Sanaag and Haylaan

Ximan iyo Xadeed

The money donated to CC project could have built Badhan 3x to any city standard

This isn't acceptable in 2024 for Badhan to not have a single laami and for the guddi to continue posting old footage from 2021 everytime there's a relection

Badhtamaha Badhan 2024
Deni has 2 things to do

1 - call out the CC guddi that turned the project into a ganacsi

2 - either return the $7 million Reer Maakhir donated or continue the project through PHA

Reer Maakhir have proved they aren't anti-Dowlad , but the dowlad isn't there and thats fact
Agreed. I was so impressed with the team in charge of the project at the beginning, having traveled on a few miles of the road they built, but can not believe, the project has not progressed. Is Ceelaayo still in charge?


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
What about Iska wax uqabso? We’re here building a freaking Port. As long as you have the administration on your side to facilitate stuff, money shouldn’t be an issue. Reer Maakhir are more than capable of building that road also invest in the city by building hotels, restaurants and clinics. We need to forget this mentality of government building us stuff. Their job is security, nothing else IMO.

Get your 7 million back and build the road.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

What about Iska wax uqabso? We’re here building a freaking Port. As long as you have the administration on your side to facilitate stuff, money shouldn’t be an issue. Reer Maakhir are more than capable of building that road also invest in the city by building hotels, restaurants and clinics. We need to forget this mentality of government building us stuff. Their job is security, nothing else IMO.

Get your 7 million back and build the road.
Thats why I want our money back

Could have built a decent airport with that money πŸ˜‚


The problem in the CC project isnt government related as Deni did his bit and added the govt contribution and if he named the governance body for it, ppl would flip that it's corrupt.

The commitee were named by sanaag folks so if anything is wrong with it then the problem lies with them.


What about Iska wax uqabso? We’re here building a freaking Port. As long as you have the administration on your side to facilitate stuff, money shouldn’t be an issue. Reer Maakhir are more than capable of building that road also invest in the city by building hotels, restaurants and clinics. We need to forget this mentality of government building us stuff. Their job is security, nothing else IMO.

Get your 7 million back and build the road.

We need to define roles, responsibilities, and rights while also sharing the workload between the govt and people, their may be some misunderstandings on what the role of the state is and what the role of the individual, community, private sector is. This is critical to define because it could be leading to unrealistic expectation between stakeholders.

We need to draw the lines between stakeholders and tell each stakeholder masuliyadooda because I noticed Somalis hate responsibility but their the first to cry for injustice and xaqqooda. How can they cry for xaq and justice yet they turn a blind eye about their responsibility as an individual, community, or private sector. If they want justice and rights well they will need to accept their responsibility at each level whether it's at the individual or community level(tol or deegaan).

Dawlada xaq buu lee yahay they are the decision makers but they also shoulder a responsibility to do Wada tashi before decisions are carried out with relevant stakeholders. Lakin shacabku masuliyad baa saaran they must pay taxes honestly not cutting corners and assist govt in security and play their role in development for their deegaan. They also enjoy rights such as govt being public and transparent and having access to what the govt is doing each 5 years and accountability each year thru status updates. We dont need hebel iyo hebel ama reer iyo reer fkd talk in serious state and civilian discussion.
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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The road should have reached Badhan by now if Puntland was serious about finishing it. Asphalting of the Ceel Daahir-Ceerigaabo road began in Dec 2020 and proceeded at 200 meters per day for the first few months. This is extremely slow by world standards, but if it had been sustained, the road would have been completed by April of 2022.

Asphalting of the road reached Cawsane in Nov 2021, and has been stuck there ever since. That means that there has no forward movement in 2.5 years.

Deni did not take this project very seriously, that much is true.


The road should have reached Badhan by now if Puntland was serious about finishing it. Asphalting of the Ceel Daahir-Ceerigaabo road began in Dec 2020 and proceeded at 200 meters per day for the first few months. This is extremely slow by world standards, but if it had been sustained, the road would have been completed by April of 2022.

Asphalting of the road reached Cawsane in Nov 2021, and has been stuck there ever since. That means that there has no forward movement in 2.5 years.

Deni did not take this project very seriously, that much is true.

It's not just CC road that has been slow, the whole state suffers from paralyzing slow pace development as I don't think they use project methodologies to define mission, scope, and tasks linked to specific dates and quality assurance phases from beginning to end. Without project methodologies when they hand work over to local companies they will just extend as much as they can increasing the bill over time.

This is PL govt problem lacking governance frameworks on development project and their always getting robbed by shady local companies doing the service delivery as they should waa dad nacasyo lol not knowing every day a project is extended is more cost on them and taxpayer. U want local companies competing on tender and how quick the project can be completed with quality assurance tasks involved in the timetable. U want to milk them and say the second u under deliver on contract agreement you will foot the bill whether it's quality of work or tasks going beyond time of completion.

They can predict how much work can be done each single hour and day untill the project hits completion thru industry frameworks and also use past projects results and using average or some excel formula to work out a good estimation formula which can be applied on all projects tendered to local companies.

I sometimes hate how stupid our govt can be its sometimes beyond stupid how careless they are with taxpayer money and not driving value. What's even worse is the civilian population are busy on fkd iyo reer ba sidan yiri nonsense or women are busy with painting their faces with make up while letting their govt be incompetent wuth their taxes.
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Forza Somalia!
Its a big city tho unfortunately dowlada ma taagrayso even in matters of water , if Sanaag didn't have ADESO gobolka waa la tagayo

I like this eedo. I had this idea of building desalination water facility in LasQoray then link Lasqoray to Badhan, and all the connecting villages all the way to LaasCaanood. Or do it the other way by building the water facility from Eyl to Laascaanood then connect it to Badhan. Charge the locals fees of the water according to their capabilities.