Saudi Arabia Hands Somalia Over to Iran

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@AbdiJohnson: The thing you and other secularists on here fail to realize is that Islam is the only thing that has ever united the diverse peoples in the Somali peninsula. The type of society you are advocating for, which is essentially an ultra-nationalist and godless Somalia, is a mythical construct that only exists in your tiny minds. You cannot use such ideas as nationalism and ethnic identity to unite a people who all believe they are distinct, unrelated, and very different from each other genetically and culturally. That Somalia will never ever rise, and only a mental midget would think otherwise given the current political climate and views of the people on the ground. The only cause a Darod, Hawiye, and Isaac would ever die for as brothers in arms is Islam. No one would ever die for such worthless ideals such as the preservation of the Somali ethnic group (which is a term that isn't even well defined or understood by the people in Somalia) or for the nonsense of "Somaliweyn".

Unfortunately, thanks to the efforts of Al-kabab, it is unlikely an Islamic government would ever find mainstream support among the people for the foreseeable future. That means the only thing the people will want and support are their federal qabil states and the eventual secession of these states and the balkanization of the country. As a proud promulgator of western values and secularism, shouldn't you be in favor of giving the people what they want?

Islam united Somalia biggest joke i read on this forum thus far, that's it time for me to log out cawaano ba meesha isku imaadeyh.

it is you who is actually confused, Putting words in my mouth . I have said that we should seperate it to some degree from poltiics and create an Elders Senate in which such clan matters can be discussed.
What is the precedent for such a senate in Somali history? Aren't you a believer in traditionalism seeing as you scoff at methods of governance that are foreign to the people in the Somali peninsula? Bring your evidence that a decentralized authoritative government that covers the entirety of the Somali peninsula along with an "elder clan senate". You will never be able to because there has never been such a government in the history of the Somali peninsula.

Qabil kingdoms and qabil states are two different things.
There is no meaningful difference. Just because you say otherwise doesn't change anything about it. A qabil state is just an incarnation of the classic and historic qabil kingdom that was the only proven system of governance that is suitable for the Somali people.

heres an an example of my interview with an elder in Bosaso
With all due respect, that elder has no idea what he is talking about. There is nothing foreign about qabil states or the politicization of qabil. Rather, that was how things have always operated in the Somali peninsula and qabil has always played a central role in all facets of life. Trying to remove qabil from governance and politics is a foreign idea, that again by your words, "does not fit".
Oh the Arrogance to assume a decentralization is a western or foreign inventions. Like you said Somalis had various Cheif doms,kingdoms, sultunates before the colonization. That innit itself is being decentralized.
The people in Somalia have never had a national government that had some level of authority over these kingdoms. Rather, they operated as independent nations with distinct histories, cultures, and dialects. The idea of a state that encompasses the entire Somali peninsula, or even this flawed idea of a "Somali people", are foreign inventions themselves that have no basis in Somali culture and were imposed on the people by foreign elements. Rather, Somali culture is more in line with qabil states and the secession of these states that have always operated as independent countries and peoples for the most part.

Qabil states have a precedence in Somali history and culture. A national government of any kind does not, and as said before, it is a foreign invention that has been imposed on the Somali people, and by your logic, should be rejected.

shuu shuu i dont have time for trolls who say silly stuff like this.

It's easier to call me a troll than to actually attempt to refute my arguments.
Islam united Somalia biggest joke i read on this forum thus far, that's it time for me to log out cawaano ba meesha isku imaadeyh.


Laugh as much as you'd like, but that is the ONLY realistic thing that can unite these very diverse and distinct peoples. Otherwise, qabil states are here to stay for good and the secession of these states to form independent countries and cultures is only inevitable.
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