Reer Awdal unity & self-rule grand conference


Kkkk why would i need to go Harar with isimo when the books are already there and preceded me, there is no formal need to recognise history when history is written. We celebrate it at will. The Barre regime did what it could to hide Ajuran and Gureys history doesn't mean it it aint there. Somalis in Djibouti, Sudanese and Eritreans read about us and approach our people online and offline to learn about the Greater Horn. Go and ask your mother what her ppl say about Ahmed Gurey and you will hear the same things.

Ha noqon somaliland qaran isku sheeg while ur being tarikh isku sheeg and celebrating. Nidaamki aduunka rac. Bring together somali isimo in somalia horta to present your evidence wa hadiba laga yeelayo kkkkkk as that will make it universal recognition and then seal it further with harar mutual recognition. Gee dont u know even govts have to follow protocol, u think history doesnt? Will u just go to another country and not follow it's procedures if in somali govt?

war ha ceebaynin my maternal awoowes as darods will say 'bal arka hawiye qawaane ma yaqan nidaam waa wild savage'

Happy Eddie Murphy GIF by Laff


@Step a side I debated my murusade aunty about this a while ago during ramadan as she was running around with the 'we wuz ahmed gurey kangz' kkkkk, there was an ogaden and me present and we simply told her horta aqoonsi u hel from somalida iyo harar dhaqan officially ama waa iska tarikh aad iskina iska samaysateen sida qaran isku sheega somaliland.

U can't tell somaliland there not a qaran right? similar to u how u won't accept your not ahmed gurey, war idinka ayaa waali iska dhadhicinaysan, bal mara nidaamka markasi ayaa la hadla oo la doodi kara haday run iyo been tahay.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I hope u don't believe ahmed gurey was somali lol, Turks n portugese geopolitical war spilled over into the red sea cuz portugese wanted access to india and couldn't cross the long route around west/south africa coastline due to inferiority in maritime knowledge and vessel technology, which they eventually did tho but not when the conflict happened cuz they lost and eventually returned taking the long route.

Plus habesh had a portugese legion leading it, if ahmed gurey was somali, who was their foreign hand/leadership to counter the portugese. That war was pure political and economic motives to reach india and only disguised in religion to habesh/somali due to the world order being religious at the time.
I'm uninvested in his origins. It's inconsequential as those on the ground are more important. If you give credit where it's due focus on the composition of the fighters. They are the ones responsible for any failures or victories.


I'm uninvested in his origins. It's inconsequential as those on the ground are more important. If you give credit where it's due focus on the composition of the fighters. They are the ones responsible for any failures or victories.

I doubt ahmed gurey is Somali. @Step a side claims it but he has no Somali or Harari Dhaqan recognition and similar to how SL claims their a nation yet no-one recognize it. His doing the same thing with ahmed gurey origin but he has no recognition for it and if u tell SL or Him 'war waad walan tihin' they say 'your crazy' gee somali emotions are hella strong they can live in fairly land historically or politically and if u tell them other wise your the enemy
I doubt ahmed gurey is Somali. @Step a side claims it but he has no Somali or Harari Dhaqan recognition and similar to how SL claims their a nation yet no-one recognize it. His doing the same thing with ahmed gurey origin but he has no recognition for it and if u tell SL or Him 'war waad walan tihin' they say 'your crazy' gee somali emotions are hella strong they can live in fairly land historically or politically and if u tell them other wise your the enemy
You going in circles, you were saying the harar ruling families need to meet with karanle kkkk, Harar is known as the city of saints yet the greatest scholar of harar and best known historian of Ethiopia who is the Idajaa of the Amharic language and served as Selassies Education minister taught Ethiopian students about Karanle history in Adal and Ifat at the countrys only higher education institute the Addis University throughout the 20th century. He's loved by the Ethiopian public for his works and they will tell you exactly what i've been telling you so what recognition is needed by self serving isimo who don't record their own history? 🀣 🀣
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Hopefully reer Awdal have been watching the recent developments. Now is the best time to start thinking about self rule, especially when SL is at its weakest.
Reflections of someone, who attended the conference.
If true, this is criminal, to say the least!

