Shit The Incels Maybe Right, Is This The Fute Of Dating Women In The West ?

The video is a mix of different content. Some downright immoral, some morons, some are normal views not worth commenting on.

Also, a lot of guys online need to touch grass. Actually talk to real women.

Also, a woman saying that she doesn’t date men under 5’9 isn’t hateful and isn’t the same as a man saying ‘slap b****’.

I’m beginning to think that young men are incredibly sensitive. They’ll dish out and watch videos about violence against women but cry if a woman says she doesn’t want a broke man.
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I’m beginning to think that young men are incredibly sensitive. They’ll dish out and watch videos about violence against women but cry if a woman says she doesn’t want a broke man.
A lot of men these days are sensitive, and it's ok as long as they know how to express it in a healthy way. The issue is that many don't know how to express emotions and will turn to anger/insults/ or violence to express what ever it is that they are feeling. That's the problem.
A lot of men these days are sensitive, and it's ok as long as they know how to express it in a healthy way. The issue is that many don't know how to express emotions and will turn to anger/insults/ or violence to express what ever it is that they are feeling. That's the problem.
It’s too much and the level of entitlement is out of this world. They like to compare the incomparable.

Don’t get me wrong, a lot of those girls on TikTok harping on about their dating standards are lowkey narcissistic, but are we going to compare a woman saying she wants a taller man or one with more money with men who post and endorse content about violence against women? Or men who actively bash women for being financially stable or more educated?

Basically, it seems that supposedly incels are justified because women online are saying they want XYZ.

What it translates to is if I don’t fit into some women’s standards, then people like Andrew Tate who advocate for violence against women and pimping are justified.

Extreme isn’t it. Women’s over the top and sometimes moronic standards is the same as men arguing for mistreatment of women.
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The video is a mix of different content. Some downright immoral, some morons, some are normal views not worth commenting on.

Also, a lot of guys online need to touch grass. Actually talk to real women.

Also, a woman saying that she doesn’t date men under 5’9 isn’t hateful and isn’t the same as a man saying ‘slap b****’.

Fat short women looking down on short guys.. Isn't that having an unrealistic expectations? Then later on complaining about not being able to find a good man.
I’m beginning to think that young men are incredibly sensitive. They’ll dish out and watch videos about violence against women but cry if a woman says she doesn’t want a broke man.
Fat short women looking down on short guys.. Isn't that having an unrealistic expectations? Then later on complaining about not being able to find a good man.
It ain’t the same as a man saying let’s beat up b**** or talking about women in a derogatory way. Also, that can’t find a man, that’s their problem not yours.

Random women’s standard regardless of how silly shouldn’t equate to men feeling that they can talk about inflicting violence on women or curtailing their rights.

That shit is scary.
It ain’t the same as a man saying let’s beat up b**** or talking about women in a derogatory way. Also, that can’t find a man, that’s their problem not yours.

Random women’s standard regardless of how silly shouldn’t equate to men feeling that they can talk about inflicting violence on women or curtailing their rights.

That shit is scary.
Slow down a bit, no body is justifying violence against women.. Just said they should have realistic goals, does that equate to violence and abuse to you?
Slow down a bit, no body is justifying violence against women.. Just said they should have realistic goals, does that equate to violence and abuse to you?
That is the thing with incels and redpillers. They internalize randoms women’s standards and then engage in extreme sexism and endorse the wildest shit, simply because the women they want don’t want them.

Let’s be real, what a random fat woman says, shouldn’t be a concern since she ain’t the the type of women you want. Also, the ones with unrealistic expectations will either stay single for life or adjust her expectations. Why is it a concern? If they’re not be disrespectful, then in that situation they need to be called out for being rude.

Also, every day women settle down with realistic men and most households in the West are now dual income. Also, most people are partnered up with people who are similar attractiveness level.

The issue is that the women they want have expections they can’t fulfil. Watch the video. They’re all pretty and slim white women and they’re views are effecting these redpillers and they completely ignore normal/average women and then seethe at the fact that women outside of their range don’t want them.

I’m not saying that those women in a lot of the videos are okay. Some gave me narcissistic and dumb vibes to be honest.
I never knew why women liked me. I realized there's no reason to care why. Not for any depressive reason, but because people like what they like.

The people on the social media apps aren't always the same as people in real life. I think people overthink things because of social media.

Sure there are general preferences people have. That's life. Sometimes you ain't dealt the winning hand. But you gotta play the game with the hand you got. That's the truth.

Getting angry and frustrated is normal. Some people may be angry at you back without knowing what your life was about, making assumptions about your thoughts on topics you never actually stated. Best to ignore this, cause it doesn't have anything to do with you.

