Shanta Caleemo clan evict Gaaljecel from Wanlaweyn and chase them to their last remaining Village in Lower Shabelle!


While they make up fake stories online we’re building our deegaan. This is the new airport we’re building in Shalanbood. On the video are gudoomiye ku xigeenka merca, gudoomiyaha shalanbood and taliyaha guutada 7aad.

We’re not going anywhere. About half of the HG now in lower shabelle arrived during or after the civil war but the other half arrived as early as the late 19th century and some were relocated to lower shabelle during the 1970’s famine. Yabadhaalo Cayr lived in Barawe since the late 19th century and are the reason we have good relations with Tunni in Barawe and LS today.

During the civil war when HG mooryans would capture farms and lands in LS the local HGs who lived there before the civil war used to fend them or pay the victims. I’ll talk more about this later and post the sources
Yabadhaale are the wadaado Cayr truly. That will be an interesting thread, look forward to it
Jarso has more absame subs than dir Wardey aren't Dir
borans have some dir they have proven to have some T haplogroup not the whole of tribe hence the cali at the end Akisho is mostly somali majority live in Libaan known as Gurre
whilst no somali clan has as much as oromo blood running in their veins than an OG
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are you saying our kids from our gaalo Madoow captured women is not our kids? Because that’s what you just posted. I asked you about Dir claiming every moving Tom and Dick and you’re comparing the kids Ogaden men had from non somali women.

