Shit The Incels Maybe Right, Is This The Fute Of Dating Women In The West ?


Thats wrong
If you are a "modern" woman then it is very accurate. By modern woman I mean someone promiscuous, uses dating apps and post thirst traps on Instagram which a disturbingly large percentage do.
I would add non religious or indulge in newage shit, like healing crystals or believes in horoscopes.
If you are a "modern" woman then it is very accurate. By modern woman I mean someone promiscuous, uses dating apps and post thirst traps on Instagram which a disturbingly large percentage do.
I would add non religious or indulge in newage shit, like healing crystals or believes in horoscopes.
Alot of women who post thirst traps on instagram don;t even sex alot they are just insecure of their body and want validation online


Maqal herder | Burco boodhweyn.
a woman saying that she doesn’t date men under 5’9 isn’t hateful
Height is a characteristic that cannot be changed, men have no control over it. Proposing it as a condition to vet partners is beyond ridiculous.

Not to mention the toll on the self esteem of men under certain height. It is like men saying they don't wanna date women who.... [insert a physical attribute here].
Height is a characteristic that cannot be changed, men have no control over it. Proposing it as a condition to vet partners is beyond ridiculous.

Not to mention the toll on the self esteem of men under certain height. It is like men saying they don't wanna date women who.... [insert a physical attribute here].
Would you date an ugly women?
If Tate had the foresight of Nostradumus he wouldn't be Andrei's blushing prison wife right now.
He knew he would end up in prison .

"the matrix is after me"
"step 1 cancel you ,Step 2 put you in jail, Step 3 kill you "

That's why many believe he's innocent, he had a built-in excuse .

My prediction is he's gonna kill himself ,Epstein like & goes out with a big bang .
Today your average 21 year old has had at least 15 to 20 penises inside her and a large percentage have also had a lesbian affair.
Your average man in the West 20 to 30 years old is an incel and most likely a virgin.
I’ll have to find the study but it has been shown both boys and girls are having a lot less sex, dating, socializing and even friendships. Kids are lonelier and spend most of their days scrolling tiktok, gaming,K-pop. I have a younger sister in high school I have to beg to get off tiktok and make some new friends and go out and socialize . The issue has been the same with a lot of family friends and cousins.
"Like guys, just like, totally wanna f*ck me, but like, don't really care about my retarded political beliefs/opinions/the shite tv shows I binge/ fav tonktonk e-celebs/my ketamine habit" lol
It's almost shocking that they lack self awareness to this extent wallahi :umwhat:
He knew he would end up in prison .

"the matrix is after me"
"step 1 cancel you ,Step 2 put you in jail, Step 3 kill you "

That's why many believe he's innocent, he had a built-in excuse .

My prediction is he's gonna kill himself ,Epstein like & goes out with a big bang .
If his conversation is real which I think it is, then I doubt he would.


Maqal herder | Burco boodhweyn.
Would you date an ugly women?
define ugly?

I want to be with a women who i am attracted to, she can be tall, short, curvy, lean....etc. Other people's opinion on her physical characteristics are not my problem.

if for example i am attracted to a women as a whole; then i wouldn't care about the size of her ears if they look a bit weird, because like height she was born with them and cannot be changed, and it would be extremely stupid of me to make it the first and most important thing I care about in a women.

Standars of beauty and ugliness are subjective, an obese person can shed fat to become more attractive, a skinny person can put on some cushion, a normal guy can transform into a hulk...etc.

But height is permanent. If any of the girls who say they don't want men under 6 feet are asked to go on a date with Brad Pitt, Tom cruise or DiCaprio; they'd say yes 99% of the time, yet those actors are all under the coveted 6 feet.
define ugly?

I want to be with a women who i am attracted to, she can be tall, short, curvy, lean....etc. Other people's opinion on her physical characteristics are not my problem.

if for example i am attracted to a women as a whole; then i wouldn't care about the size of her ears if they look a bit weird, because like height she was born with them and cannot be changed, and it would be extremely stupid of me to make it the first and most important thing I care about in a women.

Standars of beauty and ugliness are subjective, an obese person can shed fat to become more attractive, a skinny person can put on some cushion, a normal guy can transform into a hulk...etc.

But height is permanent. If any of the girls who say they don't want men under 6 feet are asked to go on a date with Brad Pitt, Tom cruise or DiCaprio; they'd say yes 99% of the time, yet those actors are all under the coveted 6 feet.
Your entire argument makes 0 sense
A women being attractive to you is not in her control, if she is ugly, she cannot control it, therefore by you saying you only date women you are attracted to you are doing the exact same thing as a women who says she will only date men above a certain height
Everyone has different requirements for attraction, just because a women isn't attracted to a man of a certain height doesn't mean that she is being rude or trying to be mean to the man, it is just she is not attracted to men of that height.
Same way you are not attracted to women of certain characteristics which would make her unnatractive