If you guys will follow any advice I give, this one is the best one: don't overthink relationships. They're definitely not the most important thing in life. You'll come to realize that you can live without people. You're fed, have shelter, breathe air and have water. You're okay. It's the ideas of what people implant in your mind as important that is poisoning you. It's only important because you were taught it was important. Don't ignore opportunities, but don't let not getting an opportunity break your mind. You got family, friends, a career and amenities? Then you're good fam.

This is coming from a guy who is about to be 30. You're okay bro. You're fine.
The video is a mix of different content. Some downright immoral, some morons, some are normal views not worth commenting on.

Also, a lot of guys online need to touch grass. Actually talk to real women.

Also, a woman saying that she doesn’t date men under 5’9 isn’t hateful and isn’t the same as a man saying ‘slap b****’.

I’m beginning to think that young men are incredibly sensitive. They’ll dish out and watch videos about violence against women but cry if a woman says she doesn’t want a broke man.
Angeline these are online men, men in real life don't think like this, again, I have never seen this rhetoric except online nerds who stay on their phone all day
Angeline these are online men, men in real life don't think like this, again, I have never seen this rhetoric except online nerds who stay on their phone all day
That is why I said *men online.

Men with podcasts are the worst.

Most people in real life don’t concern themselves with the preferences of random people.
That is why I said *men online.

Men with podcasts are the worst.

Most people in real life don’t concern themselves with the preferences of random people.
ngl i don't even believe they are like this in real life, when they go outside they probably just turn into a normal guy
I am just surprised by the speed of change in society and the scale its massive.
The counter culture movement ofbthe 60s , free love , the pill and women entering the workforce in numbers took till 90s the have a visible affect on the culture. In the 80s a significant percentage of the population had values even then.
With smartphones, social media and dating apps and ubiquitous ,changes done to society took effect in less then 10 years while it took the counter culture movement 30 years .

The changes are drastic and shocking the vast majority of modern women are promiscuous and narcissistic because of dating apps and social media.
Your average modern woman even low on the attractive scale has a legion of simps worshiping her daily .
I find the symmetry between your average modern woman and incels interesting.
Both of them get upset that those they want have zero interest in them and they get emotional about it. Women go on tiktok asking where are all the good men, and men are trash etc, while incels cook up violent misogynistic fantasies in their forums.
We have to differentiate between incels and the incel community they are very different.
The incel community are basically where you find men that have been so thoroughly feminised that they refuse to change and improve , they refuse advise or any information that would help them and wish to just wallow in self pity and throw temper tantrums , watch to cope and play video games.
Incels on the other hand are technically anyone that has been attempting to find a women to have sex with and failing for at least a year.
This group represents the majority of men who are not married or in a relationship, it's a big chunk of the male population and its a new scenario that is less then 20 years old.
The world has changed those of us who experienced the 90s and the early 2000s would have had a different experience because women were different.
The girl next door used to exist, a normal woman that you could date, fall in love marry.
Today your average 21 year old has had at least 15 to 20 penises inside her and a large percentage have also had a lesbian affair.
Your average man in the West 20 to 30 years old is an incel and most likely a virgin.

This is where the red pill comes in , allot of women are associating incels with the red pill when the incel community rejects most of it. They are actually a different category black pilled dormers.

The red pill is simply an observation of gender dynamics , its just information, but it's information that is sought after by all the men that are asking what the f is happening.
This is where the manosphere comes in.
I find allot of the content ridiculous and cringe worthy but there are some gems in there.
I can see allot of women are reacting to the red pill but its ignorance they didn't bother to look into it too deeply.
It's very simple men and women operate very differently and have different desires and instincts built in. While we are all aware of the negative aspects of allowing men to express their basic animalistic instincts and impose legal and sociocultural constraints most people are unaware of the basic animalistic instincts of women.
We have constraints on both sexes and values are instilled, but the West has been conducting an interesting experiment since the mid 60s where they removed all the constraints on women and even encouraged them to fully express their basic animalistic instincts.
This brings us to today's environment which is toxic to family creation and stable society.
There is allot of sex and very little love, so many meaningless sexual interactions but no loving relationship.
This is where I have misgivings about the red pill. On one hand the information is accurate and essential for navigating dating and protecting yourself.
The problem is that this information is accurate and can be used to do harm.
Since your average modern woman has been relieved of allot of values and traditional wisdom and encouraged to express basic instincts they are easily manipulated by men.
It's a major Powershift and women sense this like a gut instinct. Knowledge is power.

I have seen first hand an autistic man fully understand the redpill and implement a complex fake personality and algorithm that allowed him to attract several woman to sleep with him, it was amazing and frightening.

I worry for my daughter , and nieces and the only way to protect them apart from instilling deep is to also make them understand the redpill in the future to defend themselves.
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