Reer UK Somali guy travels to South Korea to find a wife

A tourist Farah from the U.K. Look at his socks and slippers?


No wonder then, @Knowles has lost all interest in them.
What a shit body. How is he trying to flex that? lmao


For some reason I don't really find asians attractive.

I grew up around Somalis and white folks so I guess it makes sense. Your enviornment really does influence you more then you think.
nope I grew up around asians and still don't find them attractive

Samaalic Era

News flash
They dont find an african negro like you atttactive.that is why marrying their daughters is offlimits.
While any donkey can marry a somali girl
They are many Somali families that have rejected ajnabis marrying into their family sxb. That Ali Dawah made a vid ing about being rejected lmao


News flash
They dont find an african negro like you atttactive.that is why marrying their daughters is offlimits.
While any donkey can marry a somali girl
what are you talking about? negros are over asians in the looks department:drakelaugh:
off limits:ulyin: asians women are the population that date out the most, they don't give af about what there parents have to say
what are you talking about? negros are over asians in the looks department:drakelaugh:
off limits:ulyin: asians women are the population that date out the most, they don't give af about what there parents have to say
Asians in the UK are Indians, Pakis, and Bengalis.....THOSE type of Asian, not Mongoloids
what are you talking about? negros are over asians in the looks department:drakelaugh:
off limits:ulyin: asians women are the population that date out the most, they don't give af about what there parents have to say
He is just mad that he was rejected by a lingling.


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