Regional Stereotypes as it relates to our Xaalimo's

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I've been to hargeisa and the country side: places like harshin/xarshin, faraweeyne etc..
I would say reer hargeisa are slightly less louder than reer Djibouti but still comparing reer waqooye to reer muqdisho is like day and night.

You can't really generalize reer waqooyi people. Waqooyi is a very large region that is also diverse. There is a huge difference between reer galbeed (Awdal, parts of Hargeisa, Gabiley) and for instance a reer bari from ceerigaabo. And then we have everything in the middle (reer burco, berbera, oodweyne etc.) who also have their own traits.
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Death Awaits You
Waqooyi is a very large region that is also diverse. There is a huge difference between reer galbeed (Awdal, parts of Hargeisa, Gabiley) and for instance reer bari from ceerigaabo. And then we have everything in the middle (reer burco, berbera, oodweyne etc.).
I don't think there's a huge difference between different parts of somaliland. Reer burco are more outspoken and people from eastern SL in general are conservative when compared to people from awdal, gabiley and Berbera.
Which part are you from ?
I don't think there's a huge difference between different parts of somaliland. Reer burco are more outspoken and people from eastern SL in general are conservative when compared to people from awdal, gabiley and Berbera.
Which part are you from ?

It really is, you should ask people. Im originally from eastern SL but my family have lived in Hargeisa for decades so they dont speak the eastern accent or have the eastern culture but I also have family from Awdal and you can really notice the difference. Reer burco and togdheer are very outspoken and direct, much more than eastern SL and western SL.


Death Awaits You
It really is, you should ask people. Im originally from eastern SL but my family have lived in Hargeisa for decades so they dont speak the eastern accent or have the eastern culture but I also have family from Awdal and you can really notice the difference. Reer burco and togdheer are very outspoken and direct, much more than eastern SL and western SL.
Interesting. I'll try to travel across SL once I go back.


Death Awaits You
@The Vampire Bat You're from Silicon Valley right? How's the quality of life there? I didn't even know Somalis lived in that part of Cali lol
Jobs are the best thing going for us currently. It's expensive to live here but the highest paying cities in America are in Silicon Valley so anyone who has a trade or a degree can afford to live here. We have great weather, beautiful scenery, landscape and buildings. I lived here since I moved from Djibouti. I didn't actually know I live in some of the most beautiful and wealthiest area in America until about recently.


"You are your best thing"
Jobs are the best thing going for us currently. It's expensive to live here but the highest paying cities in America are in Silicon Valley so anyone who has a trade or a degree can afford to live here. We have great weather, beautiful scenery, landscape and buildings. I lived here since I moved from Djibouti. I didn't actually know I live in some of the most beautiful and wealthiest area in America until about recently.
That's pretty interesting, so the Somali community is pretty new there? I used to live in Cali when I was younger, I was actually born in SD but back then there weren't Somalis in the Bay Area. My fiancé wants us to move there one day. He has CS degree and works for a pretty big company currently, he thinks he can get job there easily. Some guys from Silicon Valley are currently hosting Somali adunka , I'm suprised that you guys have a decent Muslim community there too... Mmm I might actually consider it.
Galgaduud+S/Mudug makes up Galmudug whom speak a different dialect then Benadir for example. Not sure about North Mudug though.
Your hiraab but your saying south mudug. All of Mudug and galgaduud is part of galmudug, with only half of galkacyo at the top most tip of Mudug being shared with PL.
All of Mudug have same dialect and is known as the standard somali while Galgaduud have slightly different dialect and also depends on the clan living there.
Stereotypes never materialise out of thin air, they materialise because many people from different walks of life have observed these things and as a result this spread out into the community.

The other day I had an interesting convo with a group farax's were this topic came up once again because one of the guys who went through divorce 3 times (wooqoyi) has requested a friend to specifically find him a Benadiri woman only.

