Reddit thread full of experiences of people who’ve “died” but have been brought back to life


Spoilers Queen

okaaaaayyyy, don't hate me friends but i kind of like this thread. even from a religious standpoint :oh6b81q: its even more interesting how mostly everybody in the thread has explained the experience to be “peaceful” and “cozy” or “eternal nothingness.”

some of the experiences:
EXPERIENCE #1: From what I can remember (I was 16), I had a big operation and we did not know I was deadly allergic to morphine.

it was the most peaceful "Sleep" I have ever had in my entire life, it felt like nothing but somehow something you know?

I vividly remember seeing someone resuscitate from another point of view but I could have made that up.

Woke up with my dad holding my hand saying you scared the shit out of me.

A couple years later my dad had the same experience after an operation and the same thing happened to him as me, he woke up (I couldn't be more thankful saying those words) and after we told him he grabbed my hand and said " I got you back"
EXPERIENCE #2 I overdosed on fentanyl a while back and was fading in and out but all I remember was a sense of complete nothingness . No memories flashing, no bright light to follow just nothing . Looking back at it I almost felt at peace . But waking up right after the overdose was sheer panic at the thought of almost dying lol . Glad to be almost 2 years clean now .
EXPERIENCE #3 I felt the same as if I had went to sleep. (I had an alcohol withdrawal related seizure and woke up in the hospital bed, i was told my heart stopped for 8 seconds) Although the one thing I "remember" is this feeling that the weight of the world lifted off my shoulder. It was such an indescribable feeling, but it was as if everything thing that I care and/or worry about is so insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Makes the thought of dying someday less frightening
What are your thoughts on this? i think this is really interesting, or are they probably lying because i dont even know :cosbyhmm:
Nice they got to free demo the akhirah, is this the latest iblees scheme to get people to feel like they are going jannah regardless of their actions in life?

Some even say they see jesus astaghfurullah


Beings go back to the nothingness they came from. nothingness, such peaceful state.

never had one, but i once was dreaming and couldn't move. not sure if it was a dream or not but shit was scary.
Beings go back to the nothingness they came from. nothingness, such peaceful state.

never had one, but i once was dreaming and couldn't move. not sure if it was a dream or not but shit was scary.
What’s the point of living and being formed so biologically perfect if we just go back to being in the state of ‘nothingness’. From an atheist view sounds like a waste of time to me. That’s why Islam has the answer for that. But that’s a topic for another day lol. Also what you described might be sleep paralysis. When you are sleeping but awake and can’t physically move


What’s the point of living and being formed so biologically perfect if we just go back to being in the state of ‘nothingness’. From an atheist view sounds like a waste of time to me. That’s why Islam has the answer for that. But that’s a topic for another day lol. Also what you described might be sleep paralysis. When you are sleeping but awake and can’t physically move
there is more to life then the meaningless you are talking about.

One can create a meaning for themselves, there is a whole of reasons to be alive.

Religion answers are too hard to believe, and the whole reason of a religion revolves God which is had to believe it but believe in whatever seem to be right for you :)

I think so, shit was an scary moment
there is more to life then the meaningless you are talking about.

One can create a meaning for themselves, there is a whole of reasons to be alive.

Religion answers are too hard to believe, and the whole reason of a religion revolves God which is had to believe it but believe in whatever seem to be right for you :)

I think so, shit was an scary moment
When I said meaning, I meant a fixed purpose that everyone shares in life. We all made different meanings in life for ourselves once we developed and had a brain but before then why didn’t we have a meaning according to atheists? so why weren’t we all created or ‘born’ differently in life. Just doesn’t make sense to me. Question, the fact that billions of nerve cells and tissues and the system in our body is so perfectly put in place that if it was less than an inch out of place could be fatal you believe that it just perfectly put itself in place?


