Sabrina Dhowre's THICK/BBW Sister Is Married to White Comedian

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I am not Muslim but of another faith.

Blacks are the least discriminated minority in Canada.

Percentage of Canadians who would vote for the following being PM. I am totally fine in everyday society.

How tf can s and trannies be ahead of muslims?


I am not Muslim. I am a Christian.

Blacks are the least discriminated minority in Canada.

Percentage of Canadians who would vote for the following being PM. I am totally fine in everyday society.


Well, I'm not a Muslim either, I am agnostic.

PS. When most White Canadians think of Black they think of Westernized AA types, not you. You are cooning by claiming to be 'Just black', you know it's not true. Somalis rank at the bottom of favorability along with Arabs.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Somali gays,trannies and atheists only exits on Sspot no where else in real life , they can't show their face because of their mental disorders gays have.
Gayness is disease period that needs to be cured through many years of therpy.:stopit:
Well, I'm not a Muslim either, I am agnostic.

PS. When most White Canadians think of Black they think of Westernized AA types, not you. You are cooning by claiming to be 'Just black', you know it's not true. Somalis rank at the bottom of favorability along with Arabs.

I am a Westernized black. My name isn't Islamic. No one can tell I am Somali. People get my ethnicity wrong.


I am a Westernized black. My name isn't Islamic. No one can tell I am Somali. People get my ethnicity wrong.

You can call yourself black all you want but when North Americans think of the group 'black' they picture African Americans of colonial slave stock with a certain culture.

You think black is just a neutral racial term, but it's not.
No one likes Muslims except Muslims themselves and gays (gays are traitors). Even liberals have started to hate you even though they bootyclapped for you for so long. They got tired of thinking up of excuses.
What do gays contribute that muslims dont?Only thing I think of is aids and degeneracy. Muslims contribute more than gays.
You can call yourself black all you want but when North Americans think of the group 'black' they picture African Americans of colonial slave stock with a certain culture.

You think black is just a neutral racial term, but it's not.

I identify as black and people see me as a black guy. Only perception matters.


I identify as black and people see me as a black guy. Only perception matters.

You probably got an Arab name or a Somali name. Any employer who hires you knows you are an African immigrant and not a true Western black guy. In an election most white Canadians would never vote for you.

Stop bootyclapping for a group you don't even belong to.
What do gays contribute that muslims dont?Only thing I think of is aids and degeneracy. Muslims contribute more than gays.

I heard Muslims contribute less than half a percent to scientific literature (most of them live in the West and not in Muslim countries) and they are 25% of the world. You people are idiots.
You probably got an Arab name or a Somali name. Any employer who hires you knows you are an African immigrant and not a true Western black guy.

Stop bootyclapping for a group you don't even belong to.

I am one of them. I would join the Canadian army if Canada and Somalia were at war.

I heard Muslims contribute less than half a percent to scientific literature (most of them live in the West and not in Muslim countries) and they are 25% of the world. You people are idiots.
How can you compare a muslim from an improvised country to someone in the west with a full education compare the western muslims like pakis who produce one of the most nuclear physicists in the world to the homosexuals.


I am one of them. I would join the Canadian army if Canada and Somalia were at war.


Getting back to that poll.

Your favorability would be at the bottom. Canadians would never trust you because you got an ex-Muslim background, ex-Muslims are still seen as covert Muslims - look at how they tried to smear Obama for having Hussein in his name.

Secondly, Somalis have the worst public perception in Canada. They are seen as welfare fraudsters and that will be used against you.

You could never run for a high office in Canada.
How can you compare a muslim from an improvised country to one in the west with a full education compare the western muslims like pakis who produce one of the most nuclear physicists in the world to the homosexuals.

You people don't produce shit except bombs. No rich Muslim country exists except those with oil who had Westerners help them.
Getting back to that poll.

Your favorability would be at the bottom. Canadians would never trust you because you got an ex-Muslim background, ex-Muslims are still seen as covert Muslims - look at how they tried to smear Obama for having Hussein in his name.

Secondly, Somalis have the worst public perception in Canada. They are seen as welfare fraudsters and that will be used against you.

You could never run for a high office in Canada.

I have no desire to run even though I can win.

Somalis in Canada are respected and loved and very powerful politically. Ahmed Hussen is a cabinet minister. His Conservative predecessor had a Somali right-hand man. His party begged a liberal Somali police officer to replace him when he left despite Somalis being small there. Many politicians surround themselves around Somalis. There is a politician now who is poised to win in June. He loves Somalis and has already gave them lots of promises last Saturday. No group is this pampered except the Chinese and Indians and we are small.

Somalis in Canada are loved but that is because they are Liberal and open minded.
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