The second day was mostly facts and figures prepared by economists showing the taxes collected from the Awdal region to the tune of $80 million a years. On that huge amount of money only $150,000 is spent in Awdal. Among the $300 million foreign aid given to Somaliland less than 1% had reached Awdal. Imagine a region with no ports or roads is producing $80 million a year. What would happen if we lift the clan blockades , build ports and roads.

WE had listened how the border from Awdal to Ethiopia is closed since 1994. The SNM claimed that Al-Ithihaad movement is crossing from Borama and these region must be closed. After Islamic groups disappeared late nineties they didn't stop there. They said ONLF fighters had used Lughaya and fighters from Eritrea had crossed from Awdal to Ethiopia, so the border region was shut down good by the TPLF. The ruling clan doesn't want anything to cross from Awdal while having over 250 KM of border with the Somali region.

Furthermore, minerals, precious stones and others were looted by foreign companies and other given licenses with zero accountability. Individuals from Mogadishu, India, Burco, and many other places were given licenses to loot the land. You have a Chinese man building a villa near the mining area protected by locals after giving them $80 dollars a month. Sands for construction is collected from Lughaya and Zaylac while the money is pocketed by Biixi family connected oligarchs. More than 28 licenses were given outsiders to mine while chemicals and acid left behind is killing the livestock.

Somaliland system of government, economy and everything it stands were in trail, and speakers found the current system guilty of dysfunction, nepotism, economic isolation, blockade and clannish that could not be tolerated anymore. Other than the $150,000 a year they spend on salaries for the few bureaucrats, there are no government or foreign funded projects.

The current crop of leaders were the same Calan Cas who forced C/rahman Tuur and his deputy to declare secession at gun point without thinking consequences.

After long deliberations the delegates had voted:
1- a charter that stipulated for Awdal to be a sovereign region that is free for its political, economy and culture ( Maamul u madax banaan siyaasadiisa, dhaqaalihiisa iyo dhaqankiisa).

2-The leadership were tasked to achieve these goal by any means necessary.

3-The next Shir should move to the region and bring the locals to the movement

4- The organization shall be called Awdal State Movement (Dhaqdhaqaaqa Maamulka Awdal).

At the end a leadership for ASM was elected comprised of :

A Chairman of the central committee which will be a minimum of 50 and his deputy.

Hogaamiyaha golaha fulinta not a president like before.

Two Deputy hogaamiye ku xigeeno and a secretary were elected by proclamation.

The biggest surprise to many people will be the strongly worded communique that was released in Somali, English and French ( French was the preferred language of our community which is dominants in the bi-lingual capital of Canada).

It should be released within the next hour. Among the highlights were:

Dhaqdhaqaaqa Maamulka Awdal waxa uu ka baxay dhamaan heshiisyadii qabaa'ilka ee la galay 91 iyo sanadihii ku xigay oo maamulka fashilmay lagu asaasay.

Waxa uu dalbanayaa askarta, maxaabiista ah , kuwa dhaawaca, iyo kuwa ku jira maamulka Hargeisa in ay sida ugu dhaqsiyo badan uga baxaan oo degaanadoodi tagaan. and many more.

Dr. Cali Ibraahim Baxar (PHD) was elected hogaamiyaha .

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Reflections of someone, who attended the conference.
If true, this is criminal, to say the least!

The second day was mostly facts and figures prepared by economists showing the taxes collected from the Awdal region to the tune of $80 million a years. On that huge amount of money only $150,000 is spent in Awdal. Among the $300 million foreign aid given to Somaliland less than 1% had reached Awdal. Imagine a region with no ports or roads is producing $80 million a year. What would happen if we lift the clan blockades , build ports and roads.

WE had listened how the border from Awdal to Ethiopia is closed since 1994. The SNM claimed that Al-Ithihaad movement is crossing from Borama and these region must be closed. After Islamic groups disappeared late nineties they didn't stop there. They said ONLF fighters had used Lughaya and fighters from Eritrea had crossed from Awdal to Ethiopia, so the border region was shut down good by the TPLF. The ruling clan doesn't want anything to cross from Awdal while having over 250 KM of border with the Somali region.