When I said meaning, I meant a fixed purpose that everyone shares in life. We all made different meaning sin life so why weren’t we all created or ‘born’ differently in life. Just doesn’t make sense to me. Question, the fact that billions of nerve cells and tissues and the system in our body is so perfectly put in place that if it was less than an inch out of place could be fatal you believe that it just perfectly put itself in place?
We think that it's perfectly placed because we haven't seen other animals. For example, there is animals with better vision than Human and so.

We aren't design perfect, there is a lot of errors in human beings.

If everything needs a purpose so does god? Why is it hard to believe in big bang but its easy to believe in god when both have similar concept ?



Spoilers Queen
Nice they got to free demo the akhirah, is this the latest iblees scheme to get people to feel like they are going jannah regardless of their actions in life?

Some even say they see jesus astaghfurullah
HAHA those jesus “experiences” are usually used in christian testomonies and they usually lie out of their fuuto
We think that it's perfectly placed because we haven't seen other animals. For example, there is animals with better vision than Human and so.

We aren't design perfect, there is a lot of errors in human beings.

If everything needs a purpose so does god? Why is it hard to believe in big bang but its easy to believe in god when both have similar concept ?

Not necessarily. Existence of life is just too complex for The Big Bang theory’s reasoning to why the world and everything in it exists. Something as small as a toy was created. So how can a whole universe that’s too massive for a human to comprehend come about in its own?
We think that it's perfectly placed because we haven't seen other animals. For example, there is animals with better vision than Human and so.

We aren't design perfect, there is a lot of errors in human beings.

If everything needs a purpose so does god? Why is it hard to believe in big bang but its easy to believe in god when both have similar concept ?

Not necessarily. Existence of life is just too complex for The Big Bang theory’s reasoning to why the world and everything in it exists. Something as small as a toy was created. So how can a whole universe that’s too massive for a human to comprehend come about in its own? Atheist themselves don’t have an answer to what our purpose as humans is. They only create assumptions like to learn and be curious about our nature. To an atheist, we exist to wonder WHY we exist. How can you give an answer to what our purpose is if your whole life you yourself don’t know your purpose? Most things that exist have a purpose e.g somalispot was created and its purpose is to be a platform where fellow Somalia connect and converse. Therefore why shouldn’t living things have a purpose too
Beings go back to the nothingness they came from. nothingness, such peaceful state.

never had one, but i once was dreaming and couldn't move. not sure if it was a dream or not but shit was scary.
We come from our mothers uterus , I don't think you want to go back there ...
We think that it's perfectly placed because we haven't seen other animals. For example, there is animals with better vision than Human and so.

We aren't design perfect, there is a lot of errors in human beings.

If everything needs a purpose so does god? Why is it hard to believe in big bang but its easy to believe in god when both have similar concept ?

Our design is perfect for our purpose so ur argument is a strawman, just bc so and so has better attributes than a human doesnt mean we are not perfect for our purpose, u are conflating the idea of perfection of everything with perfection of purpose. Our purpose is to worship Allah alone, and to live on this earth and be tested until we die, we’ve been given the perfect conditions to live and sleep and eat until we die and make decisions. Now true perfection can only be attributed to Allah, anything other than Allah in this sense is imperfect.
Atheism is literally just the deification of the universe and the humans self. The universe explains itself and the human decided what he wants to do, this is exactly what people in the past did, like firawn, or bilquis b4 she became muslim, etc etc..
They believed the universe was their lord, sustainer, only existence, and that humans were rhere own Gods, meaning they can do what they want, now if u read any of the Quran, these concepts completely get refuted, which is kinda the whole point of Islam, which is to establish tawhid
there is more to life then the meaningless you are talking about.

One can create a meaning for themselves, there is a whole of reasons to be alive.

