Revert says that his SOMALI wife is not allowed to attend Somali Weddings!

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Dear god, I know


But it is ultimately necessary. Evil can sometimes beget good.

I'm talking about the propaganda, not the war itself which had more to do with shifting cold war alliances than anything we could really control. It is a prime example of the unifying effect of hatred, one I hope to exploit again in the future.

Absolutely bullshit.

I've heard stories of little kids throwing stones at the few Bantus they came across. I dont know about the deep south, but I'm sure farmers always want more lebensraum.

Kids did throw stones at Hijabis they called "Ikhwan muslimiin" back in those days regardless of whether the covered female was Somali bantu or faradheer(typical nomad). Kids throw rocks for whatever reason they find fun or entertaining. I did my share of throwing rocks when I was a kid cause I liked neighbors to come out and chase me along with my friends fresh out of school. It was fun to get the old cranky neighbor insult us and chase us for a mile or two while he screamed.

Bantus are part of Somali society and Somalis who neighbor them and live among them accept them as such. Bantus keep to themselves and some of them would not even marry a non-bantu Somali. They are proud citizens of Somalia. Law and order broke down and some Somalis acted on their animal instincts doesn't mean facts about the country changed.


Kids did throw stones at Hijabis they called "Ikhwan muslimiin" back in those days regardless of whether the covered female was Somali bantu or faradheer(typical nomad). Kids throw rocks for whatever reason they find fun or entertaining. I did my share of throwing rocks when I was a kid cause I liked neighbors to come out and chase me along with my friends fresh out of school. It was fun to get the old cranky neighbor insult us and chase us for a mile or two while he screamed.

Bantus are part of Somali society and Somalis who neighbor them and live among them accept them as such. Bantus keep to themselves and some of them would not even marry a non-bantu Somali. They are proud citizens of Somalia. Law and order broke down and some Somalis acted on their animal instincts doesn't mean anything.

I'm a bleeding heart liberal when it comes to Somali Bantus. :mjkkk: You're only kidding yourself if you think Bantus are treated like other Somalis.
I'm a bleeding heart liberal when it comes to Somali Bantus. :mjkkk: You're only kidding yourself if you think Bantus are treated like other Somalis.

You can believe in all you want Kanye. But Bantus share similar fate with the rest of Somali tribes under the muscle of a corrupt clan system that serves special interests. Bantus still live in large swaths of the south. Still farming and working. A minority among them left the country as refugees but majority stayed put where they call home to this day.

I like bleeding liberals and tree huggers myself :denzelnigga:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Kids did throw stones at Hijabis they called "Ikhwan muslimiin" back in those days regardless of whether the covered female was Somali bantu or faradheer(typical nomad). Kids throw rocks for whatever reason they find fun or entertaining. I did my share of throwing rocks when I was a kid cause I liked neighbors to come out and chase me along with my friends fresh out of school. It was fun to get the old cranky neighbor insult us and chase us for a mile or two while he screamed.

Bantus are part of Somali society and Somalis who neighbor them and live among them accept them as such. Bantus keep to themselves and some of them would not even marry a non-bantu Somali. They are proud citizens of Somalia. Law and order broke down and some Somalis acted on their animal instincts doesn't mean facts about the country changed.

Wallahi you're delusional.

They literally call them adoon, sanka dhuudhi to their faces man
Wallahi you're delusional.

They literally call them adoon, sanka dhuudhi to their faces man

Somalis have negative views towards each other, this is the culture. Would you bleed for one tribe over the other for the negative views then? Be honest with yourself. You are confused.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Somalis have negative views towards each other, this is the culture. Would you bleed for one tribe over the other for the negative views then? Be honest with yourself. You are confused.

What on earth are you talking about?

The Bantus are not and will never be a Somali clan.
Somalis say:

- Arabka Uraaya
- Gaalka najaaska ah
- Madowka sanka wayn
- Indhoyarta waxba ma arkaan
- Amxaarka qurunka badan

Etc. Somalis see themselves above everyone else when it comes to ethnicity Somalis don't see anyone good except themselves.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Somalis say:

- Arabka Uraaya
- Gaalka najaaska ah
- Madowka sanka wayn
- Indhoyarta waxba ma arkaan
- Amxaarka qurunka badan

Etc. Somalis see themselves above everyone else when it comes to ethnicity Somalis don't see anyone good except themselves.

What on earth are you talking about?

The Bantus are not and will never be a Somali clan.

Sure, but their negative views and comments about non ethnic Somalis falls within the same category. Somalis have negative views about each other as well, so if you are making a case against Somalis for being negative, then the question I asked stands . I was not saying bantus are ethnically Somali. There is difference between a citizen of a country and ethnicity.

Think about how we describe Asians in Somali. We point out the shape of their eyes to define their ethnicity. Somalis don't give a f*ck about anyone wallah. If some chinsese protested after they learn what Indhoyar means, a Somali would still laugh at the chinese for raising a fuss about nothing and the Somali would still address him as Indhoyaraka muxuu la qaylinayaa.