The first woman he was married to was Wooqoyi, the second was a woman from Mudug and the third was a woman from Bari. He divorced the Mudug woman himself but was kicked out by the other two.

When he was asked why he specifically wants a Benadiri woman, the stereotypes which I heard as a child as well as experienced in the diaspora came out on full blast!

The negative Stereotypes goes as follows, the Wooqoyi women is too materialistic, too high maintenance and despite being on average the better looking women out of the rest of the Somali's also strangely happen to be the most insecure & jealous as well.

He complained she bankrupted him, then dumped him and this stereotype is pretty much the same experience I have observed from all of the ones I met in the diaspora (many). We saw the protests in Hargaisa by the males which hasn't happened anywhere else in Somalia

The negatives stereotypes with regards to the women from Mudug is their hotheadedness and fiery attitudes, as well as their lack of romance which he also complained about. I haven't observed the latter one but I have been told about it many times (The only place were the Fircawni FGM is still widely practised which could explain the romance part), the rest of it however is something I see daily in 80% of the ones I meet.

The reer Bari woman is stereotyped as 'reer magaal' in the negative sense, this has to do with the colonial past in those regions, even when they are religious they carry bizarre secularist views/opinions. I have seen many who turned some guys down because he didn't agree to her stupid (no kids for 2 years rule), in his case she divorced him because she didn't want kids with him which he was trying to force. (he was basically there to satisfy her which the doqon found out about too late, he admit he was played by her reer magaal style)

The Benadiri women is stereotyped as being a woman whose hand you have to constantly hold otherwise she will fall of a cliff (doqomad) but is great and attentive to her husband, it's because of this attribute he is requesting one.

On the positive side the stereotype is that the Wooqoyi/Benadiri women are far better to their husbands compared to the Mudug/Bari women, but the Mudug/Bari women slaughter them both when it comes to raising strong households even as single mothers.

This is the 1000th time that I have heard about these stereotypes from various people and there is about 80% truth from what I experienced as well as observed.

What kinds of stereotypes have you heard ? and have you seen any reflection of this in the diaspora.
You should've balanced each of these with something positive.

For the waqooyi women, they seem to be strong on the culture and language, with poetry and many cultural practices they still uphold.

For the Bari, idk much about except that they're calm, chill people who eat fish.

For the Mudug women, they're hardworking and independent. The story of Habar Gidir, is said to be a women who raise her sons(Cayr, Sacad, Saleebaan, and Saruur) alone after being widowed and was very active and strong.

Benadir women, are feminine,caring and romantic usually.


Death Awaits You
That's pretty interesting, so the Somali community is pretty new there? I used to live in Cali when I was younger, I was actually born in SD but back then there weren't Somalis in the Bay Area. My fiancé wants us to move there one day. He has CS degree and works for a pretty big company currently, he thinks he can get job there easily. Some guys from Silicon Valley are currently hosting Somali adunka , I'm suprised that you guys have a decent Muslim community there too... Mmm I might actually consider it.
IT companies are plenty. Engineers can get rich quick in SV. The few Somalis who live here have always been living here. we don't have a sizable Somali community. Only time I see Somalis is when I go to masjid. Not many Muslim people live here with respect to the population tbh.
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That's pretty interesting, so the Somali community is pretty new there? I used to live in Cali when I was younger, I was actually born in SD but back then there weren't Somalis in the Bay Area. My fiancé wants us to move there one day. He has CS degree and works for a pretty big company currently, he thinks he can get job there easily. Some guys from Silicon Valley are currently hosting Somali adunka , I'm suprised that you guys have a decent Muslim community there too... Mmm I might actually consider it.

To make it to silicon valley you literally need to be the best of the best. The big 4 companies that reside there is literally every student in the tech fields dream and the competition is immense.

Many students going through uni have this slogan called 'Cali or bust' lol.
Although you do have an extremely high salary to mitigate the astronomical cost of living there. Honestly Seattle or Boston is a good substitute for silicon valley.

