


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True Puntlander
The news I’m receiving is Issa Yulux and his forces were attacked by gallan who tried to refuse him entree into bosaso. Issa yulux became rich through piracy and is a feared leader of a malitia who served puntland during the tukaraq war. During gaas administration him and his forces were in the payroll of the military. He won the battle and entered bosaso 20 minutes ago. Calisaleebaan vs calisaleebaan is not a good look. @kickz @FBIsomalia
Those should be jailed asap. PMPF will do the work.


سلطنة مجرتين
Shine culay loooool

Warsans and Cali Jibril in ceeldhofaar won't make a difference boowe general muxeydiin has been dispatched from Garowe with Col sumaysaney and col jaqadhaf of Karkar in Laanta Hawada right now!

Y'all who claim the umbrella group reer Bari don't piss off the Cismaan royals who's lands y'all guest in ileeen Cismaan maa naxo they are geesi for fighting a United harti in 2001 to become president and PSF owning Karkar and Bari. Kibirka joogiya because the royal house will unleash the fierocious bahgareen the unforgiving muse suldaan and the Lions of Bahdir on all umbrella groups+alqaida+shabab+ISIS+ silsilda cisman mahmuud weeye yaryarka Bari.

Sheekada Hadi eey xumato ciise iyo cumar walaalkod weyn way uu soo gurmanayaadan anyday of the week boowe:gnzbryw:


True Puntlander
By the way this will be my last post. Walahi I quit Somali spot a bunch of fake people who would rather lie for clan interest. Goodbye. Thanks to all the good people on this website. And trust me puntland will be great again. In sha allah.
Brother relax we are all family.


True Puntlander


Brother relax we are all family.
I know but not these other fake puntites that spread fake news. I send a message to the admin to delete my account untill than I’m still here. I got more news. Ugar saleebaan, deeshishe, warsengeli, Ismail saleebaan and other tribes were called by Deni to defend bosaso and they refused. The taaliye of the controol has passed away. He was from the abdihrahiin saleebaan tribe. The troops from the airport and port are getting ready to attack Issa yuluxs troops. Deni also send more troops from garowe that will be leaving in the coming hours. Deni doesn’t want peace. Pdg was doing a great job under calisaleebaan. Why was it necessary to take it from them and give it to another tribe. These fake puntites only care about their dictator who is willing to destroy puntland. He already lost sanaag. Now he’s willing to cause a bloodbath in bosaso.


PL is crazy wallahi for having thugs have militias, what the hell is he doing armed up? what his agenda? at least warlords had a reason they were doing it for their loot like checkpoints, extorting businesses, airport passengers, and so forth and developing a property portfolio in nairobi. What is this guy YULUX purpose to have arms like that. This is serious problem this amount of arms in non state actors. I could literally just go to my clan territory and say 'waryaa guys' I got a foreign backer who is going to give us 'chemical agents' lol and I could get away with this. I could never get away with this in Australia but in Somalia you can. It's like war playground for ppl to experiment in


I know but not these other fake puntites that spread fake news. I send a message to the admin to delete my account untill than I’m still here. I got more news. Ugar saleebaan, deeshishe, warsengeli, Ismail saleebaan and other tribes were called by Deni to defend bosaso and they refused. The taaliye of the controol has passed away. He was from the abdihrahiin saleebaan tribe. The troops from the airport and port are getting ready to attack Issa yuluxs troops. Deni also send more troops from garowe that will be leaving in the coming hours. Deni doesn’t want peace. Pdg was doing a great job under calisaleebaan. Why was it necessary to take it from them and give it to another tribe. These fake puntites only care about their dictator who is willing to destroy puntland. He already lost sanaag. Now he’s willing to cause a bloodbath in bosaso. View attachment 81968

I want to see the immediate disarming of Yulux, his not a state actor to have such militia. I hope Deni deals with him. PL is the state not Yulux and if he doesn't like that he will find out the HARD WAY like the fleeing galan :denzelnigga:


I want to see the immediate disarming of Yulux, his not a state actor to have such militia. I hope Deni deals with him. PL is the state not Yulux and if he doesn't like that he will find out the HARD WAY like the fleeing galan :denzelnigga:
Hahahahaha Issa yulux is the same man who told golis to give him shares in the company or he will destroy all their towers in bosaso. And they gave it to him. He fought isaaqs in tukaraq and helped remove isis from qandala. You don’t have a single brave man in your whole history of your tribe.


@Reer-Bari You want your account to be deleted because few people questioned on your sources?:gucciwhat: Is adkee ninyow yaa laga dareemin. Even tho you are anti Deni you’re still part of the family. Don’t get mad and run away when things hit the fan we need your fake sources to spice things up akh.

It’s all kaftan man ha u bixin.