Furthermore, minerals, precious stones and others were looted by foreign companies and other given licenses with zero accountability. Individuals from Mogadishu, India, Burco, and many other places were given licenses to loot the land. You have a Chinese man building a villa near the mining area protected by locals after giving them $80 dollars a month. Sands for construction is collected from Lughaya and Zaylac while the money is pocketed by Biixi family connected oligarchs. More than 28 licenses were given outsiders to mine while chemicals and acid left behind is killing the livestock.

Somaliland system of government, economy and everything it stands were in trail, and speakers found the current system guilty of dysfunction, nepotism, economic isolation, blockade and clannish that could not be tolerated anymore. Other than the $150,000 a year they spend on salaries for the few bureaucrats, there are no government or foreign funded projects.

The current crop of leaders were the same Calan Cas who forced C/rahman Tuur and his deputy to declare secession at gun point without thinking consequences.

After long deliberations the delegates had voted:
1- a charter that stipulated for Awdal to be a sovereign region that is free for its political, economy and culture ( Maamul u madax banaan siyaasadiisa, dhaqaalihiisa iyo dhaqankiisa).

2-The leadership were tasked to achieve these goal by any means necessary.

3-The next Shir should move to the region and bring the locals to the movement

4- The organization shall be called Awdal State Movement (Dhaqdhaqaaqa Maamulka Awdal).

At the end a leadership for ASM was elected comprised of :

A Chairman of the central committee which will be a minimum of 50 and his deputy.

Hogaamiyaha golaha fulinta not a president like before.

Two Deputy hogaamiye ku xigeeno and a secretary were elected by proclamation.

The biggest surprise to many people will be the strongly worded communique that was released in Somali, English and French ( French was the preferred language of our community which is dominants in the bi-lingual capital of Canada).

It should be released within the next hour. Among the highlights were:

Dhaqdhaqaaqa Maamulka Awdal waxa uu ka baxay dhamaan heshiisyadii qabaa'ilka ee la galay 91 iyo sanadihii ku xigay oo maamulka fashilmay lagu asaasay.

Waxa uu dalbanayaa askarta, maxaabiista ah , kuwa dhaawaca, iyo kuwa ku jira maamulka Hargeisa in ay sida ugu dhaqsiyo badan uga baxaan oo degaanadoodi tagaan. and many more.

Dr. Cali Ibraahim Baxar (PHD) was elected hogaamiyaha .
@Arkan is Awdal state a diaspora thing, I don't see it as much or is the SL media pushing reer Awdal as SL nationalists?
@Arkan is Awdal state a diaspora thing, I don't see it as much or is the SL media pushing reer Awdal as SL nationalists?
It's a diaspora thing. It has been advocated for by the diaspora, specifically Canadians, for over a decade. It was initially motivated by subclanism, but now it's becoming more inclusive and more people are beginning to be open to it despite it's initial motivation.

It's pretty pointless at this point due to the disconnect between the diaspora and most of the people back home. Vast majority of Samaroon backhome would support it, but it has to proposed to them in Borama and not Ottawa. Also, there is the issue of the Horgals and those that support them who are against it. There's also the issues of the undermining of the Ugaas by certain Horgals and mass subclan division.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

It's a diaspora thing. It has been advocated for by the diaspora, specifically Canadians, for over a decade. It was initially motivated by subclanism, but now it's becoming more inclusive and more people are beginning to be open to it despite it's initial motivation.

It's pretty pointless at this point due to the disconnect between the diaspora and most of the people back home. Vast majority of Samaroon backhome would support it, but it has to proposed to them in Borama and not Ottawa. Also, there is the issue of the Horgals and those that support them who are against it. There's also the issues of the undermining of the Ugaas by certain Horgals and mass subclan division.
Its not good for Beesha to be divided either get the full qaran/gebiley package from SL or consider leaving.
More power to reer Awdal. The diaspora should raise enough funds and pay the salary of young men and women back home. They would be the defenders of Awdal State. This is how Awdal state can have its feet on the ground in Awdal and to be defended by its sons and daughters.

Samaroon territories are mostly mountainous, which is a good hideout for a guerilla force.

Lastly, subclan competition needs to be managed and balanced within the executive, center group, and commanders of freedom fighters.

Insha'Allah, kheir.
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