Science Proves Ashkenazi Jews Are The Smartest People In The World

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I thought that was a well known fact. :damedamn:
We're very smart people. Even cadaans kiss our feet(except for that time in mofo Hitlers Germany)

Jews were scapegoated for everything in the past, they generally weren't well liked. This ass kissing is very recent :gaasdrink: what type of Jew doesn't know their own history saaxib:dabcasar:


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Jews were scapegoated for everything in the past, they generally weren't well liked. This ass kissing is very recent :gaasdrink: what type of Jew doesn't know their own history saaxib:dabcasar:
A somali one :chrisfreshhah:


I have an IQ of 300
This has to be hands down the biggest congregation of retards in a single thread, a bunch of quacks whose grasp of English alone is shockingly abysmal but yet ironically are here discussing about blacks having low IQ based on a mythical fascist white supremacist invention/concoction.
Wallahi oo billahi you are a legend.
We may disagree about certain things but in this area you are right on the money.
Absolutely disgraceful thread with a bunch of literal discussing the apparent low IQ of other using the straight up falsified "scientific" IQ data of some racist white scientists. You think you are any better off?
Rageedii for coming into this thread and calling them all out. :salute:


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Wallahi oo billahi you are a legend.
We may disagree about certain things but in this area you are right on the money.
Absolutely disgraceful thread with a bunch of literal discussing the apparent low IQ of other using the straight up falsified "scientific" IQ data of some racist white scientists. You think you are any better off?
Rageedii for coming into this thread and calling them all out. :salute:
He's wrong, i pointed out the IQ research by charley murray who is the least racist person in the world, found the average iq of african americans being 85 and he just ignored it. Theres no conspiracy of evil white men sitting in a room and making this stuff up, its almost mainstream scientific research.

Watch this video in its entirety and you will see



I have an IQ of 300
He's wrong, i pointed out the IQ research by charley murray who is the least racist person in the world, found the average iq of african americans being 85 and he just ignored it. Theres no conspiracy of evil white men sitting in a room and making this stuff up, its almost mainstream scientific research.

Watch this video in its entirety and you will see

First of all, a lot of this is bullshit.
I don't know about the average African American IQ, but I am well aware of the fact that many national African IQ's are total bullshit.
The Somalia national IQ is an average of the Ethiopian and Kenyan IQ's.
The Ethiopian IQ was sampled from a bunch of poor, young, uneducated Ethiopian Jews.
These IQ's are so low that literal gorillas apparently beat us in intelligence.
I mean actual gorillas, that isn't me being racist and referring to Bantus.
68 is borderline retarded. I actually think it is retarded.
It's absolute nonsense, and there is an agenda behind this.
Why is our IQ an average of two other countries? No-one even bothered to begin to take even the smallest Somali IQ sample.
Racists use it as ammunition, citing an average IQ of 68 as the reason why "Somalis need to get the hell out of our country". Even if there isn't an agenda in the minds of the people making these stats up, it's intellectually dishonest and a complete shambles.
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Yonis, you're such a naccas. Just give it a rest mate, cuz you're coming across as a doughnut, to put it lightly.
I don't know if you've noticed but Reuters are owned by the Rothschild who are ashkenazi khazarian Jews they also own and control the United states federal reserves & all the financial institutions and corporations. The Balfour declaration when Palestine was handed over to the Zionists Balfour addressed the letter to the rotheschilds as the king of the Jews.

Ask yourself why did Ariel Sharon won a Nobel peace prize when he's responsible for the deaths of thousands of women and children in Palestine?

@Inquisitive_ is 100% on the ball.


Are you sure that Ariel Sharon won a Nobel Peace Prize? Or, do you mean Yitzhak Rabin? The latter won with Yasser Arafat and Shimon Peres for their courageous signing of the Camp David Peace Accords that was thwarted by Jewish extremists, Muslim and Arab nations who used the Palestinians for their own agendas. But Ariel Sharon? Come on boowe, we are not in a Somali cafe uttering everything as facts.


