BREAKING NEWS Rishi Sunak becomes the new PM

Just another WEF PUPPET


He will be Britain's Obama another racially charged bullshit , how can a dude who is married to a billionaire give a f*ck about the poor of the UK .
RIP tory party its gping to be devoured by UKIP,BNP,Labour.
No white old man will vote for Sunak next elections no white chav will vote for Sunak.
The minorities who are mostly poor will not vote for Sunak as his policies will favour the wealthy millionaires.

So Labour might win next general elections while UKIP and BNP will have significant seat in the house of commons.


Forza Somalia!
RIP tory party its gping to be devoured by UKIP,BNP,Labour.
No white old man will vote for Sunak next elections no white chav will vote for Sunak.
The minorities who are mostly poor will not vote for Sunak as his policies will favour the wealthy millionaires.

So Labour might win next general elections while UKIP and BNP will have significant seat in the house of commons.
you are just exaggerating, the white in tory party voted for him, and their voters might vote for him as well. Or will vote for Lib instead of UKIP or BNP


Veni Vidi Vici
RIP tory party its gping to be devoured by UKIP,BNP,Labour.
No white old man will vote for Sunak next elections no white chav will vote for Sunak.
The minorities who are mostly poor will not vote for Sunak as his policies will favour the wealthy millionaires.

So Labour might win next general elections while UKIP and BNP will have significant seat in the house of commons.
UKIP I'd say is a dead party, especially with Farage gone. Reform UK on the other hand? Maybe.

Lib Dems are also to be watched for too. They did well in the by elections to be fair.