Maqal herder | Burco boodhweyn.
Your entire argument makes 0 sense
A women being attractive to you is not in her control, if she is ugly, she cannot control it, therefore by you saying you only date women you are attracted to you are doing the exact same thing as a women who says she will only date men above a certain height
Everyone has different requirements for attraction, just because a women isn't attracted to a man of a certain height doesn't mean that she is being rude or trying to be mean to the man, it is just she is not attracted to men of that height.
Same way you are not attracted to women of certain characteristics which would make her unnatractive
You seem to be missing my point, being attracted to someone goes beyond a single physical characteristic e.g. height or the shape of ears or nose. Are you telling me a single unchangeable attribute is the decider of attractiveness? Every single couple on earth has something they'd wanna change about their partner yet they tolerate it because the whole is what counts not a single breaking point. Are you telling me 99% of women who swear by above 6+ feet men wouldn't wanna be with decaprio or Brad Pitt?
I am just surprised by the speed of change in society and the scale its massive.
The counter culture movement ofbthe 60s , free love , the pill and women entering the workforce in numbers took till 90s the have a visible affect on the culture. In the 80s a significant percentage of the population had values even then.
With smartphones, social media and dating apps and ubiquitous ,changes done to society took effect in less then 10 years while it took the counter culture movement 30 years .

The changes are drastic and shocking the vast majority of modern women are promiscuous and narcissistic because of dating apps and social media.
Your average modern woman even low on the attractive scale has a legion of simps worshiping her daily .
I find the symmetry between your average modern woman and incels interesting.
Both of them get upset that those they want have zero interest in them and they get emotional about it. Women go on tiktok asking where are all the good men, and men are trash etc, while incels cook up violent misogynistic fantasies in their forums.
We have to differentiate between incels and the incel community they are very different.
The incel community are basically where you find men that have been so thoroughly feminised that they refuse to change and improve , they refuse advise or any information that would help them and wish to just wallow in self pity and throw temper tantrums , watch to cope and play video games.
Incels on the other hand are technically anyone that has been attempting to find a women to have sex with and failing for at least a year.
This group represents the majority of men who are not married or in a relationship, it's a big chunk of the male population and its a new scenario that is less then 20 years old.
The world has changed those of us who experienced the 90s and the early 2000s would have had a different experience because women were different.
The girl next door used to exist, a normal woman that you could date, fall in love marry.
Today your average 21 year old has had at least 15 to 20 penises inside her and a large percentage have also had a lesbian affair.
Your average man in the West 20 to 30 years old is an incel and most likely a virgin.

This is where the red pill comes in , allot of women are associating incels with the red pill when the incel community rejects most of it. They are actually a different category black pilled dormers.

The red pill is simply an observation of gender dynamics , its just information, but it's information that is sought after by all the men that are asking what the f is happening.
This is where the manosphere comes in.
I find allot of the content ridiculous and cringe worthy but there are some gems in there.
I can see allot of women are reacting to the red pill but its ignorance they didn't bother to look into it too deeply.
It's very simple men and women operate very differently and have different desires and instincts built in. While we are all aware of the negative aspects of allowing men to express their basic animalistic instincts and impose legal and sociocultural constraints most people are unaware of the basic animalistic instincts of women.
We have constraints on both sexes and values are instilled, but the West has been conducting an interesting experiment since the mid 60s where they removed all the constraints on women and even encouraged them to fully express their basic animalistic instincts.
This brings us to today's environment which is toxic to family creation and stable society.
There is allot of sex and very little love, so many meaningless sexual interactions but no loving relationship.
This is where I have misgivings about the red pill. On one hand the information is accurate and essential for navigating dating and protecting yourself.
The problem is that this information is accurate and can be used to do harm.
Since your average modern woman has been relieved of allot of values and traditional wisdom and encouraged to express basic instincts they are easily manipulated by men.
It's a major Powershift and women sense this like a gut instinct. Knowledge is power.

I have seen first hand an autistic man fully understand the redpill and implement a complex fake personality and algorithm that allowed him to attract several woman to sleep with him, it was amazing and frightening.

I worry for my daughter , and nieces and the only way to protect them apart from instilling deep is to also make them understand the redpill in the future to defend themselves.
Tell me more about this fake personality and ‘red pill algorithm’
You seem to be missing my point, being attracted to someone goes beyond a single physical characteristic e.g. height or the shape of ears or nose. Are you telling me a single unchangeable attribute is the decider of attractiveness? Every single couple on earth has something they'd wanna change about their partner yet they tolerate it because the whole is what counts not a single breaking point. Are you telling me 99% of women who swear by above 6+ feet men wouldn't wanna be with decaprio or Brad Pitt?
One single feature can make a face look off balanced and can decrease attractiveness levels. Example, someone with a head that is seen as too large, might be perceived as unattractive or an overly large and hooked nose ect.

At the end of the day, it is a mark of insecurity to police what people are attracted to. It’s personal and what people choose and nothing to do with you.

As long as people aren’t being disrespectful, then it is fine. Examples.

I prefer taller men-respectful.

I think short men are ugly, tall men are better-disrespectful.

As long as people aren’t being put down for not fitting into their personal preference then it is fine. What isn’t acceptable is when people that don’t met those requirements are belittled and insulted. That is unacceptable.


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