All the best to your fiancé though. Good to see professional Somalis making it up there.


"You are your best thing"
To make it to silicon valley you literally need to be the best of the best. The big 4 companies that reside there is literally every student in the tech fields dream and the competition is immense.

Many students going through uni have this slogan called 'Cali or bust' lol.
Although you do have an extremely high salary to mitigate the astronomical cost of living there. Honestly Seattle or Boston is a good substitute for silicon valley.

All the best to your fiancé though. Good to see professional Somalis making it up there.
Good to know, Seattle is actually another place we're considering since he did internship with amazon and two of his friends still work there, he tells me with his experience he can land a job with Facebook or google, he's one of those upper positive people lol. I do think a lot of luck also plays into it so I remind him about that lol
You should've balanced each of these with something positive.

For the waqooyi women, they seem to be strong on the culture and language, with poetry and many cultural practices they still uphold.

For the Bari, idk much about except that they're calm, chill people who eat fish.

For the Mudug women, they're hardworking and independent. The story of Habar Gidir, is said to be a women who raise her sons(Cayr, Sacad, Saleebaan, and Saruur) alone after being widowed and was very active and strong.

Benadir women, are feminine,caring and romantic usually.

I have in the very opening post where I summarised that the Reer Bari and Mudug women are far better mothers that raise very strong children, which is there greatest strength were as the Bendari/Wooqoyi women are stereotyped as the far better wife's that take great care of their husbands.

The mudug women is far stronger then the Bari women when it comes to raising strong children but the Bari women exceeds her in the wife department but falls way short from the Benadiir/Wooqoyi women who excel in this area.

I dated a pretty fair amount of Somali girls, while I lived in London. I'm not sure about regions, but clan wise the worst girls that i was with were Issaq, MJ and HG girls, whereas the girls that i had a fantastic relationship with, were soo sweethearted and kind were Ogaden, Arab Salah and Marusade.

The problem with all of the Issaq women was like as if, i were paying them for the relationship, they were literally milking me dry to the bone. Boy, I tell ya, I certainly got a lot of pleasure out of it. The first ever Somali girl, I lay with was a Habr Awal beauty from Leyton.

The MJ girls, were just too demanding. Man, i couldn't even scratch my head without them noticing. They were proper bossy, too bloody much. Soo much pressure to not cross them in the slightest way.

The Habr Gedir girls, were a mixture of both the Issaq girls and MJ girls. Always wanting to be taken out, and bought things for and equally as demanding and dominant as the MJ chicks, I've been with. I remember this one date with a HG chick from Enfield back in the winter of '015. After a few hours, dinning at a Italian restaurant and seeing a film, at the train station, as we were kissing goodbye, she's asks me to lend her £50. Remeber this is on the first f*cking date. She tells me she lost her debit card, I didn't think much of it. So we walk to an ATM, and I give her the £50, THEN she has the audacity to ask for ANOTHER £50. I literally stuttered, I couldn't believe the cheek on her, to ask for a total of £100. I told her no. Then, she turns around and just walks off to the station. I think she blocked me after that night, as i never heard from her again, nor seemed to get through her mobile number.

@Inquisitive_ 'Mr MJ magic from Garowe', is difinently right for sure: Mudug women, are a piece of work, for sure.

What you described is totally unusual for a mudug women she must have been a hybrid with a Wooqoyi mother, because they are the least materialistic women in the whole of Somalia, or she just thought you were a doqon she could use to pay of her debt, and the fact she walked off demonstrates she had no respect for you at the very start.

I don't know why you mention tribes here when we are talking about regions, the MJ women from Mudug has nothing in common with the one in Bari, neither does the MX in Gedo with the ones in Mudug, nor the HG that has been living around Benadir for several generations or the ones in Hiiraan with the ones in mudug

The stereotypes here have nothing to do with Qabiil for those reasons and the mixed person is excluded from these stereotypes because of the mixed traits they inherit when it comes to stereotypes.