Religion answers are too hard to believe, and the whole reason of a religion revolves God which is had to believe it but believe in whatever seem to be right for you :)

I think so, shit was an scary moment
If a man, is born, and is born assuming he has no purpose, then thinks, I need a purpose to live as a human, and MAKES UP A PURPOSE, then he lives his life by a fairytale.
Islam says, you were born, and this whole universe was created, with a purpose, a deeper purpose that humans were given the inate intellect and disposition to understand, we were given the ability to understand meaning and emotion, and identify truth, everything that no other creation has had on our level. Islam says the purpose always existed, but we needed to be reminded of it.
Atheists say, nothing is true, uts all random, it actually means nothing, theres no reason for existence, they speculate, and drown themselves in pleasure until they die, then realise they were being stupid.
Imagine u wake up on a train, and u dont know where u r going, and why ur even there, u see the train moving, would u not wanna knoe why u r on a train and where u r going.
Science can and never will explain conciusness bc conciusness is not a tangible thing, we were born with subjective experience that noone can see, and we were born with the desire to seek meaning, and give this world with the perrfect conditons to live in the entite universe, and our privided for our entire lives, and then we act as if there is no real purpose.
Wake up, most ppl only wake up when they die. Do it b4 u die, realise theress a reason u even exist to question ur own existence. A bunch of random particles donot care why they exist, there is obviously something much deeper than all of this.


Not necessarily. Existence of life is just too complex for The Big Bang theory’s reasoning to why the world and everything in it exists. Something as small as a toy was created. So how can a whole universe that’s too massive for a human to comprehend come about in its own? Atheist themselves don’t have an answer to what our purpose as humans is. They only create assumptions like to learn and be curious about our nature. To an atheist, we exist to wonder WHY we exist. How can you give an answer to what our purpose is if your whole life you yourself don’t know your purpose? Most things that exist have a purpose e.g somalispot was created and its purpose is to be a platform where fellow Somalia connect and converse. Therefore why shouldn’t living things have a purpose too
I like the way you think, i need you to question god existence now. you want everything for a purpose but why can't god have a reason to be here? Did he exist from the beginning? What was beginning? When was the beginning? How can a beginning start without a thing? What existed before god? So on.

you get the point, Everything needs a reason as you claimed.

"The universal origin story known as the Big Bang postulates that, 13.7 billion years ago, our universe emerged from a singularity — a point of infinite density and gravity — and that before this event, space and time did not exist (which means the Big Bang took place at no place and no time)."

An atheist point view of existing is, you won the sperm game and happened to be here. Depending on the place, time, and actions you took, your life would have been so different. The action you took the day you joined this site, changed a lot. Spending time on sites, and on


We come from our mothers uterus , I don't think you want to go back there ...
Before that we were nothing, we will surely go back to that nothingness.
Our design is perfect for our purpose so ur argument is a strawman, just bc so and so has better attributes than a human doesnt mean we are not perfect for our purpose, u are conflating the idea of perfection of everything with perfection of purpose. Our purpose is to worship Allah alone, and to live on this earth and be tested until we die, we’ve been given the perfect conditions to live and sleep and eat until we die and make decisions. Now true perfection can only be attributed to Allah, anything other than Allah in this sense is imperfect.
Atheism is literally just the deification of the universe and the humans self. The universe explains itself and the human decided what he wants to do, this is exactly what people in the past did, like firawn, or bilquis b4 she became muslim, etc etc..
They believed the universe was their lord, sustainer, only existence, and that humans were rhere own Gods, meaning they can do what they want, now if u read any of the Quran, these concepts completely get refuted, which is kinda the whole point of Islam, which is to establish tawhid
No, Human beings could have been built so much better. what a fucked purpose that is.
If a man, is born, and is born assuming he has no purpose, then thinks, I need a purpose to live as a human, and MAKES UP A PURPOSE, then he lives his life by a fairytale.
Islam says, you were born, and this whole universe was created, with a purpose, a deeper purpose that humans were given the inate intellect and disposition to understand, we were given the ability to understand meaning and emotion, and identify truth, everything that no other creation has had on our level. Islam says the purpose always existed, but we needed to be reminded of it.
Atheists say, nothing is true, uts all random, it actually means nothing, theres no reason for existence, they speculate, and drown themselves in pleasure until they die, then realise they were being stupid.
Imagine u wake up on a train, and u dont know where u r going, and why ur even there, u see the train moving, would u not wanna knoe why u r on a train and where u r going.
Science can and never will explain conciusness bc conciusness is not a tangible thing, we were born with subjective experience that noone can see, and we were born with the desire to seek meaning, and give this world with the perrfect conditons to live in the entite universe, and our privided for our entire lives, and then we act as if there is no real purpose.
Wake up, most ppl only wake up when they die. Do it b4 u die, realise theress a reason u even exist to question ur own existence. A bunch of random particles donot care why they exist, there is obviously something much deeper than all of this.
There is billions of galaxies, but you are telling me there is a god that cares so much about the beings of this little dot