مسلم، خبير الدين، ملحد وكبر المدمرة بإذن الله

Sorry mate, I'm dumb and was expelled from high school @ grade 7, what are English standard and English studies? What are the differences?
English standard is year 12 english they teach the tempest and that.

English studies is a lower grade of english, which is like year 10 or 11 english.
What a defeatist mentality some of y'all have. To actually believe that your born with a fixed IQ due to genetics is just shooting yourself in the leg before going to war.
In reality, a person's brain is dynamic and has connection to road maps with different functions, by exercising the brain, you can rewire and make new connections to these road maps and strengthen existing ones.

A person's mindset is a better determining factor of success; If you believe you have genetic predisposition to scoring lower scores, then your thoughts become reality even if you were capable of scoring higher. Which is why, I'm really disappointed that many are buying into this crap that's usually pushed by racist losers that ride on the achievements of their race while these individuals are:trash: themselves.

The environment & culture can not be ignored when it comes to doing well in life too. What's really needed to better our community is a cultural shift. These communities that are being mentioned have a culture that places high importance on education. Jews always make sure to place their kids in the best education they can in the best nurturing environment possible & we need to do that too.
Why hasn't a Mozart, Shakespeare, Newton, Einstein and etc appeared in Somalia?

If Africans have the same cognitive abilities as Jews and Brits then why were they still living in huts less than a century ago?

Why is Africa still a shit-hole half a century after colonization (sure blame it all on neo-colonization but would the same thing happen if it was the Chinese instead of us?)

I could bring up so many examples that proof that genetics & intelligence are linked.
Speak for Somalia and not all of Africa. Ethiopia developed writing, books, astronomy, the first philosophers and so on. We have built monuments, castles, houses and so on. The only problem we had was not going through the industrial revolution along with Europe. We were more or less what Europe was just before the industrial revolution. We climbed the ladder of societies from hunter gatherers, herders, pastoralists, tribalism, horticulturalist, agriculturalists, and finally fiefdoms (Ethiopia). We sadly got left behind but we are now experiencing a revolution it won't be long before we become like Central Asia.

Plus I believe Africa's diverseness is a huge disadvantage to growth and peace on the continent.
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As i live and breathe
Eugenics is out of question and we won't have millions of high IQ people lining up to procreate with current Somalis.

Only way we'll increase our own average IQ is through hoping that gene modification technology comes out sooner.

Once we know more about genes related to intelligence and tech like CRISPR becomes more mature; everyone will be on an equal playing field when it comes to IQ.

Even the Bantus you disparage will have a similar IQ to Ashkenazi Jews.

What makes you think they would use that technology to put Africans on an equal playing field? Why wouldn't they use it on themselves?


As i live and breathe
First of all, a lot of this is bullshit.
I don't know about the average African American IQ, but I am well aware of the fact that many national African IQ's are total bullshit.
The Somalia national IQ is an average of the Ethiopian and Kenyan IQ's.
The Ethiopian IQ was sampled from a bunch of poor, young, uneducated Ethiopian Jews.
These IQ's are so low that literal gorillas apparently beat us in intelligence.
I mean actual gorillas, that isn't me being racist and referring to Bantus.
68 is borderline retarded. I actually think it is retarded.
It's absolute nonsense, and there is an agenda behind this.
Why is our IQ an average of two other countries? No-one even bothered to begin to take even the smallest Somali IQ sample.
Racists use it as ammunition, citing an average IQ of 68 as the reason why "Somalis need to get the hell out of our country". Even if there isn't an agenda in the minds of the people making these stats up, it's intellectually dishonest and a complete shambles.

You're right, i've seen alt right types arguing that we are less intelligent than gorillas. The fact that they actually believe it is the hilarious part.
No way the average IQ of Somalis is 68. Like others have pointed out they based that number on a combination of scores from Ethiopia and Kenya. I would guesstimate that the average IQ of Somalis is around 85, which is about the same as the mid-east/north African averages. With better nutrition and education I think we can raise that by about 10 points, making us more than capable of having a highly developed society and country that is a beacon for Africa.

Racial realism is controversial yes, but controversy doesn't make something any less true.
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