I know Hybrid Mudug/Benadir women who have the best of both worlds, both her parents have to be from the same region otherwise the stereotypes don't count.
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The reer magaal word is always viewed by the religious males as something negative with the connotations that you are "western" in dhaqan, etiquettes and sometimes even morals.

It came about after colonialism because many people began to act like them as though their own cultures were inferior, it's not specific to a tribe or a region. I used to belief it was used in a positive context when I was young until I realised it wasn't.

When a friend of mine tells me "naagtan wa naag reel magaal ah" it's a code word for GTFOH


A materialist women has no value unless of course your one yourself. The moment a women puts a monetary value on herself, she is has cheapened herself by default, this is also text book definition of a "". You shouldn't be proud of such disgusting attribute nor extol this because no smart woman is a materialist.

Praise them for everything else except that particular disgusting trait which everyone stereotypes them for all across Somalia. A high maintenance woman is a woman that lacks iman, how you equate this with intelligence is beyond me, it's blasphemous.

They fall in the Mudug category mostly, excluding those who live in Wooqoyi (Fiqishini), Hiiraan (matabaan) and those that were a couple of generations in Benadir.

It's where you parents were born that matters when it comes to stereotypes not were you are born, I have a relative (odd one) that was 3 generations in Benadir and has none of the Mudug stereotypes, very passive and submissive like most women from Benadir.

I assume your parents were born in Mudug, and judging from your posts you have those fiery characteristics, you wouldn't get along with passive males from Benadir or Bari.

But someone that fights fire with fire like reer mudug males or the Wooqoyi GX males like @jugjugwacwac, these are the types of males that do well with women from Mudug according to stereotypes.

I disagree on that one. Reer magaal has mostly been used in positive sense while badiyo was always used in negative sense. As far as I know from the habaryars here. If someone is reer magaal they know whatsup. While someone from badiyo is typically put away as low in intelligence or without sense of the modern society. The freshies coming out of Somalia these days, you will see mostly people from the badiyo trying very hard to fit in with the western locals. Even acting like becky and roger. You will see most somali models are from badiyo while there are equal good looking somali's in the cities. However the latter knows displaying yourself naked will only bring you shame. While the former will think about how qatar she will look.
I dated a pretty fair amount of Somali girls, while I lived in London. I'm not sure about regions, but clan wise the worst girls that i was with were Issaq, MJ and HG girls, whereas the girls that i had a fantastic relationship with, were soo sweethearted and kind were Ogaden, Arab Salah and Marusade.

The problem with all of the Issaq women was like as if, i were paying them for the relationship, they were literally milking me dry to the bone. Boy, I tell ya, I certainly got a lot of pleasure out of it. The first ever Somali girl, I lay with was a Habr Awal beauty from Leyton.

The MJ girls, were just too demanding. Man, i couldn't even scratch my head without them noticing. They were proper bossy, too bloody much. Soo much pressure to not cross them in the slightest way.

The Habr Gedir girls, were a mixture of both the Issaq girls and MJ girls. Always wanting to be taken out, and bought things for and equally as demanding and dominant as the MJ chicks, I've been with. I remember this one date with a HG chick from Enfield back in the winter of '015. After a few hours, dinning at a Italian restaurant and seeing a film, at the train station, as we were kissing goodbye, she's asks me to lend her £50. Remeber this is on the first f*cking date. She tells me she lost her debit card, I didn't think much of it. So we walk to an ATM, and I give her the £50, THEN she has the audacity to ask for ANOTHER £50. I literally stuttered, I couldn't believe the cheek on her, to ask for a total of £100. I told her no. Then, she turns around and just walks off to the station. I think she blocked me after that night, as i never heard from her again, nor seemed to get through her mobile number.

@Inquisitive_ 'Mr MJ magic from Garowe', is difinently right for sure: Mudug women, are a piece of work, for sure.

Lol hahahaha she used you flat out. the audacity. where do you find such girls.
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