Slavery, People dying from things that weren't caused by human beings, people dying out of hunger but you are telling me that god that claims to be all merciful couldn't do anything to help? isn't he all powerful? "NO thIS iS a TEsT"

If i have to be thankful to god for getting a cured, should i be thankful to god for getting that disease in the beginning?

Watch this video

I like the way you think, i need you to question god existence now. you want everything for a purpose but why can't god have a reason to be here? Did he exist from the beginning? What was beginning? When was the beginning? How can a beginning start without a thing? What existed before god? So on.

you get the point, Everything needs a reason as you claimed.

"The universal origin story known as the Big Bang postulates that, 13.7 billion years ago, our universe emerged from a singularity — a point of infinite density and gravity — and that before this event, space and time did not exist (which means the Big Bang took place at no place and no time)."

An atheist point view of existing is, you won the sperm game and happened to be here. Depending on the place, time, and actions you took, your life would have been so different. The action you took the day you joined this site, changed a lot. Spending time on sites, and on
1.Allahs existence mentioned in the Quran is الصمد this means he is the only existence upon which every other existence relies on.
He always existed.Why?
Because time is a creation of Allah, time doesnt actually exist, if Allah was subject to time, he would be limited and therefore not God, and something else that controlled time would limit God. But thats not the case.
No God would be subject to another otherwise they would not be God they would be a slave like us.
Allah never began to exist and will never end, He just exists, thats it. But everything else that exists, relies on him, as they themselves are weak, and cannot rely on themselves, if something is finite, and limited, and has no will, then they are subject to something elses power, and will.
When you say why doesnt God need a reason to be here, the real question is, why does anything need a reason. The thing is, a reason necessitates that something else created/used this thing for a purpose or reason. Since our whole universe is created, we would question why this action of creation took place and why.
But since Allah was not created, not moved or acted on, nothing has power or will over him, nor is he limited by finite things, he does not need a reason, bc if he has an external reason, then he would not be الصمد bc asamad doesnt rely on anything, whereas a reason would necessitate a specific reason for asamad to exist meaning their is something external that caused God to be God, which means their is something which has will and power over Gods existence, which would now make God “not-God” once again. So God needing a reason to exist is like saying can u have a squared circle.

You got the atheism bit wrong. What you explained is that the sperm met the egg and blah blah. Muslims believe the exact same thing, that everything in the universe happens, and causes other things, and that dictates our life.
the difference between atheism and Islam, is that atheism says all of these natural events are reliant upon themselves to exist, whereas Islam says God is the one that causes all of them in the first place.
Lets look at verse 55:5
The sun and the moon [move] by precise calculation,
An atheist would say the sun and moon move by precise calculation bc something b4 the sun and the moon like the big bang or particles caused it, and thats it.
A Muslim goes one step further, he says, the bug bang may have caused it, and the particles b4 it aswell, and there may have been other proccesses b4 that which have caused it, but ultimately, Allah was at the start of the chain of all of those events, bc if it was reliant on cause,effect, then there would be infinity events backwards, causing infinite regress, there has to be one ultimate causer, which muslims say is God. Also that all of the power in the universe is relying on the power of God to exist, bc if the finite power of the universe relied on itself, it would make 0 sense, u need an infinite power source to supply finite power, u cannot have a self reliant finite tangible universe bc it would cease to exist in the first place. But since Allah isnt limited, he doesnt need a source of power to exist, since he is the source of all power and never runs out nor is it limited, ygm?

