Rendile, the long lost Somali clan that has been niloticized

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Habeshas are agaw+SA+Omotic Oromos are Cushitic+SA+Very minor omotic

East and central oromos also alot of somali blood due to forced assimilation.



I look at Cushites collectively, not just focus on Somalis. In East African history between 1000 BCE and 2000 CE they got owned hard.
Somalis were actually held back by the Oromo Cushites who used the long wars between Habesha and Muslim to launch their own expansion . The Cushites could have owned much of Africa if the Oromos weren’t so busy trying to take other Cushitic lands .
This analysis of the evolution of af Somali is based on the 1985 work of Mohamed Nuuh Ali, who counted the number of cognates in each language. Notice that all of these groups are southern,. The initial Cushitic immigrants were cattle herders. The article concludes that the Hawiyye start north about 500 AD, after acquiring camels.

Rendille and Somali split late in the first millennium BC, a thousand years after the Reewin enter southern Somalia. and Rendille are Somali outliers&f=false


Sxb, this Xalimo is clearly stupid. Rendille have similar language with us because they are eastern Cushites. The people who are the closest with us is Afar. They came from the same sub-branch of eastern Cushitic family like the Somalis along with Saho people.
Afar's are considered closer bc they're Muslim. These guys are linguisticly closer. We're basically the same people with different religions.


Afar's are considered closer bc they're Muslim. These guys are linguisticly closer. We're basically the same people with different religions.
We share history, culture and genetics with Afars as well. These guys on the other hand don’t have a Cushitic culture, and they appear to be more distant from us than other Cushitic groups genetically.


Afar's are considered closer bc they're Muslim. These guys are linguisticly closer. We're basically the same people with different religions.

Somalis along with Afar and Saho are believed to came from the closest branch of Eastern lowland Cushitic. Their language is 50% to 60% similar while Rendille are native Cushitic people in Kenya that have nothing to do with us and are pretty much far distant cousins along with Oromo and Sidamo. Eastern Cushitic people split from each other over 3 thousand years ago.
Rendille are not a Somali clan, but there are a few sub clans who are said to be of Somali origin . This shouldn’t be a surprise as all neighbouring Cushitic people have clans who claim Somali origin within them .

The Rendille once settled in Southern Ethiopia . There existed a peaceful coexistence between the Borana, Rendille , Gabbra and Garre, the latter two tribes adhering to a Somaloid Islamic culture . Borana and Rendille were not Muslims .

One day , the Borana became too powerful and issued an ultimatum for all of the other tribes to accept their Waaq religion .

The elders of Garre met and decided to take all of the camels with them and flee to the lands of Islam , the southern heartland of the Somali proper . This epic journey is known in their oral history as the trek of geedi kur and is the reason why elements of Garre can be found within various Somali clans .

The Rendille decided to flee to their present homelands , where they were later met by Nilotic peoples and mixed with them .

The Gabbra stayed put , accepted to live as subordinates to the Borana , then later migrated, joining their Muslim brethren .

Lastly , reendile is not a Somali word nor are they Ogaden -that’s all nonsense made up by Somalis .
This makes the most plausible explanation. I just threw a theory to get a discussion going tbh.

This corresponds with what I found

Of the 15 rendile subclans, only nine are considered authentic Rendille. These Northern Rendille or Rendille proper are consequently the only ones that are included in the traditional Rendille moiety (belesi). The remaining six clans that are excluded from the moiety consist of mixed individuals. Five of those clans are of Rendille (Cushitic) and Samburu (Nilotic) descent. Collectively, the latter hybrid groups are referred to as the Ariaal or Southern Rendille.[10][13] The Somalis draw a distinction between the "original" or "good" ethnic Rendille (known as asil), and the "bad" or assimilated Rendille ("those who speak Samburu").[14]
Look at the Indha adeeg :farmajoyaab:
We can't even leave alone the ones we rejected kkk
Bejas - cucked by Nubians and Sudanese Arabs.
Eritrean Cushites (Bilen, Agaw, Saho, Afars etc) - cucked by Ethiosemites.
Ethiopian Cushites (too many to list) - cucked by Ethiosemites.
Somalis - culturally cucked by Arabs + demographically cucked by Bantus.
Kenyan Cushites - cucked by Nilotes and Bantus.
Tanzanian Cushites - practically extinct and completely cucked by Bantus.

There are no successful Cushites with their own culture and heritage intact.

Cushitic genocide

Why is this happening? There must be something culturally that we all have in common that needs to be fixed
They have less Bantu admixture than South Somalis, lol. Probably less than Benadiris even. All their non-Cushite genes are Nilotic or Omotic (South Sudanese, Southwest Ethiopian), while in South Somalia you have real Nigerian & Congolese ancestry roaming around.
What's this darood propaganda. :faysalwtf:
There are some half somali half bantu half cadcad but they're a visible minority and isn't a mix you'll find among all South Somalis. They're just as pure as other Somalis sxb.

Which clans are you trying to refer too? Because MX live down south in gedo and border kenya. Ogaden too as well. Or does this only refer to Abgaal who live in beenadir and shabelloyinka?
Or rahanweyn who're all over the south?


What's this darood propaganda. :faysalwtf:
There are some half somali half bantu half cadcad but they're a visible minority and isn't a mix you'll find among all South Somalis. They're just as pure as other Somalis sxb.

Which clans are you trying to refer too? Because MX live down south in gedo and border kenya. Ogaden too as well. Or does this only refer to Abgaal who live in beenadir and shabelloyinka?
Or rahanweyn who're all over the south?

I swear, in every study where they sample random 100 or 200 people from Somalia, especially forensic studies I always spot people with recent Bantu ancestry. In Ethiopia or Eritrea where they sample big numbers I never see it.

I think it is more common than we think, especially in low class Somalis.
We share history, culture and genetics with Afars as well. These guys on the other hand don’t have a Cushitic culture, and they appear to be more distant from us than other Cushitic groups genetically.
Somalis along with Afar and Saho are believed to came from the closest branch of Eastern lowland Cushitic. Their language is 50% to 60% similar while Rendille are native Cushitic people in Kenya that have nothing to do with us and are pretty much far distant cousins along with Oromo and Sidamo. Eastern Cushitic people split from each other over 3 thousand years ago.
Interesting. I can barely understand Afar but Rendille is pretty understandable.
Linguistically, Somali is closer to Rendille.
How is it that we're closer to Afars then other than the aspect of religion? Putting aside the admixed Rendille's, wouldn't we likely be closer? I doubt there are many genetic tests on "pure" Rendille's...
This makes the most plausible explanation. I just threw a theory to get a discussion going tbh.

This corresponds with what I found

Of the 15 rendile subclans, only nine are considered authentic Rendille. These Northern Rendille or Rendille proper are consequently the only ones that are included in the traditional Rendille moiety (belesi). The remaining six clans that are excluded from the moiety consist of mixed individuals. Five of those clans are of Rendille (Cushitic) and Samburu (Nilotic) descent. Collectively, the latter hybrid groups are referred to as the Ariaal or Southern Rendille.[10][13] The Somalis draw a distinction between the "original" or "good" ethnic Rendille (known as asil), and the "bad" or assimilated Rendille ("those who speak Samburu").[14]
Look at the Indha adeeg :farmajoyaab:
We can't even leave alone the ones we rejected kkk
What I wrote is confirmed by all the clans of the aforementioned clans .

Puffin Stuff

Cheating death in berbera
I honestly don't care? what have they done for us? why should we as a people claim to be related to them? I see no benefits to this
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