Sam of Somalia is a better Somali parent than most of you would ever ve

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ur basically Madow man. smh. if u had any respect for ur mother ud realize that's some nuclear shit but clearly u have a troubled relationship with ur mom. i'm very sorry about that.
Look at this wasyute denying his mum war ninyoho stop denying your mum and take her back for free trust me abti your mums uck is extraterrasterial i know you wanna pull a biskit flex right about now kkk


"Can you bring equilibrium?"
Always them darod guys mentioning hawiye when they're getting roasted by isaaq. :manny:

Fair enough. It's a free for all. Don't mind me
tenor (11).gif


Look at this wasyute denying his mum war ninyoho stop denying your mum and take her back for free trust me abti your mums uck is extraterrasterial i know you wanna pull a biskit flex right about now kkk
Let's chill with disrespecting parents, we can just mention their massive foreheads and they will take automatic L's.
Look at this wasyute denying his mum war ninyoho stop denying your mum and take her back for free trust me abti your mums uck is extraterrasterial i know you wanna pull a biskit flex right about now kkk

ur talking fantasy meanwhile wallahi billahi i have isaaq es from 2 years ago still sweating me.


f*ck their parents abti niggas tryna laugh at my jail time like he would last a night in jail
Don't let people get a rise out of you or they will keep using that to piss you off. Just chill with disrespecting people who aren't even involed with the roasts sxb, ramadan is approaching too, we gotta be the better people.
Don't let people get a rise out of you or they will keep using that to piss you off. Just chill with disrespecting people who aren't even involed with the roasts sxb, ramadan is approaching too, we gotta be the better people.
Sxb these niggas keep coming at me you never see me following these f*ck boys they just see geeljire sanbuur and start to hate.
They're just immature, someday they will grow up
Tell me why im free but im stuck in the dunya tell me why heaven is a promise when were living in hell tell me why these people only love you when they see your gwop tell my why they only love you when they see you drop if your my brudda then wallahi bro i got your back and if you ever hit the bin then i got your stack you say you got a gun but that fake smoke shisha manna cut your face into 8 parts pizza!!
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