Saddam: Iran's regime is the biggest conspiracy

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

saddam was a nacas i cant lie. Only called on islam and the ummah when he was 30 hours away from being hanged.
He also let his sons run amok. One of his sons Uday Hussein was a serial rapist that used to terrorize the residents of Baghdad. He used to order his guards to kidnap any girl he liked from the streets whether the girl was from a wealthy honorable family or just normal did not matter. She would end up in his bedroom whether she liked it or not. After raping said woman he'd throw them a stack of cash as if they were prostitutes. One incident is that of two newlyweds that were having their honeymoon in a resort called Al-habaniyah in Baghdad. This uday savage took a liking to the bride and straight up demanded she go with him to his room. He took her by force and proceeded to mercilessly rape her. After he was done and out of the room as he was pouring himself a glass of whiskey the woman committed suicide throwing herself out the window. There are other countless such incidents

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
saddam was a nacas i cant lie. Only called on islam and the ummah when he was 30 hours away from being hanged.

there was an incident where Iblees himself said something to Abu Hurairah that turned out to be. he is a liar but what he said to the sahabi was true.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
He also let his sons run amok. One of his sons Uday Hussein was a serial rapist that used to terrorize the residents of Baghdad. He used to order his guards to kidnap any girl he liked from the streets whether the girl was from a wealthy honorable family or just normal did not matter. She would end up in his bedroom whether she liked it or not. After raping said woman he'd throw them a stack of cash as if they were prostitutes. One incident is that of two newlyweds that were having their honeymoon in a resort called Al-habaniyah in Baghdad. This uday savage took a liking to the bride and straight up demanded she go with him to his room. He took her by force and proceeded to mercilessly rape her. After he was done and out of the room as he was pouring himself a glass of whiskey the woman committed suicide throwing herself out the window. There are other countless such incidents

all of that is really terrible if it is confirmed but whether Saddam personally was evil or not is not necessarily an indication of whether what he said about a given topic is true. even an evil person might say something that is true.

I am not a Saddam fan but I believe him about Iran. and also I am sure he did do evil things but I am also sure that it is not for no reason that Zionism wanted him removed.
He also let his sons run amok. One of his sons Uday Hussein was a serial rapist that used to terrorize the residents of Baghdad. He used to order his guards to kidnap any girl he liked from the streets whether the girl was from a wealthy honorable family or just normal did not matter. She would end up in his bedroom whether she liked it or not. After raping said woman he'd throw them a stack of cash as if they were prostitutes. One incident is that of two newlyweds that were having their honeymoon in a resort called Al-habaniyah in Baghdad. This uday savage took a liking to the bride and straight up demanded she go with him to his room. He took her by force and proceeded to mercilessly rape her. After he was done and out of the room as he was pouring himself a glass of whiskey the woman committed suicide throwing herself out the window. There are other countless such incidents
sad but true. Turned iraq into a very depressing place to live. Terrorised anyone who wasnt a bathist. Nigga was a arab nationalist until his hours were numbered. then he called on the ummah.
Saddam was the sunni protector of the Arab world. He was the wall that prevented Iran from spreading chaos and destruction. The only bad thing he did was massacring Kurds in the anfal campaigns.
all of that is really terrible if it is confirmed but whether Saddam personally was evil or not is not necessarily an indication of whether what he said about a given topic is true. even an evil person might say something that is true.
hes right about iran i believe. Iran have their own interests and not particularly good ones
Iranians are retarded compared to iraqis, every third Iranian seems to be a mossad agent while Iraq kept even the CIA from infiltrating them for 20 years.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
(warning: this is translated by chatgpt and by google translate- take the translation with a grain of salt but I do think it gives the gist)

Is the ruler of Iraq a non-believer and is it permissible to curse him?

Questioner: Is it permissible to curse the ruler of Iraq? Some people say: as long as he professes the two testimonies, we should refrain from cursing him. Can it be confirmed that he is a disbeliever? What is your opinion on those who say he is a disbeliever?

Sheikh Ibn Baz: He is an infidel even if he says: There is no god but God, even if he prays and fasts, as long as he does not disavow the atheistic principles of Baathism and declare that he has repented to God from them and what they call for; This is because Baathism is infidelity and misguidance. Unless this is declared, he is an infidel, just as Abdullah bin Abi is an infidel, and he prays with the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, and says: There is no god but God, and bears witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and he is one of the most infidels of people, and what benefit does that do for his infidelity and hypocrisy, so those who say no There is no god but God among those who hold infidel beliefs, such as Baathists, communists, and others, and who seek worldly goals. This is what saves them from their disbelief. Because it is hypocrisy on their part, and the severe punishment of hypocrites is known, as stated in the Book of God: Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest level of the Fire, and you will not find for them a helper [An-Nisa: 145].

(the fatwa continues and there's more to it but in essence we can see Sheikh Ibn Baz held that ba'athists are kuffar. I believe he was completely sincere as I know Sheikh Ibn Baz wrote a whole book refuting Arab nationalism which was against Nasserist/ba'athist type ideology... and I believe he wrote that book all the way back in the 1960's... btw Sheikh Ibn Baz said in that book that every state that does not rule by the shariah is kaffir


saddam was a nacas i cant lie. Only called on islam and the ummah when he was 30 hours away from being hanged.
He only changed when the 1991 Shia uprising was quelled invoking religious symbols initially abandoning the staunch secularist stance of his Baath party