The funniest part is that if John-Muslim guy on twitter telling his wife she can not go to a wedding walked amongst Somalis in Somalia despite his knee long beard, they would ask each other in low voices or sometimes openly point towards him and say "Gaalka arka" and "Gaalka muxuu kasoo raadiyay meesha?". Somalis see the white race as Gaalo by virtue of them being European looking. That a white guy can be a muslim is a second thought to these Somalis, and they would still be suspicious of him.

And I am proud Somali for this stubbornness and high super self-esteem.


Think about how we describe Asians in Somali. We point out the shape of their eyes to define their ethnicity. Somalis don't give a f*ck about anyone wallah. If some chinsese protested after they learn what Indhoyar means, a Somali would still laugh at the chinese for raising a fuss about nothing and the Somali would still address him as Indhoyaraka muxuu la qaylinayaa.


It's one of the few redeemable qualities Somalis have. Except, Chinese, Whites etc. don't have to live with Somalis. Somali-bantus do. You cannot compare Isaaq, Daarod and Hawiye discriminating against each other with the marginalisation of Bantus. I'll spare you from my atrocious spelling and translate my Abo's words... "There's nothing under the sun Somalis have not married. Somewhere on this earth naag baa dameer xambaarsan." He almost had it right, the exception being Somali-Bantu. Can't say I've ever heard of a Somali - Somali Bantu marriage, online or otherwise.


Yet if the war was won Somalia would look drastically different tonight. I'd rather not see Somali Bantus get mistreated but I have no qualms throwing Ethiopia and Kenya under the bus. Whatever flimsy reason that can get Somalis to unite until we're stable. Once we get a taste of being a semi-developed nation and a regional player we'll never have to revert to our primitive qabil ways. People will shed their qabil identity and replace it with political allegiances.
I agree with you that development would engender the shedding of qabil identity politics, and the need for the qabil support system that exists for the lack of a government and prosperity, but I don't know why your unification centers around conjuring a common villian?

It indicates cyclical violence, not prosperity or production.


I agree with you that development would engender the shedding of qabil identity politics, and the need for the qabil support system that exists for the lack of a government and prosperity, but I don't know why your unification centers around conjuring a common villian?

It points to cyclical violence.
Because right now Somalis are competing against each other in very primitive ways while the rest of the world competes on a world scale. I don't want violence. The vast majority/most nations have gone through some event that caused their unification, be it a dictatorship, occupation etc.
It's one of the few redeemable qualities Somalis have. Except, Chinese, Whites etc. don't have to live with Somalis. Somali-bantus do. You cannot compare Isaaq, Daarod and Hawiye discriminating against each other with the marginalisation of Bantus. I'll spare you from my atrocious spelling and translate it. As my abo once said, "There's nothing under the sun Somalis have not married. Somewhere on this earth naag baa dameer xambarsan." He almost had it right, the exception being Somali-Bantu. Can't say I've ever heard of a Somali - Somali Bantu marriage, online or otherwise.

It happens bro, I have seen online before some somali Bantu guy marrying a Somali girl somewhere in America. Actually, Somali women with African American fetish should marry Bantu Somalis en masse instead of going out with some AA loser who would treat them like trash and steal their welfare money eventually anyway. These Bantu Somalis are more dignified and she can kill two birds with one stone.

Most reasons I got when I enquired about girls going out with African American guys were dick size and how good they were in bed. They can get both from Somali bantus with dignity if the claim is real.

Just saying.
:mjlol:Apples and oranges sxb. You are setting such low standards for your daughters if you have any. Being a good Muslim shouldn't even be negotiated and it takes a lot more than just being good muslims to make marriages work. You don't wanna be the one raising your grandkids in your sixties and 50s. You don't want your daughter to be a single mom in her 20s. Unfortunately even among the good Muslims, divorce is high. To avoid this, you need to make sure you don't have a loser son in law. Why would you give your daughter to an ex con? Don't you know he financially ruined for life because he has served time?

Reverts marrying Somalis has become an epidemic to the point where when an ex con converts and say he is having hard time finding a wife, people respond with "even a Somali sister"?:francis:

If you don't see how that's a problem, then I wish you and your daughters the best.



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
It happens bro, I have seen online before some somali Bantu guy marrying a Somali girl somewhere in America. Actually, Somali women with African American fetish should marry Bantu Somalis en masse instead of going out with some AA loser who would treat them like trash and steal their welfare money eventually anyway. These Bantu Somalis are more dignified and she can kill two birds with one stone.

Most reasons I got when I enquired about girls going out with African American guys were dick size and how good they were in bed. They can get both from Somali bantus with dignity.

Just saying.



It happens bro, I have seen online before some somali Bantu guy marrying a Somali girl somewhere in America. Actually, Somali women with African American fetish should marry Bantu Somalis en masse instead of going out with some AA loser who would treat them like trash and steal their welfare money eventually anyway. These Bantu Somalis are more dignified and she can kill two birds with one stone.

Most reasons I got when I enquired about girls going out with African American guys were dick size and how good they were in bed. They can get both from Somali bantus with dignity.

Just saying.

I remain skeptic, but regardless one wedding in the West doesn't really change their situation much. I've only ever known very few Somali-Bantus and from what I've seen IRL Somali women most certainly look down on them. Us men are definitely not innocent either.

Out of curiosity though, any chance you remember where to find this video? :patrice:
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